
Jujutsu Kaisen: Animatronics and cursed’s

Well, my third FF. For those who have seen my previous synopses, you already know how horrendous they are, but here it goes: A FNAF fanatic reincarnates in jjk as an animatronic curse, and Fadbear Entertainment exists in jjk, so you'll see a crazy crossover and a guy who knows only about the first season of jjk facing this world and the urge for revenge. Well, there's the synopsis *sigh* I just wanted to say and clarify that, so you won't complain about it while you read it. The protagonist is practically a child(mentally and physically. he have 13 years) and can alternate between their human form (is like the child golden Freddy from the movie) and their animatronic form (golden Freddy).

Sans_722 · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

chapter three: Walking in Japan

A/N: Well, this chapter I believe is going to give you the most idea of where the story is heading and what happened with William Afton.

~~~Start of the chapter~~~

After a while, Lucius managed to reach a place with shops and saw in the distance a place where they sell cell phones, so he calmly headed there. Unfortunately, destiny has other plans and, as always, the police will arrive sooner or later. After all that Lucius has done and is doing, it is illegal.

'That's a police officer, why does it seem like he's chasing me?! Did they discover me?' Lucius thinks with great panic as he starts running away from the store because the policeman seems to be chasing him. 'Focus and let the energy flow to your legs' he thinks in the moment, managing to clear his mind and reinforce his legs with cursed energy.

"Stop right there!" shouts a middle-aged policeman at Lucius as he chases him down the street at full speed.

"I haven't done anything wrong, please let me go!" Lucius replies as he runs through the street with all the strength his body allows, although so far he has only managed to keep escaping thanks to the cursed energy that is reinforcing his legs. It's a bad situation for him since, due to his inexperience, his use of cursed energy is quite unstable and he has barely been able to maintain it in use.

"Kid, I don't know what's going on with you, but being out in the streets at this hour is extremely dangerous and illegal!" The police officer reproaches him, just fulfilling his duty and not wanting to cause him any harm. On the contrary, he just wants to prevent anything bad from happening to Lucius.

Lucius, who doesn't fully understand how the laws in Japan work, gets a little confused but shouts back in response, "Sir, I assure you that I am currently much safer away from authorities and have no ill intentions. So just stay away from me for your own safety!" Lucius says this because he doesn't have complete control over the animatronics, and although he can sense their intentions, he doesn't want to take any risks. (He can't explain it, but lately, he has felt a kind of connection with the animatronics.) After all, he only felt that the children were safe with them, as he has seen how they don't hesitate to kill adults but have shown an absurd level of protection towards children, despite being vengeful souls.

The police officer gets a little confused by Lucius' words, but instead of stopping or getting discouraged, he becomes even more concerned, thinking that someone might have done something bad to the child. He starts running faster, thinking 'I will thoroughly investigate his family to make sure the child is in good hands.' The police officer fears that Lucius may be in an abusive family or something like that, misinterpreting the entire situation.

Then Lucius turns into a dead end alley and as a big Spiderman fan, he decides to make a risky maneuver by jumping on the wall and then jumps to the wall on the other side of the alley, trying to reach the roof by repeating this maneuver several times. 'This is great' he thinks as the police officer remains bewildered, watching how Lucius accomplishes this feat.

But just as he was on the sixth jump, he makes a mistake by putting more cursed energy than he was using in his feet, causing him to be propelled with even greater force towards the wall. Lucius panics due to the danger of crashing and falling, so he tries to reinforce his entire body with cursed energy, which brings another result and ends up passing through the wall, entering someone's apartment.

"What the fuck?!" exclaims the police officer in great confusion and surprise, covering his face with one arm, and seeing how the boy not only jumped between walls but also just passed through a concrete wall, which should be impossible.

Taking into account what has happened, the police officer contacts the station to request reinforcements. "Uh, hello, I need reinforcements at..."

~~~Lucius POV~~~

Phew, that didn't hurt, even though it was very risky. I should have known something like this would happen, because even in the United States, something like this could have happened to me. After all, it's quite suspicious or concerning to see a child alone on the street. Then I see that I passed through and broke an entire apartment of some poor person's.

'Oh shit... I'm sorry for what I did to whoever lives here, but I have to go' I think as I see the result of my actions. It is worth mentioning that thanks to the upbringing by my parents and the life I have led, I am capable of feeling bad for breaking walls and throwing cars (even though I didn't do this), unlike most superheroes in comics. Considering the cost and the months or years it could take them to recover what was broken, if they even recover it.

Unfortunately, time is not on my side, so without further reflections, I hurry to run out of the apartment. As I leave the apartment, I see a window and a building beyond the window. This gives me an idea that I don't have time to consider how feasible it is due to the footsteps of the approaching police (it seems I have enhanced senses, another thing to confirm and see later). So, I run towards the window while reinforcing my entire body with cursed energy, focusing mostly on my legs. When I get close enough to the window, I jump with all the strength and cursed energy that I can gather.

Although it seems that I have underestimated the amount of cursed energy I possess and its power, and although I cannot gather all of my cursed energy (it takes me time to use a little cursed energy, you know? I can barely use it, and now imagine having to use it all in such a situation) and I also don't use it at its maximum potential, when I jump out the window in an attempt to reach the other building, I overshoot the building and before I can do anything, I notice that I've jumped over an entire building and I'm headed straight for the floor.

Seeing this, I panic. 'Shit, shit, shit, reinforce your body with cursed energy, reinforce, reinforce!' I think in a panic, trying to calm down a bit as I fall and fearfully observe my descent from several meters high.


A dull noise sounds due to my landing, while I look on with surprise and adrenaline as it seems that I finally came out relatively unscathed from this situation, only with sweat and pain in my legs after the fall.

Unfortunately, they were just false hopes, as while I try to catch my breath, I observe with panic and exhaustion as the alley is surrounded by multiple police officers who are ready to shoot.

"Hands up!" shouts a police officer with a stern look and sunglasses, which is stupid. Doesn't this guy realize that there isn't even much light and it's nighttime? I can't even see him properly. Oh my God, why doesn't he shave that horrendous generic mustache?

"The police nowadays are so terrifying. I'm just an innocent child, and look how they're pointing at me. I'm going to cry out of fear" I jokingly say, but deep down, I'm really scared. 'Do they know that I have something to do the murders? But it's been such a short time' I ponder.

"Shut up, monster! I've seen guys like you before, and even though a big part of the government refuses to acknowledge them, we know magicians like you who make deals with demons for more power. And unfortunately for you, we were close by," says the police officer dramatically. God, can't he see that he just looks more ridiculous? Although I have to admit, I don't think I can be faster than a bullet... and I don't have time to get my mask out of my backpack. Can't I just get a power-up or have the protagonists show up and save me? Well, I should stop thinking like that. This is the real world. Let's see, what can I do? What the hell can I do? I think to myself as I start to panic, unable to find any way to get out of this situation.

Unfortunately, the police officers didn't stand still, and two of them approached me from behind with handcuffs, because I had to deal with such extremist guys. They look at me as if I were a woman who knows how to count to 3 in the 16th century...

And I can't even continue considering what to do when one of them handcuffs me forcefully and strongly. "You should be more polite. Oh, don't tell you like it rough~" I joke, while everyone looks at me disgusted and perplexed. Although now that I notice, I have never acted so daring before. Perhaps the experiences I have lived are bringing out my true self or maybe I am simply becoming schizophrenic.

"Mock while you can, soon you'll be begging for mercy as you give us all the information about the cult you belong to" another police officer says coldly, who definitely doesn't seem like a regular police officer.

Well, they are closer. I must try unleash that strange aura surrounds me and maybe I put them in a strong hallucination to escape I think as I prepare a last effort, although using so much cursed, I feel a lot mental fatigue. Ha, haven't even been for five hours, but would kill for a bed sleep in.

'That's the policeman from earlier' I think curiously about what he's going to do. Is he with them? Or is he really a good cop? Although my doubts are cleared next instant when the policeman who chased me in the first place points his gun at another policeman.

"Y-you're not a real cop, are you?" the policeman says to the other supposed policemen who were against witches and warlocks.

"Tell me, what gave it away?" the guy with glasses says as he leans on the "police" car with a ridiculous pose, although he seems quite confident in how he looks. Could it be that he's narcissistic? Or maybe he's just as crazy as I am, who knows.

"Wait, let me guess" I interrupt while making a thoughtful face, although it's just to buy some time while I focus on my "aura" or possible leftover "mh I think I can guess it from your clown glasses or perhaps it's because of your plumber mustache~" as I say those words, the "police officers" look at me with a face of "are you serious?" And one of them seems to have understood the reference, good for the one who understood the reference, I hope that when you die you reincarnate as a leaf in a magical world with a broken ability that allows you to evolve into a dragon with divine blood, causing your cultivation level to rise to that of a cultivator of 100,000,000 years. I think I went crazy, what was I doing/thinking? Oh yes, I have to control my aura while avoiding them noticing how I'm dying in pain while experiencing hallucinations, sometimes I wish I were a masochist to enjoy life...anyway

"Enough of this shit, just kill him already" the guy with glasses says as a bullet pierces through the entire head of the police officer who wanted to help me, causing parts of his brain and blood to splatter on me. He... really died, died, he was helping me, but I hesitated, doubted, you doubted me, he retorts, but it doesn't matter anymore, I can't think anymore and I'm tired of this, this is shit. This is disgusting and terrifying, this is bad, he was good but he died, why did he die? "Hehehe" his brain is in me, can I say that I have more gray matter now? What a bad joke, well maybe if I took some time I could come up with a better one and it wasn't that bad, I'll give it a 6.4/10 "hahaha"

"Stop laughing, creepy child, or you will be next" says one of the "police officers" while interrupting my thoughts. "Was I laughing?" I genuinely ask, which seems to scare him even more. "I'm sorry,'s just that I was thinking about his death, you know? Although it's not the first death I've seen, it's still quite unexpected, don't you think? Besides, all this seems strange and unreal, it makes me wonder if it could have been me, and if I could have died in an instant without the chance to do anything" I say as coherently as possible, although it's difficult for me to even organize my words due to the chaos in my mind.

What was I doing? Oh right, I've gathered enough aura. "I don't know what's going through your head, but the moment I see a suspicious movement, you'll end up like him" says the glasses-wearing police officer, thinking he's intimidating. Does he really think he can control someone with superpowers? However young I may be, "Let me tell you, I was the best in my class and I was so advanced that I was finishing my last year of high school" I say, confusing everyone. This served me well, as while they listened to my words that didn't match the situation, I was able to spread my aura around and, like pulling the trigger of a bullet, I ignited it while everyone, including myself, fell into an abyss of nightmares and hallucinations, immediately feeling the effects of the "aura" or whatever it is. Wait... they're coming out. I hope they do the same as before... hehe.

~~~General POV~~~

"Nanami~" exclaims a cheerful voice behind Nanami, taking him by surprise, and even though Nanami starts to frown, he internally sighs.

"Satoru," he responds coldly as he turns to look at his old friend.

"I see you're still alive as ever, but why do you look so annoyed if I came as you asked?" Satoru replies, taking a candy out of his pocket and calmly eating it.

"I've been waiting for you for 20 minutes" Nanami responds with the same coldness and hardness as before.

"Mmh, maybe I lost track of time while buying candies" Satoru replies, putting a finger on his face thoughtfully.

"It doesn't matter, I need to ask you something about your battle against Afton" Nanami says, causing a cold air to fall in the room as Satoru loses his smile and becomes serious.

"Tell me what happened" Satoru says, looking at Nanami with great seriousness in his voice.

"*sigh* I saw functioning animatronics, but the worst part is that the one who seemed to be the leader was capable of speaking, and from its behavior, I would say it wasn't under any influence or control of Afton" Nanami says.

Satoru simply ponders Nanami's words for a few seconds and then says, "You think he survived, don't you?"

"It's the only explanation I can think of. After all, the only other people who could create animatronics are dead or against creating them, like Michael" Nanami says.

"It could be, but there's something I haven't told you, Nanami. The truth is, including myself, there are only a few who know about its existence, and in fact, it was the one who gave me Afton's location so I could kill him. Its name is Puppet, although I lost contact with them after I killed Afton," Satoru says seriously as Nanami listens with interest to the information.

"So you're saying it could have been the work of this so-called Puppet?" Nanami asks.

"The truth is, I'm not sure, but it's the only explanation that comes to mind. After all, I saw Afton being consumed by its suit after our battle" Satoru replies, somewhat happy that the monster suffered such a horrifying death like its victims.

"Still, I'll tell you where I last saw it so you can take a look when you can" Nanami says, as both of them reach their own conclusions. After all, anything related to William Afton and his creations always ends with the lives of hundreds of innocents, and the worst part is that he could have caused a massive genocide if it weren't for Puppet's intervention and Satoru.

~~~End of the chapter~~~

A/N: While writing I noticed that I never use direct POV in any of my FF and I tried to do it well, I hope it worked and was understood.

And if this receives support, I will publish two chapters on Sunday, or in an unlikely case, maybe three :) (If you want to give stones I appreciate it but I would prefer it to be on Sunday because then I will reach 10,000 words)

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