
Chapter One

I walked into the new flat I'd be staying in. It was empty do to the fact that I just moved in. My name is Heartha Hafele, but most people just call me Hennie. I just moved to Lincoln, California do to my parents' suggestion. I'm really upset I took that suggestion, because while telling me about this, "homey little town" they forgot to mention it was right outside out of San Francisco. Well, it may be more around three hours, but still very close.

Now here I was in an empty flat with no one except Poppyseed my fully grey American Hamster. My parents dropped me off because I had been living with them. Not fully, of course, I was staying at other houses, because Nana had just passed and I felt the need to be close with people. I miss her but I need to move on and start again and being in a new town and state would be helpful. I guess I should start unpacking all of these boxes.

I go put the boxes into there marked rooms bathroom, kitchen, closet, living room, and bedroom. I was so happy to get a walk-in closet with this flat I look at so many trying to find one that would work for me and I was surprised how few had one. The real reason I decided on this flat was, because of the bay window in the living room. "I guess I can start with unpacking in here," I said running a hand through my dirty blonde bangs. I heard squeaks of approval coming from Poppyseed's cage that I took as a sign that meant yes.

It felt like hours of unpacking, but really it was just me unpacking the living room and pulling my mattress out of my truck. Which is really hard with only one person and a hamster cheering you on. I decided to leave Poppyseed and go on the hunt for a juice bar and found one called Berry Bleadz. Let me tell you they serve one mean kale carrot juice. I said hello and was friendly to the staff, but didn't go out of my way to meet anyone, mostly because I was a sweaty mess from moving that mattress. But, I can't stop anyone from coming up to me.

A girl with brown wavy hair in an untastefully short dress came up to me. "Hello, I haven't seen you around here before what's your name?" she asked with a bright bubbly smile. "I'm Heartha Hafele, I just moved here," I said shaking my head at how forced that had sounded. "That explains that I'm a regular at Berry Bleadz so I kind of know everyone. So, I decided to introduce myself, I'm Nadia Nikolaev." I just wanted a juice was that a thing I can't do without bumping into people. "Well I have to go, so here's my number, my club is having a meeting tonight, it's for juice so you should come," she said as she scribbled an address on my arm and then left. What a weird girl.