
Judgement: In Heaven, as on Earth.

"We were so close" "We had him right there!" "Order! Order in the court!" "Let the proceedings go. Now, Omega, if I could ask, who will be leading council today?" "Gamma will be." "Now, if you fools will stop whining, I will let the speaker take over." "Fine." "I, Gamma, shall be leading proceedings of the Council of Heavenly Beings. Today's meeting topics will be over the escape of Sigma and Beta, and the apparent kidnapping of Theta." "A mockery, I say! The lord of traitors, the betrayer of heaven, the killer of God, his own father. And he escapes? We cannot let him return to the lands of Aldea and wreak havoc among the mortals." "While I agree with your words, calm down Epsilon." "I believe I am aware of his plans. He and Beta, are attempting to finish what they started." "But how? Not after He made the ultimate sacrifice, and split himself asunder." "While your shock is noted, I do believe it is true." "I think Sigma is trying to rebuild the seat of God."

swag_lord · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Judgement: Arc 1, Chapter 10 - Beauty of Life

Michael, Joseph, Lena, and Roy were walking and talking on the street, heading to the restaurant they chose. Michael said, with a half amused, half disappointed expression, said, "At least, you all weren't bored while I was out." Joseph would say, "Hey, a few noise complaints from fireworks don't mean anything if you just say no. At least, I think I heard something like that somewhere." Lena says, "I don't know what you both are talking about, but I would kill for a drink right now." Joseph was about to say something in return, but would be interrupted by someone yelling, "Hey! Wait up!" They would look behind themselves, and saw a group of 3 people running at them. The man who yelled, had brown hair, a balanced build, looked to be around 20, and had a white shirt, and white cargo pants, which had a cross-shaped pattern on them. Next to him, was a woman, about the same age, with olive skin, red hair, with a thick braid going down her shoulder, a basic, yet fit build, and had a certain aura of confidence. The other woman next to him, was around the same age as the rest, had pale skin, thick, fuzzy, jet black hair with long curtain bangs, which reached far below her eyes, which were dark blue, and seemed to shine out from the rest of her. She wore a black trench-coat, which had a small handheld phone on the collar, a gold coloring lining the ends of it, and on the back, a 7 sided star, with a scale in the middle, like ones seen in court houses. Underneath, you could see a basic black undershirt. She wore basic black pants, with gold lines falling vertically from where the lining on the coat ended.

"Do you know them?" Roy asks Michael. Michael replies, "I might know one, but not the others." The man would say, "It's me, Ken!". Joseph says, while snapping his finger in dramatic fashion, "Ah, that's who it is! You remember him from academy, right, Michael?" Michael responds, "Yeah, I do remember that. I wonder why he's here, and who those other people are." Ken, and the two people following him, finally caught up with Michael's group. "So, long time, no see, Michael!" Michael replies, "I'd say the same for you. Who are the others?" Ken says, "They're just friends. That one-" He'd be interrupted by the woman with the red hair, "I can do introductions by myself! I'm Raya, and she's Kaina!" She would have her arm around Kaina's shoulder, while Kaina herself would look unimpressed, and says, "I guess I can't introduce myself." Ken says, "So, where were you all going?" Michael says, "Well, we were going to go eat." Ken replies, "Well, we haven't eaten yet, so what if we go together?" Raya says, "Sounds like fun!" Kaina would say, "Sure." but, would glare at Ken, like he was a idiot. The rest of Michael's group, including himself, would agree to this, on varying levels of actual agreement.

They arrived at the place they were planning to eat at, and got quickly seated. Michael would ask, "So, what have you been doing, since the acadamy?" Ken replies, "I went into civilian work, as a bodyguard. What about you?" Michael responds, "Just more of the same." At the end of the table, they heard Lena yell, "Wait, what? You've trained under THE Elizabeth Redthorn?" Raya would respond, "Is she famous? I never knew!" Lena replies, "Hell yeah, she's famous! She's essentially the creator of Blood Magic, and has lived for like 1000 years!" Joseph says, "I don't get the enthusiasm, she's just some mage, big deal." Lena replies, "Big deal? You wouldn't know a big deal until it punched you in the face." She smirks, before continuing, "I shouldn't be surprised, since you didn't see my talent when you saw me." Joseph responds, "If she has the same talent as you, then I'd be even more disappointed." Raya would be on the sidelines, watching in confusion, before saying, "Well, I knew she was strong, but I didn't know that she was on the same level as the Lords or of others like Nicolas, or others." Michael and Joseph did a double take at the mention of Nicolas, but Raya shifted the topic, saying, "Did you know Nicolas actually broke out of prison?" Michael says, "Did he? When did this happen?" Raya says back, "Well, it happened about 2 days ago. They say he just ran through the walls effortlessly. Makes you think..."

Joseph would try to change the topic, saying, "So, what about you, Kaina?" Kaina looks over, and says, "Me? I don't really have anything I do." Lena says, "You have to have something you enjoy." Raya says, with a smile on her face, "She enjoys being my friend!" Kaina responds to everyone, saying, "I guess I like listening to music, but that's about it." Raya says, "You should try writing! It's a really fun hobby!" Roy asks Kaina, pointing at her phone, "Isn't that phone expensive? I looked at that model in a catalogue, and it wasn't cheap." Kaina replies, "Oh, this? It was a gift from my... friend." Roy laughs, saying, "Those are some generous friends!" Joseph turns to Ken, and asks, "What about you, do you have any new hobbies?" Ken replies, while smiling, "Me? I guess I like pets, like dogs, and I like playing arcade games!" Joseph says, "Really? I wouldn't expect that from you!" They continued to talk, as the food they ordered slowly arrived at the table. Ken would turn to Michael, and say, "Funny, most countries and people would consider us barely adults, but here they have you fighting wars." Michael replies, "Don't get on some rant, this country has flaws, but since the war, it needed more troops." Ken says, "The lesser evil, huh? Whatever side your father fought against, is right. Is that the point of view you have?" The rest of the table quietened, and Joseph would say, "Just like a old-fashioned family gathering." Michael says, "Is that what you think?" Ken says, "It is, and if you want to change my mind, you'll have to-" He is interrupted by Michael, who says, "No." Ken says, "I didn't even finish my sentence, what did you say no to?" Michael says, "It doesn't matter what I said no to, I'm not doing it. I just woke up from a very long rest after getting hit with fifteen different attacks, which could have destroyed several city blocks alone. I'm tired, and I don't want to argue anymore." Ken would go quiet, and Raya says, "How about we change topics?" They continued to talk about various topics, before the check came, and they began to leave.

Raya says, "Hey, you all have a phone, right?" Lena replies, "It's just a landline, but hopefully I can get a portable one, why?" Raya tells her, "I can give you me and Kaina's number, so we can all talk, and maybe meet up again!" Lena accepts the request, and they trade contact information. Ken says, "Sorry for all that! I hope we meet again!" and both parties make their departure. As Michael walks away, Joseph follows him, and puts his hand on his shoulder. "You did good." Joseph says. Michael replies, "I don't know what you mean?" Joseph says back, "I know you wanted to do something different back there, but you had the power to stop yourself." Michael looks forward, saying, "I just didn't want to be like my father, I know that's what he wanted me to do." Joseph responds, "I know you're not like him." They continued to move forward, before finally arriving at the barracks.