
Jujutsu Kaisen: Butterfly effect.

I have searched on many pages, Webnovel, Wattpad, Ao3, Fanfiction net, scribble, even some Chinese pages. but nowhere did I find a story that was the way I wanted to read. A story where Itadori, the protagonist; He be the protagonist. It's my first story, bear with me. English is my second language, for convenience I write in Spanish and translate it into English. The original image is not mine, credits to its respective creator. Edited by my friend to adapt to the novel.

Fuck_the_harems · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs

Chapter 17: Let's Change Things #9

'.' Thoughts of character. Example: 'Hello'

 Narrator dialogue

3rd person dialogue

[Curse Techniques]


Author's Note: This story is based on the Jujutsu Kaisen manga, which has some variations from the anime. If you find any discrepancies in the dialogues or scenarios, I invite you to research how it was in the manga. It's a story of short chapters, as I find it unnecessary to be a detailed episode (I don't know how to write long chapters).

I apologize if there are grammatical errors, I write in Spanish and translate it into English.


Dagon's Domain.


A rumble shook the island, raising a cloud of dust that hid the scene for a few seconds.

When the dust cleared, a curse shaped like an octopus was seen bleeding from several parts of its body. It got up with difficulty, while cursing silently at the human who had wounded it.

"What's wrong? Don't you feel so powerful anymore?" A woman with glasses said sarcastically, coming out from among the trees.

"Don't get cocky, you didn't do much" A older man replied, who also appeared walking calmly.

"Shut up, old drunk!" The woman snapped back, annoyed by his comment, causing a laugh from the man.

Tap tap

A sound of footsteps was heard again, approaching the curse.

'It's your fault' The octopus thought, recognizing the sound of the footsteps. 'If you hadn't saved this old man, he would be dead by now' He remembered the wound he had made in the arm of the older man.

The trees opened up, letting in the light of the artificial sun that illuminated the island. A calm voice said: "Let's finish this quickly, we have to go for Professor Gojo".

'Itadori Yuji' The octopus thought, filled with rage at seeing the teenager who had defeated him.

Itadori removed the leaves from his face, showing himself to the three present. He only wore black pants burned by the calves, his body had a strange red tone, and his fists burned in flames.

The octopus, still kneeling and holding his burned stomach, saw the teenager's eyes looking at him from above, his eyes red as fire pierced him, hurting his pride.

"It's your fault!" The curse shouted, throwing himself at the teenager, but was stopped by the older man, who appeared in front of him and touched his stomach.

"Where do you think you're going, Curse?" The older man said, paralyzing the curse with his cursed technique. The older man gave a weak kick to the octopus, sending it to the teenager, who received it with a punch wrapped in fire directly to the face, sending it flying again.

The curse flew through the forest, sweeping everything in its path, until it fell into the sea with a splash.

'I'm sorry, Mahito, Jogo…' The curse thought with sadness, remembering his friends who had died. He floated in the water, while the artificial sun burned his skin. 'I'm sorry, Hanami…'

He had no time to think more, when a hooded figure appeared over him, and gave him a kick that returned him to the island, where the woman's blow awaited him.

He tried to protect himself, but only managed to disable the arm with which he defended himself.

While he was still stunned by the impact of the woman, the old man approached him and gave him a blow that almost knocked him down, but luckily, Itadori held him with a punch in the back that threw him into the air.

'See you in 100 years, Hanami…' The curse said goodbye, seeing the artificial sun getting closer, before his vision darkened by a kick wrapped in fire that sent him back to the island, causing an earthquake that shook the whole place.

"I feel like a bully" Ino said, walking to the crater where the curse lay, followed by the other three sorcerers.

The old man snorted "If you knew how many humans he ate, you wouldn't feel sorry" He said, mocking Ino's compassion.

"Is he still alive?" Itadori asked, looking at the curse that didn't move.

"The domain is still active, so he's still alive, his will is admirable, I admit it" The old man said, contradicting himself.

Itadori nodded, walking to the hole where the curse was. "I want to try something new" The boy said, forming something blue and cold in his hand slowly.

But before he could touch the curse, something happened.

The blue sky turned black, the island disappeared, leaving only a great darkness, with a mist that flowed like a river under their feet.

 The four sorcerers went on guard. "Another enemy?" Maki asked, holding her weapon firmly.

"No…" Itadori replied slowly, turning his gaze, with a smile on his face, looking into the distance.

The other three sorcerers looked at the same place, where a sweaty Megumi was in a pose.

The biggest smile was disputed between Itadori and the old Zenin.

'A domain at 16…' The old man analyzed the situation. 'A Zenin with a domain at 16 and the ten shadows technique' He thought proudly.

The sorcerers turned their heads again when they heard a noise, seeing the motionless body of the curse, small hands began to emerge from the fog.

The octopus woke up, opening its eyes, but something was different… There was fear.

The curse tried to stand up desperately, but those hands dragged him down 'I promised to see you in 100 years!' He begged mentally the curse as he took his hands off, but when he took one off, 2 took its place.

"MAHITO!" The curse shouted as his useful arm was dragged under the fog. "JOGO!" The curse called this time, his face being taken by several hands that slowly dragged him down.

"Hanami…" The curse begged, only his face seen, his body consumed by the fog "Help…" He said for the last time, before his body sank in its entirety.

All the people who were inside Megumi's domain suddenly appeared in the subway where they had started the fight, something that seemed strange to them, since the domains were much wider and spacious inside.

"Well done, Fushiguro. You have shown great talent." Nanami praised, addressing a Megumi who was breathing heavily, exhausted by the effort.

The boy received a round of verbal congratulations from most of the present, excepting a few people, such as Naobito or Maki, who only nodded their heads towards him, acknowledging his merit.

"You're awesome, Fushiguro!" Itadori exclaimed, patting Megumi's back hard, receiving a grunt in return, due to the pain.

"I didn't do anything special, I just won the domain battle because they had already defeated him before…" Megumi said humbly, downplaying his feat. "That doesn't matter, a domain at 16 is something admirable, worthy of a special grade sorcerer." Naobito replied, giving him a strange smile.

"Salmon!" Toge contributed, giving Megumi a thumbs up, in sign of approval.

Tap Tap

Some steps echoed a short distance away, making the 7 Sorcerers who were there turn their heads quickly, alerted by the sound.

2 teenage girls were revealed after crossing the corner, a blonde and a black-haired, who wore school clothes.

'Civilians?' The sorcerers wondered, puzzled by their presence.

The girls saw them, running towards them, or rather towards one of them…

"Are you Yuuji Itadori, right?" One of the girls asked. "The vessel of Sukuna?" The other asked.

Those questions made the sorcerers present go on guard, some more excessively than others, fearing that the girls were enemies or spies.

"Who are you?" Maki demanded, with her sword at the neck of one of the girls, threatening to cut her throat.

"Don't move an inch…" Naobito said slowly, although his smile was not intimidating, his actions were, having his hand near the neck of the other girl, ready to break her neck.

"We, we were with Mr. Geto!" One of the girls confessed with fear.

"Geto?" Nanami asked, remembering with surprise the name of his old friend and colleague from the sorcery academy. "Suguro Geto?" He repeated the question, with doubt and confusion.

The girl nodded with a head movement, confirming Nanami's question with a scared expression.


You lie, Suguru Geto died a long time ago, he was defeated by the powerful Yuta Okkotsu and eliminated by Satoru Gojo…" Maki said, pressing her sword against the neck of the girl who had spoken, making a small wound.

"…I remember you very well, last year you attacked the academy along with Suguro Geto" She said with fury, remembering with resentment that name that brought her bad memories.

Itadori, puzzled, turned his head to Megumi, looking for an explanation. "Who is that?" He asked in a low voice.

"A special grade sorcerer who died last year" The black-haired explained "I think." He added after a moment of silence, showing his uncertainty.

"Master Geto did die last year…" The other girl spoke slowly, who was in Naobito's hands. "But his body…" She spoke slowly, her eyes filling with tears, rolling down her cheeks. "His body was usurped by someone else, who uses it as a puppet."

The girl looked at Itadori, with a pleading look. "Please! Finish him off!" The blonde begged between sobs, with a desperate voice. "He was the one who sealed Satoru Gojo" She added, making the boy's expression change.

"We will give you Sukuna's fingers, in exchange for you to eliminate the usurper of the master's body." She exclaimed, still begging, looking at Itadori with hope.

"Alright…" Itadori nodded, walking towards the one who seemed to be the leader among the 2, Naobito let go of the girl after receiving a look from Itadori, indicating him to let her go.

"Why does he act like that with Itadori?" Megumi asked Maki, curiously. "He saved his life in the domain." Maki revealed, with a cold voice.

Nanako, the blonde girl, now free, searched in her pockets with haste, taking out a Sukuna's finger still with seals. "When you kill the usurper, I'll tell you the location of some more, that we have hidden." The girl said, Itadori just nodded as he unwrapped the seal, releasing a great presence throughout Shibuya.

The group, now of 8 people without counting the pink-haired, watched with disgust as Itadori swallowed Sukuna's finger, with a grimace of repugnance.

"Aghhh" The teenager said, his face wrinkled as if he had eaten a lemon.

"Now, where is this usurper?" He asked, looking at Nanako. "He's in-"

But Itadori stopped listening to her, feeling a presence rushing quickly towards his direction, with a murderous intent.

He turned his head quickly, watching as a curse that he already knew crossed the same corner as the girls.

'Volcano head!'


We are close to the end of the Shibuya arc, I think in about 3 chapters the arc will end.

We are in the 95th place in the monthly top, thank you very much for your support.

I was thinking of making a patreon, since my family has economic problems and a couple of dollars would help a lot, but being my first story, the chapters are being published as soon as they are written, so I don't have advanced chapters xd.