
Jujutsu Kaisen: Butterfly effect.

I have searched on many pages, Webnovel, Wattpad, Ao3, Fanfiction net, scribble, even some Chinese pages. but nowhere did I find a story that was the way I wanted to read. A story where Itadori, the protagonist; He be the protagonist. It's my first story, bear with me. English is my second language, for convenience I write in Spanish and translate it into English. The original image is not mine, credits to its respective creator. Edited by my friend to adapt to the novel.

Fuck_the_harems · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

Chapter 20.

'.' Thoughts of character. Example: 'Hello'

 Narrator dialogue

3rd person dialogue

[Curse Techniques]


Author's Note: This story is based on the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, which has some variations from the anime. If you find any discrepancies in the dialogues or scenarios, I invite you to research how it was in the manga. It's a story of short chapters, as I find it unnecessary to be a detailed episode (I don't know how to write long chapters).

I apologize if there are grammatical errors, I write in Spanish and translate it into English.



The impact was immediate and devastating. When Itadori, with his superhuman strength, hit Jogo, he exploded as if he had a self-destruct button built in. The force of the blow was so intense that it caused a quasi-earthquake in the surroundings, shaking the ground and making the nearby buildings tremble.

The violet fire rose many meters in the air, illuminating the night like a beacon of destruction. Jogo's body, consumed by the flames, disappeared in the explosion, leaving only a trace of ashes.

The city became silent, a marked contrast with the previous thunder. If it weren't for the heavy breathing of the winner of this fight, one might think it had all been a dream.

"Shit," Itadori cursed, kneeling on one leg, half of his face was melted. "You fought to the end," he said in a sigh, a tinge of respect in his voice.

Jogo had managed to expel fire before dying, a last effort to defeat his opponent. It didn't work, but damn, it was painful.

"Aghhhh," the pink-haired boy complained, his hand over his face as he regenerated. The healing process was slow and painful.

"Well done, Itadori," said the leader of the Zen'in clan, using his name for the first time. Until now, he had only called him boy. "You held on like a champion," he praised, his voice full of admiration.

"He beat me up," the boy replied, with an ironic smile. Despite his victory, he couldn't deny that it had been a tough battle.

Before Naobito could deny that statement, someone beat him to it.

"That's not true, brother," Chozo interrupted, making both people look at him.

"By the way, who are you again?" Itadori asked, forgetting the previous conversation.

Chozo stepped back, in pain. "I'm your older brother…" he affirmed, pointing to himself.

"I don't remember my grandfather telling me that…" Itadori murmured, not remembering that his mother had more children. Right?

"We have the same father, a man with stitches on his head," the spiky-haired man reported, passing his finger over his forehead as an example.

"My father didn't have marks on his forehead…" Itadori scratched his neck, until he remembered something, raising a finger. "But my mother did!" he exclaimed, a light of recognition in his eyes.

Chozo's face frowned in confusion, organizing his thoughts for a few seconds. "Wait, so that means-" he began, but was interrupted.

"Itadori!" A voice echoed from the heights, cutting the silence of the sky. It was a young man riding a bird of gigantic proportions, with several figures around him.

Itadori looked up, his eyes lit up and a smile drew on his face. "Finally!" he exclaimed, limping towards the place where the figures were landing. "You were late," he teased in a playful tone.

"Friend, you've been flying all over the city…", Ino replied, trying to justify his delay.

Megumi, with his face flushed with embarrassment, added: "I had no energy to summon…"

Toge, pointing in another direction, exclaimed: "Salmon!" Megumi quickly clarified: "They're coming, we didn't all fit on the bird." Some points on the horizon were approaching at high speed.

Itadori focused his gaze on those points. "Nanaminnnn!" he shouted with excitement, waving from a distance.

Ino, confused, asked: "Did he give Nanami a nickname?" Megumi only answered with a shrug.

The points, which turned out to be Maki and Nanami, quickly arrived at the place where the other sorcerers were.

"You're a rotten egg," Itadori joked, receiving a friendly blow from Maki.

"Are you okay, Yuuji?" Nanami asked, being the first to show concern. "Better than ever," the boy replied with a radiant smile.

There was a moment of silence. Maki looked around with strangeness. "Is everyone going to ignore the elephant in the room?" she asked. All the men, except Itadori, looked away, which confused Itadori even more.

"Huh?" he asked.

Maki sighed. "Fine, I'll say it."

"Itadori…", she called slowly, catching the young man's attention.

"Why are you bald and without eyebrows?" she pointed to the bald head of the boy who was no longer pink-haired. "And… why are you naked?" she pointed this time to the sorcerer's body.

Itadori did not react, a silly smile drew on his face.

"Huh?" he said belatedly, looking down. "I have it in the air!" he shouted in surprise.

Scene change.

A man, whose body was full of stitching scars, jumped from one side to another with impatience. He had been looking for someone for a long time, and his frustration was beginning to show.

"Where are you, Itadori…?" he asked aloud, his voice laden with anger and anxiety.

Tap tap

"I see you're impatient, Mahito," a voice was heard behind the curse. The voice was calm, contrasting with the tension of the moment.

Mahito turned quickly, recognizing the owner of the voice. "Oh, it's you…" he said with a smile, greeting him with the innocence of a child.

"Geto," the man with blue hair replied, confirming his identity.

Geto walked towards Mahito with slow and deliberate steps, a calm smile adorned his face. "Who are you waiting for?" asked the rebel sorcerer, although he already knew the answer.

"You know who," the curse replied, his face reflecting frustration and anxiety.

"Itadori?" Geto pronounced a name, earning a nod from Mahito.

The place became silent for a few seconds, the only sound was the feet of Mahito hitting the ground, showing his impatience.

"Dagon is dead," Geto revealed, his voice was direct and emotionless.

Mahito did not react, his face still looking forward. "Who was it?" he asked after a few seconds, his voice was calm but full of curiosity.

"I don't know for sure…" Geto began, his voice never losing that calmness. "But I suspect that Itadori Yuuji played a key role," he finished.


The constant tapping of Mahito's feet stopped when he heard that name.


Mahito hit his foot hard on the ground, creating a small crater and raising a cloud of dust. "Damn sorcerers…" he said with hatred, his teeth grinding with fury.

Geto remained motionless, his face still keeping a calm smile, as if he was enjoying an interesting show.

"Jogo has also fallen," Geto revealed, a spark of amusement shone in his eyes after saying that sentence.

Mahito turned his face towards Geto, his veins stood out on his skin and his fists were clenched in a contained rage. "Was it him?" he asked, looking directly at Geto, seeking confirmation.

The sorcerer nodded slowly, confirming Mahito's suspicions.

"Only you are left," Geto confirmed, his voice never lost the calmness. All the special curses had fallen. 'Like flies,' Geto thought with cruelty.

Mahito looked forward again, his mind full of doubts. He was no longer sure if he should wait for that sorcerer who had exorcised his companions. 'He must be tired,' he motivated himself, trying to find an advantage in the situation.

"Are you going to stay here waiting for him?" Geto asked. Mahito nodded quickly in response, his determination was evident. "Are you sure?" Geto asked with disguised amusement, noticing the tremor in Mahito's hand.

"I'll kill him," Mahito replied, his voice was full of a steel will.

"Strive," Geto urged, extending his hand to the back of the curse in a gesture that seemed to be supportive, as if he was encouraging an old friend.

Have you ever played with a vacuum cleaner?

Mahito's body began to deform, thinning until it looked like a noodle, and then it swirled into a ball that formed in Geto's hand, which was no longer empty.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you die," Geto said aloud, looking at the ball in his hand with an expression of determination.

"Is it done?" asked a voice behind Geto. It was a person of short stature and a homogeneous appearance, who seemed to be waiting for an answer.

"Yes," Geto nodded, "Let's go," he continued, starting to walk towards the exit with this person.

But their exit to the outside was blocked by a group of people who appeared suddenly.

"Oh, I didn't expect them to arrive…", he said with amusement, observing that group of people. "What bad luck they have…", Geto lamented, while the person behind him raised his hand, and ice began to form in his palm.

The ice advanced quickly towards that unfortunate group, who had the bad luck of crossing paths with the wrong people at the wrong time.

Scene change.

A black-haired girl who was running in the distance, turned her gaze to another direction.

"Is something wrong, Maki?" asked the black-haired boy who was running next to her.

The girl stopped, her face quickly changed to an expression of despair, before running hastily in another direction, towards another entrance.

"Where are you going?!" Ino shouted, watching the girl change direction and leave the group.

"Follow her," Naobito ordered, starting to run in the same direction.

"Do you know something, old man?" Itadori asked, catching up with him.

"I have an idea of what happened…", Naobito revealed, a smile of satisfaction drawn on his face.


My country is going through an unbearable heat wave, with a thermal sensation of 42° C.

Honestly, I was too lazy to write, I won't lie to you, I regret publishing this story without having at least the arc of the games written beforehand, since I write and think on the fly.

Seriously, I have no idea what the end would be.

Thank you to all the people who praised the writing, it makes me happy to know that people enjoy it, and also for the few constructive criticisms, which I value. They are only compliments, so thank you very much.

Give me power stones.