
Journey To Being A God

the god is tired of being a god, so over 1,000 people from all over the universe have been picked. only one can be the next god.

Itachi101 · アニメ·コミックス
48 Chs

yin yang

While seth and the sage path left, the ninja world was in chaos. With a man calling himself Madara appeared in all of the seven continents, Defeating all of the leaders and say there would be warn only to return says it was a joke.

"you are saying Seth killed the guy name pain?" naruto asked the man beside him. His name was Yamato, and the person that took over as the leader of team seven after Kakashi's death.

"yes... it seems like the man you once known I gone," Yamato said as he looked at naruto.

"no, I still remember that day when he used everything he got to protect me and sakura. I remember the words he said to me that day. I will not just give up on him. Seth is my friend, and I will save him, even if I die, I will bring him back... and I also made a promise to someone, and I'm not about to break that promise. I'm never giving up on my friends, so don't give me that crap." Naruto yelled as he looked at Yamato.

"Naruto." sakura, who was at the side, couldn't help but have slight tears in her eyes.

"I need to train. I will become stronger, that I promise." naruto yelled as he went sage mode, unlike in the anime where he has yellow irides and toad-like pupils.

He still had the, but now, his hair turned slightly whiter, onto of that one small horn grow in the middle of his forehead.

In this form, naruto everything has improved dramatically. Even if someone were to stab naruto with a kunai at the moment, it would nothing, and if by chance it did do something, it would heal at a speed faster than that of Tsunade speed of healing.

(She is famed as the world's strongest kunoichi and its greatest medical-nin. her speed of recovery is fast.)

"now now, how about you sit down and have a rest." a man with white hair said as he appeared on top of a tree.

"Pervy Sage? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be trying to go into a hot spring and spy one woman or something?" Naruto asked, making Sakura cover herself as she looked at the pervy sage.

The man's name is Jiraiya, known as the frog sage. But he is a pervert, so naruto calls him a pervy sage.

Jiraiya felt helpless at naruto words. When had he spied on someone? All he does is go into a hot spring and watch a few women so he could get ideas for his book. It's not spying if it's for research.

'i might have stabbed myself in the foot here.' seth thought as he looked at Naruto from afar. (he is a clone)

'once he gets the sage of six path power and then gets the nine tails power, he would win if I did not have the rulers ability... but if we were to fight, I might still win even without the ruler. I still have my Susanoo, although I still can't make a Susanoo. If we were to fight, I would unlock it.' seth as he rested his head on his palm.

'now, my real body is training with the sage. So he wouldn't have his full attention on this world, but I should wait until he gets strong enough to kill him.' seth thought as he went into a forest that had a waterfall.

He went to sit under the waterfall as he closed his eyes and Concentrated on his soul. In the next world, seth plans on taking over the body of an mc. As stupid as this sounds to try and take over someone who is an mc, seth wanted to do it when they were at their weakest.

like that he stayed like that for a whole three days.

"Seth!!" Naruto yelled as he ran towards seth. behind him were Jiraiya and some kid with slight skin

'Why did I come to a waterfall so close to them.' seth thought as he opened his eyes.

"Seth is no more. Just give up on him and go live your life," seth said coldly as he opened his eyes, showing his rinnegan. (his voice has deepened)

"that's the rinnegan, naruto stay away," Jiraiya said as he pulled Naruto away.

"so. You know of the rinnegan, I guess when I gave it to Nagato before my death, it must have been you who took him as a student," seth said slowly.

"how... You are madara. What do you want with the kid." Jiraiya said as he entered the sage mode.

"why else? You see, I was the reincarnation of Indra, the son of the sage of six paths. It's only normal after death. I would look for his reincarnation again. Naruto, although you are the reincarnation of Asura, you are weak. You are no hashirmana." seth said as he slowly got up.

Everyone was in shock at seth words and took a step back once they saw him stand up.

"Naruto, you might be of some trouble in the future. So I should kill you here and now," seth said as he suddenly appeared behind naruto workout anyone knowing.

His hands came slamming down but turned to the side at the last second, saving naruto.

"I see, so seth soul is still fighting," Seth said as he looked at his hands with a slight frown.

"But, no matter what, he will not be able to get this body back. And since I can't kill you, I will kill him," seth said as his hand suddenly straight backward, going through the chest of the light skin man who was about to stab him from the back.

"After I'm done with seth, you are next," seth said as he turned to leave.

"I will not let you." naruto said as he took on the new sage mode.

"Naruto, you can't even touch me," seth said as he looked at the giant ball of charka flying towards him.

"what?" seth said with wide eyes as he looked down. At Jiraiya, he appeared holding his foot.

The massive ball of energy hit seth, sending him flying through many trees.

"wait until I gey the handle of this body. I will then start to regain my past power. That's when you and thus village would come to an end," seth said as he got up with Difficulty as he ran away like he took a beating.

"get back here." naruto yelled as he was about to run after him but was stopped by Jiraiya.

"he is too fast. We couldn't even keep out with him when he got behind you," Jiraiya said seriously.

"then we are just going to let him run," Naruto said as he watched Seth getting farther away.

"Although I don't know much about the thunder god, I did help your father learn it. I was able to put the mark on his foot, but I will only be able to know where he is. once you are strong enough, you can go after him." Jiraiya said as he patted Naruto back, making him calm down.

"now let's send him to Tsunade," Jiraiya said as he looked at the Naruto clone that was healing the light skin.

"he is around healed up. He missed the heart... I think Seth most have helped him." naruto clone said softly

"you were able to injure madara, even though he was not at his full power. That is something to be proud of," Jiraiya said as he picked up the kid seth almost killed.

(the kid name is sai...)

'now I gave naruto another goal to work towards. On top of that, I gave him a time limit. That sage would not help me understand yan and yang, but he would help me understand yin, and maybe he would allow naruto to get both. If so, I will just take it from naruto if I can't take it from him.' seth thought as he appeared on a mountain far away looking at naruto and the others leaving.

back to the real seth.

"you have high comprehended skills, even greater than mine." the sage of six paths said as he looked at seth, who was sitting on the lotus potion.

"Now, onto the next train. Yin and yang release, I'm not able to help you with this. I can help you gain yin and yang, but combining them into one is all up to you. With it to was able to give life to the tail beast, you would be able to create life or even create things from nothingness. I wish you good luck.". the sage said as he disappeared.

seth at the moment was on top of a tall mountain, which could be seen from space. There was a small waterfall that was falling from nothingness, and a small house seth made.

" ok, it's beginning," seth said as he closed his hands.

On one hand, there was a sun, and in another a moon, it needs to combine the two into one to create yin-yang release. Right now, it was just yin and yang. They were not one.

seth closed his eyes as he sat down putting his hands together.