
Jujutsu Kaisen - Light

Kagami Hikari is a 15-year-old Japanese boy born into a well-off family. However, what truly defines him is his exceptional talent as a Sorcerer. Gifted with a substantial amount of curse energy and a powerful curse technique, he managed to achieve the remarkable feat of becoming a Grade 1 Sorcerer at such a young age. Hikari's rise in the ranks drew the attention of the Jujutsu Society, especially due to his unique status as an independent Sorcerer. His only link to the Sorcerer world was his late grandfather, who passed away when Hikari was 13. Hikari's proficiency in sorcery earned him a reputation that has both positive and negative consequences. On one hand, he reaps financial rewards from successfully completing missions. On the other hand, his success stirs jealousy and resentment among Sorcerers from Noble Clan, who place high pride in their background. Nevertheless, Hikari remains relatively unfazed by the politics of the Sorcerer world, viewing his role as a part-time job to just earn extra money. However, his perspective changes when a chance encounter brings him face-to-face with an enigmatic man: "Hello young man, would you be interested to join Jujutsu High?" "Huh? G-Gojo Satoru?!" "Oh, you know me! Man I must be really famous! Well I know that though!" Gojo Satoru assumed that Hikari recognized him due to his reputation as the strongest Sorcerer of their era. After all, he was a living legend in the world of Jujutsu. However, Hikari's knowledge of Satoru stemmed from a different source: 'I heard rumor about it, but he really look like the character from Grandpa story?' Thought Hikari *Note: The MC of this story is a non isekai protagonist, but his grandfather is reincarnated person. He unfortunately died before Canon, but before he died he told the story of Jujutsu Kaisen to Hikari via a book. Unfortunately for Hikari, his grandfather screwed him over to make binding vow to never told anyone about it (Because reason).

Hobby_Writer_46 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

OC Detail

Name: Kagami Hikari

Age: 15 years old

Height: Around 170cm (Still growing)

Appearnace: Hair Blonde due to him being a quarter, his face is closer to foreigner than Japanese. According to people he look like his grandfather as young man.


Immense Cursed Energy: Despite not born from any famous clan Hikari mysteriously born with immense curse energy far more so than most people. Although pale to the like of Gojo Satoru, it is an amount that even Grade 1 Sorcerer would be jealous at . It almost on the level of Special Grade Sorcerer. He also masterful in manipulating his curse nergy to enhance himself, although he mostly only used his cursed technique to enhance himself because it more efficients.

Master of Hand to Hand Combat: Due to experience as Sorcerer he had decent fighting skill although lacking behind a pure hand to hand combatant he still better than most. He also backed this with several martial Skill.

Innate Technique: (Hikari no Sojutsu) Light Manipulation:

An innate technique capable of producing light which he can manipulate as he will. He can manipulate light to blind opponents, distort their vision, or create intricate illusions. Light can also be harnessed to conceal the user's presence, rendering them unseen by blending into their environment.


Flare Strike:

Hikari can projects a focused beam of light energy, functioning much like a laser attack. The attack's effectiveness is limited to a range of around 100 meters, beyond which its power diminishes. It pretty Energy consumption so normally not used unless fighting long ranged opponents.

Light Constuct:

Hikari can shapes light into any constructs, such as swords, lances, and barriers. These constructs possess exceptional durability, surpassing any ordinary material on the planet. However, larger constructs demand more energy, leading to quicker energy depletion.

Light of Healing:

Hikari can generate a unique light with healing properties similar to Reverse Curse Technique. It can heal injuries, regenerate lost limbs, and neutralize poisons. However healing lost limb and purifying poison take time, especially when used on others.

Reinforcement of Light:

Hikari can generates a unique light that grants him physical enhancements more efficiently than enhancing using curse energy alone. This light can also be applied to others, temporarily boosting their abilities for a short duration.

Light of purification:

Hikari can emits a unique light with purifying effects, capable of weakening or erasing cursed techniques. When cursed spirits are struck by this light, their bodies weaken, similar to being afflicted by poison. However, the technique's impact on humans is nonexistent. It also consumes a significant amount of cursed energy.

Another abilities as Sorcerer:

Simple Domain: Domain Expansion Counter Measure, which Hikari learn from his grandfather. It can defend against surehit effect of Domain. It also countermeasure to hit someonewith unique defense like Mahito and Gojo.

Shikigami: Simple Shikigami which he mainly used for Retcon, most of Shikigami he uses are looking like a small bird which he mainly use to retcon, and give extra hand in battle mainly to distract opponent.

As you can see MC pretty OP the only reason he will be losing if ever is his lack of experiences, or fighting someone who are ridiculously strong like Special Grade Sorcerers or Disaster Class Curses Spirit.

Note from Author:

As explained in summary Hikari himself is not reincarnated individual but he know about Jujutsu Kaisen world from his Grandfather who also teach him sorcery. As a child he thought his grandfather story he read are just nonsense that his grandfather made up using Jujutsu society as setting. Even when his grandfather make him do Binding Vow he just thought of it as his grandfather being embarassed by his own story.

However meeting Gojo, Yuta, Geto, and Fushiguro convinced him that it was reality. He was forced to accept this and entering the school to improve his skills, and if possible change the terrible future.

Also the reason he doesn't know about Gojo is overall similar to Kugisaki he don't know anyone who are willing to share information about Jujutsu society with him. He has no proper reltionship with any sorcerer, and his job basically just come from agent of Jujutsu Society via phone. He manage to get promoted despite that mainly due to his curse technique being so unique the higher up wanted him so badly.

Just some work I made for fun don't expect quick update

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