
Death and Reincarnation

My name is Jayce Anderson, just an ordinary teenager currently sixteen, no girlfriend, a brother, sister, mother and father in the family. I am lazy and don't like to do stuff I don't have to, I like anime, manga, webnovels and movies. I am not smart although the teachers say that's because I don't put enough effort in. They might be right although if they are talking a different language I have no idea what they are saying.

Now enough about that the reason i am thinking like this is because either this is all a dream and i'm going to wake up soon or what i think is happening is happening and i don't know whether i am lucky or unlucky for it.

So right before all that happened I was going to the shop because i don't have any cans of coke in my mini fridge. So i got the cans and going home now when all of a sudden this asshole, i call him an asshole but we still get along, from my school pushes me in the road now i don't know if he meant to put the much strength in because he had a shocked look on his but i got pushed out on the road and got hit with a truck. I don't know what happened after that but next thing i know i'm in an all white room with a lot of people surrounding me, usually i would be panicking because i don't know where i am but oddly i feel really calm.

I've been here for a few minutes but i haven't spoken to anyone because i'm a shy person. I have come up with a few theories as to what is going on. 1) We are all going to be summoned as heroes in another world. I don't really like this one as the king would probably boss the heroes around and kill the weaker ones. 2) We are in a judgement room and someone is seeing if we are going to heaven or hell. I haven't done anything bad so i don't think i would go to hell so i think its an ok option. 3) God is setting up a game for his own entertainment or he is retiring and wants someone of equal power to replace him or her. I saw this one in a fanfic before and this is the option I am hopeful for.

While I was thinking a bright light started to appear and I had to close my eyes so as not to get blinded, when the light was gone and I opened my eyes there was an oldman floating in the sky.

"Hello mortals i am what you would call a god, i am sure you have come up with a few reasons why you are here but i will tell you the reason you are here" said the god while taking a break to see the reactions on the faces of the people below him "The reason you are here is because one i'm bored and two because i want to see what a bunch of random humans can do to be the strongest and stand on the same level as me. Now what you are going to do from now on is to be the last surviving person among all of you, you will each be sent to a fictional world of your choosing from your dimension or from another, you will get a system to keep track of your stats, though i wouldn't pay much attention to it as enchantment type powers exist, a shop to buy weapons, skills, bloodline, race, food and clothes and stuff, quests if you choose to accept them, inventory, a world travel option, your system will also have a A.I or a soul attached to it among other stuff. You will also get to choose a bloodline, a race, three skills of any kind no matter how powerful, memories of a fictional character to help you fight better if you wish and a weapon that will grow alongside your soul. You better choose a world quickly though or all the good ones will be gone before you have a chance to get it. Well that's all, bye."

For a second everybody just stared where he was before they processed what he just said. I soon came back to my senses and looked at the screen that was in front of me.

[Design your system guide.]

[Name] = [ ]

[Gender] = [ ]

[Personality] = [ ]

[Race] = [same as hosts]

[Skills] = [Same as hosts]

After a little thought i changed the A.I like this:

[Design your system guide.]

[Name] = [Eve]

[Gender] = [Female]

[Personality] = [straightforwardness, warmth, encouraging]

[Race] = [same as hosts]

[Skills] = [Same as hosts]

After I was done with that, another screen popped up with a world list, because I didn't want a difficult world. I chose the [My hero Academia (1-3)] world. I don't know what the numbers are but I think it might have to do with how difficult the world is.

'Next I have to choose my bloodline and race. I like the seven deadly sins so let's go with the [demon king bloodline] from the seven deadly sins. For the race in will be a [demon] the same race as meliodas. The reason i choose this is because i can get the commandments but because i have the [demon king bloodline] i can get more than one commandment.' I smile to myself, happy with my choice.

'Now that i have chosen the bloodline and race, i am going to get the skills, since i am a demon it would be stupid not to get a commandment so i will get the [Commandment Of Love] and the [Commandment Of Truth] and [Full Counter: Full]*, i think this is a good choice.'

'Now since i am going for a meliodas to be like meliodas for now might as well get his weapon [lostvayne], and it's a pretty cool weapon as well.'

With that done i choose the memories of meliodas because just because i have his abilities doesn't mean i know how to use them properly. When all of that was done a screen popped up in front of me:

[Are You Ready To Reincarnate In The My Hero Academia World]

[Yes] [No]

When I mentally clicked [Yes] everything went dark.


I hoped you liked the first chapter i do plan to give him all the commandments eventually if you can think of the conditions and effects for the commandments of patience, purity and repose please say in the comments

*[full counter: full] is meliodas full counter and estarossa full counter put together.