
Jujutsu Kaisen: Animatronics and cursed’s

Well, my third FF. For those who have seen my previous synopses, you already know how horrendous they are, but here it goes: A FNAF fanatic reincarnates in jjk as an animatronic curse, and Fadbear Entertainment exists in jjk, so you'll see a crazy crossover and a guy who knows only about the first season of jjk facing this world and the urge for revenge. Well, there's the synopsis *sigh* I just wanted to say and clarify that, so you won't complain about it while you read it. The protagonist is practically a child(mentally and physically. he have 13 years) and can alternate between their human form (is like the child golden Freddy from the movie) and their animatronic form (golden Freddy).

Sans_722 · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

chapter four: soul

A/N: I wrote this chapter today alone and considering everything I had to do, I didn't have much time, so it's shorter, but not that much, although truthfully I didn't plan on uploading a chapter today. But life is unpredictable, so enjoy it

~~~Start of the chapter~~~

A supernatural power is planted in an alley leading all individuals into endless agony and fear causing everyone to scream in pain as they fall to the ground but the most terrifying thing of all is that four dark shadows emerge from the child's body, and in a supernatural act, the shadows spread out to reveal the four animatronics who remain disturbingly still for a few seconds only for seconds later all the light vanishes from that alley in an unexplainable phenomenon.

The only thing known about that alley were the reports from the police about how they received dozens of calls from concerned and disturbed civilians about the screams and strange sounds from that alley, since when they arrived there was no trace of anyone...

~~~One hour ago~~~

In an office with dozens of giant monitors alongside a bunch of people at desks with computers and headphones, they find themselves in a little predicament... "Who was assigned to watch that pizzeria?" asks a man in a suit who appears to be the boss at first sight, with surprising calmness.

"U-Uh, Bob, sir" responds a timid voice, while keeping their head down like all their colleagues.

"Well, Bob, come here, don't be afraid" says the boss, although no one really trusts his words.

A skinny man with bags under his eyes stands up and walks towards the apparent boss, visibly afraid.

"Bob, if you were in charge of monitoring that pizzeria and its animatronics, why didn't you report that the animatronics were moving yesterday?" he says, genuinely curious as to why Bob didn't inform about this event.

"W-Well, sir, I was monitoring the exterior cameras because it's common for the cameras inside the pizzeria to malfunction despite being in perfect condition, and also, I never believed that they could teleport and... since we've never seen anything like this before" he responds as sweat drips down his forehead.

"Ah, Bob, so let me get this straight. You had a simple job for which you get paid over ten thousand dollars along with a bunch of benefits, and we even give you dual citizenship, and yet you can't fulfill the simple task of being attentive to all the cameras" says the "boss" as his voice becomes increasingly threatening with each word.

"I-I'm sorry, sir, I swear it won't happen again and I'll fix my mistake, just give me some time," Bob says with a desperate voice, realizing that his life is at great risk due to the company's terms he works for.

"Are you going to fix your mistake? You're just a mere employee who could never achieve anything in your life, and everything you have is thanks to Fazbear Entertainment's kindness. However, despite all we did for you, you managed to disappoint us, even though nobody ever expected anything from you – you still failed. You're a failure, Bob, and even though we accept people like you, you should know that mistakes have consequences, so you're fired. Security, take him to the "termination room" " the "boss" finishes saying as he adjusts his tie and watches Bob drop to his knees with a defeated look, accepting that there is nothing he can do.

Two men over two meters tall arrive and take Bob away, who sheds tears but still doesn't react or move a muscle as they take him. After all, the employees know that resisting only makes it more painful.

"*sigh* Well, how close are we to capturing the target?" the "boss" asks, changing the subject and adopting a very different attitude from before.

"The residual and cursed energy detectors have not detected anything, and according to the team that went to the house, there is no trace of the animatronics, only corpses, confirming that they are loose, although it is still unclear how they move. However, it is speculated that they are with a child, based on the evidence found in that house" one of the employees responds while images and videos of the state of the house where Lucius and the corpses were found are displayed on the screens.

"Oh, I see. I suppose the animatronics are not in frenzy mode yet, since they haven't killed any children" the "boss" comments as he calmly looks at the corpses alongside his nervous employees.

"Although there is a report from Alpha Team 04, as they seem to have found a wizard child, sir" another employee informs, piquing the "boss" interest.

The "boss" ponders his actions and the events, reaching some kind of conclusion that goes beyond the understanding of his ordinary employees.

"If he is not affiliated with any kind of influential figure in the jujutsu society, tell them to capture him immediately," the "boss" orders as he watches intently through the cameras of the "police" squad's suits."

~~~Back to the alley~~~

"What is this?!" wonders the mustached policeman as he tries to resist the pain, which he is doing quite well considering there is so much wreckage around him, although he feels like he's being consumed by it.

But unfortunately, his efforts to fight and survive are not rewarded, and he watches in fear as shadows begin to emerge from all around. However, his current situation doesn't allow him to distinguish where the shadows are or how they look.

"Damn little brat," he curses as he tries to draw his gun and aim, although the simple movement of getting his weapon out costs him almost all his strength.

"BINGO," the "policeman" thinks with a sinister smile as he manages to distinguish the body of the unconscious child, like most of his companions.

While he aims to pull the trigger, he doesn't see a bunny staring at him from behind, its eyes glowing in a disturbing red tone.


Then the gunshot rings out, but the pain and fear don't stop, making the policeman think that he missed Lucius. "Damn, how did I fail at that?" he thinks to himself as he aims again, this time using his thermal scope. But before he can pull the trigger, a blue fist smashes into his head, completely shattering his skull and exploding his brain, sending fragments flying everywhere.

And by the time the light returns, the animatronics have already gone, just like the lives of all those who were present.

At that moment, a scene similar to Lucius' rebirth unfolds, and a shadow consumes the soul of the policeman, along with all the others nearby, taking them to a place that not even Lucius is fully aware exists.


'What is this place?' The "policeman" thinks fearfully as he observes the realm of shadows and sees how his comrades are being consumed by them, as if the place itself were feeding on them.

"The d-damned child is here" the "policeman" exclaims upon seeing the same child who brought them into this situation, floating among the shadows as if they were one entity. But luckily for him, the Lucius of this place is asleep, or maybe that isn't even his "body" but the "policeman" has no way of knowing what is happening. So, he simply approaches Lucius in an desperate attempt to survive, intending to kill him with his bare hands, as he possesses none of his weapons for unknown reasons.

However, before he can get too close to Lucius, the policeman who had previously died in front of Lucius appears and strikes the fake policeman right in the face.

"What are you doing here?!" he confusedly and terror-strickenly asks, while he starts to see how the shadows slowly begin to engulf him. 'What is happening?!' he asks himself, growing more and more confused and terrified.

"Hah, even I don't understand it myself, but I have the chance for revenge, so until you die, I'll make sure you don't get near the child. You know, my last good deed," he says with a voice filled with weariness, but still feeling some satisfaction in being able to strike the one who ordered him to be killed as if it were nothing.

"Wait, this could be his trick- Aggh!" the fake policeman exclaims as he receives another blow from the policeman.

"I don't care about your speech. Just stop resisting, you damned child murderer," the policeman tells him as he continues to strike him.

"You don't understand, this child is one of the monsters who have committed genocides, and even though it may seem drastic, it is for the greater good" he shouts in a final effort to win the support of the police officer. However, the officer simply looks at him with contempt and says, "Do you think I'm stupid?" And proceeds to continue with the beatings until his soul fades away. After all, he has already understood that he has died, but he always wanted to die with meaning, which he achieves in a certain way, although not as he expected…

~~~End of the chapter~~~

A/N: Now I will prepare the chapter or chapters for Sunday. I hope you enjoyed it because I feel like I made this chapter very quickly, but I hope it is still understandable