
Journey to Obscure

Hello guys, I got bored reading those reincarnation and transmigration novels, so I decided to write something new for myself and for others. Hope you like it. The first volume will is all about how Rudra(MC)got his skills. You can consider the first volume as prologue ( Biggest ever.) for the upcoming volume 2. You can directly start reading volume 2 if you are a fan of academy arc but you will miss out on the details of character of mc. Volume 2 My first day at the academy. I saw a commoner beating up a noble. A girls next to me handed me some popcorn without even looking at me. I ignored her and went straight for my class, but another group of students blocked my way. They were staring at a silhouette of a girl sleeping peacefully on one of the towers of academy building. With all my will power I ignored them. I somehow made my to the class, I went straight into a corner seat and sat down. Curiously I looked around the class to get a better view of the students who will be my classmates. Guess what, I found the same commoner and noble sitting in the same class as me. The girl who slept on one of the towers of academy was somehow present on the first bench still asleep. The popcorn girl was sitting in another corner with a bored look. I sighed and looked around to find a normal student, but my luck is worse than I thought. Every single one of my classmates had a screw loose in their head. "I wanna quit." English is not my native language, so there might( must) be some mistake, please inform me through comments. Text me on Discord if you have any advice or opinion Discord- Ether7#2296 And lastly, of course, cover page is not mine. If you want me to remove it( Which I am sure no one is interested in) I will remove it.

63 Chs


" Is the 'Arcana World' behind this door?"

I asked fully expecting the answer I had in mind.

" No."

' What? what do you mean?" That was out of nowhere.

" This is a trial set up by the Destructor for the one who receives his blessing. If you pass this trial then you will be the first one to take the first step to reach godhood but if you fail then...." The voice stopped for a second then spoke. " I won't say anymore. Go and face the 'Trial'."


I was at a loss of words. Didn't he say he will bring me to the world of Arcana? then what is this all about?

I quickly composed myself. Whining will take me nowhere, gotta focus.

A Trial huh? How difficult can it be? thinking so I opened the door.

The door didn't make any sound which made it more spookier than before. Shouldn't the door creak like those in the horror films?

Beyond the door, the whole place was pitch dark. I am seeing this colour more often after obtaining the Legacy, ain't I?

I stepped in and walked forward in the darkness.

[ The Trial of the Destructor will start within 30 seconds.]

[ The Trial consists of two phases.]

[ Phase 1 begins.]

[ Defeat 10 clones of yourself.]

Lights illuminated the whole room resembling a cube, a rough dirt ground in circular shape spread roughly around 500m radius. I looked up to find the source of light, but found nothing besides the same darkness I saw earlier. The room contained nothing more than that.

Suddenly, 10 figure appeared circling around me at some distance. They looked nothing like me, only their outline shined a bit brighter and darkness covered their whole body.

I enhanced my senses to the maximum and reached both of my hands on my back to draw out my weapon in classic God of War style.

I drew my weapon while carefully observing my clones. Suddenly one of them threw his blades binding my left leg. Before I could even do anything, one of them swung his blades right in front of my face. I raised my left hand and blocked his blade with mine. I threw the other blade at his face, but he dodged easily. I fell onto the ground as the one who bound my leg pulled the chains. In desperation, I activated my skill ' Aura of the Slaughterer' which seems to have worked as they began retreating.

My entire body was enveloped in red colour, a few strands of my hair turned red and my blades also turned crimson in colour. Not wasting anymore time, I called forth my shadow soldiers-

' Shadow summon.'


Nothing happened.

' Shadow summon.'

I called again, but nothing happened.


This is supposed to be a joke right? What the hell happened?


The sound brought me back to reality. I looked around and found that the clones were covered in the same red hue as I have.

" N..no way! What the hell?"

This time I couldn't help but scream.

I expected them to be able to copy my weapon art since they were my clones but what the hell is this now? They even have my skills. On top of that, I couldn't even summon any of my shadow soldiers.

How am I supposed to clear this trial?

Suddenly, a bright light flashed before my eyes, and the whole world turned upside down. I saw 9 of my clones at a far distance from the one in front of me whose blade was turned more of dark red colour due to my blood.

Slowly, my vision darkened, and my eyes lost the light in them.


" Huff... huff... w..what wa..s that?"

I tumbled on the dark cloud under my feet as I gasped for breath. I looked around and found myself before the same double door. The feeling of the whole world darkening, the feeling of losing all my strength, the feeling of dread, I have experianced this before.


" Did I die?"

Those words escaped my mouth unconsciously as I kept staring into nothingness.

" No, you did not. You failed to pass the Trial and were thrown out of the Trial Grounds'."

I looked towards the source of the voice and found the one who brought me here. After a momentary pause, he spoke again.

" You are unworthy."

The voice of the person was full of disappointment which shook me a little.

" From the day forth the blessing given to you by the Destructor will be locked temporarily. You will get another chance to clear the trial after two years. If you are unable to pass the trial at that time, then the blessing given to you by the Destructor will be taken back."

The person took another pause and spoke-

" You have to prove your worthiness."

Before I could even say something, the world around me started to spin.


Reedreda Galaxy.

Planet Seed.

" Ugh.."

I groaned as I opened my eyes to close them again. The light was too much for my eyes. I opened and closed my eyes repeatedly to adjust my eyes to the view in front of me.

Where am I?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

HERECTICGODcreators' thoughts