
Journey: Revenge of a Lost Soul

Kael Ivo, an unsuspecting editor, is thrust into a fantasy world while on his daily commute. His journey takes a dramatic turn when he confronts a god who transports him to another world after a heated argument, erasing Kael's memory of the encounter.Determined to seek justice, Kael sets out to find and confront the god, leading him to Soale's Town, home of the warrior academy, Regalia. Alongside his companions, Kael faces challenges and battles."Journey: Revenge of a Lost Soul" is an epic saga of adventure and discovery as Kael navigates a world filled with magic, danger, and wonder. His quest for truth and justice leads him to confront powerful foes and unravel the mysteries of this fantastical realm. 10 power stones = 1 bonus chapter 20 power stones =2 bonus chapter

lit_ISV · ファンタジー
11 Chs

The Inner Journey

Kael's return to the academy was met with a mix of relief and excitement. The past few days had been challenging, but he had emerged stronger and more determined than ever. As he walked through the familiar halls of the academy, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at all that he had accomplished.He made his way to his dormitory, eager to rest and prepare for the next stage of his training. As he entered the room, he was greeted by the sight of Lana, Adelheid, and Alistair, who had been eagerly awaiting his return."Kael, you're back!" Lana exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace him. "We were starting to worry.""I'm fine, Lana," Kael reassured her, returning her embrace. "Just a few bumps and bruises, nothing serious."Adelheid and Alistair greeted him warmly as well, expressing their relief at his safe return. They spent the evening catching up, sharing stories of their recent adventures and victories.As the night wore on, Kael couldn't help but feel grateful for the friends he had made at the academy. They had become like family to him, always there to support and encourage him.As he finally settled down to rest, Kael knew that the challenges he had faced were just the beginning. But with his friends by his side, he was confident that he could overcome anything that stood in his way.

As Kael prepared for the day ahead, he couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation that filled him. The recent missions had honed his skills, but he knew there was still much to learn and even more to accomplish.After a quick breakfast, Kael headed to the training grounds. He was determined to push himself even further, to master his abilities and become a formidable force in the academy.As he practiced his swordsmanship, he focused on honing his timing and precision, remembering the lessons he had learned from his recent battles. With each strike, he felt himself growing stronger and more confident.After several hours of training, Kael decided to take a break and explore the academy grounds. He wandered through the halls, marveling at the vastness and beauty of the academy. Everywhere he looked, there were students engaged in various activities, each one striving to become the best version of themselves.As he walked, Kael's thoughts turned to his future. He knew that the tournament was fast approaching, and he was determined to make a name for himself. He wanted to prove to everyone, especially himself, that he had what it takes to be a true warrior.Lost in thought, Kael almost didn't notice the figure approaching him. It was Marcus, the merchant he had sold the monster parts to. Marcus greeted him with a smile, a twinkle of curiosity in his eyes."Kael, isn't it?" Marcus asked, extending a hand. "I heard about your recent exploits. Quite impressive, I must say."Kael shook Marcus's hand, feeling a surge of pride at the recognition. "Thank you, Marcus. It was nothing, really.""Nonsense," Marcus replied. "You've proven yourself to be a skilled hunter and a valuable asset to the academy. I have a feeling that great things are in store for you."With that, Marcus bid Kael farewell and continued on his way. Kael watched him go, feeling a sense of gratitude for the support and encouragement he had received.As the day drew to a close, Kael returned to his dormitory, feeling tired but satisfied.

The next day, Kael headed to the academy to apply for entry into its inner part. He knew that this was the next step in his training, especially to enhance his mastery over the time element. The inner region of the academy was known for its unique environment that favored the development of specific elemental affinities. Kael hoped that by training there, he could further unlock the potential of his time affinity and continue his journey towards becoming a formidable warrior.

As Kael approached the entrance to the inner part of the academy, he felt a sense of anticipation building within him. This was a significant moment in his journey, one that would mark the beginning of a new chapter in his training. The guards at the entrance recognized him and greeted him warmly, knowing of his recent exploits in hunting the Inferno Drake."Here to apply for entry into the inner part, Kael?" one of the guards asked, a friendly smile on his face."Yes, I am," Kael replied, returning the smile. "I'm ready to take my training to the next level."The guard nodded, motioning for Kael to follow him. As they walked through the entrance, Kael couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sights around him. The inner part of the academy was unlike anything he had ever seen before. The air crackled with energy, and the ground beneath his feet seemed to pulse with power.They arrived at the registration desk, where Kael filled out the necessary forms and handed them to the attendant. She glanced over them briefly before nodding in approval."Everything seems to be in order," she said. "You're all set to begin your training in the inner part of the academy."With that, she handed Kael a special badge that would grant him access to the inner region. Kael thanked her and pinned the badge to his cloak, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought of what lay ahead.

As Kael stepped into the inner part of the academy, he immediately felt the difference. The air seemed heavier, and every step he took required more effort than before. The gravitational element from the gravikon beast exerted a powerful force, pressing down on him from all sides.Despite the increased pressure, Kael remained determined. He knew that this was all part of the training process, a test of his strength and resilience. With each step, he could feel his muscles straining against the invisible force, but he pushed on, determined to prove himself worthy of mastering the time element.As he walked further into the inner part of the academy, Kael noticed other students training, their movements slow and deliberate under the influence of the gravikon beast's gravity. Some were practicing combat techniques, while others were honing their control over their respective elements.

Despite the increased pressure weighing down on him, Kael remained resolute in his focus. He understood the significance of this moment in his training—it was a pivotal step in his journey towards mastering his time element. The inner part of the academy provided the ideal environment for him to delve deeper into his understanding.Deciding to concentrate on the slowness aspect of his time element, Kael began his practice. He started by slowing down time in short, controlled bursts, each moment spent in deep concentration. With each attempt, he sought to not only grasp the mechanics of slowing time but also to internalize what it truly meant to him.Hours passed, and Kael continued his practice, his mind fully absorbed in the essence of his element. He felt a profound connection to the flow of time around him, each moment of slowed time revealing new insights into its nature.As he honed his skills, Kael reflected on the teachings of the mind adaptation stage. He understood that to progress, he needed to comprehend the first stage of his elements by relating them to his own experiences and understanding. The next stage involved manifesting this comprehension into his surroundings, a task that required a deep and personal connection to his elements.Kael knew that to advance through the mind adaptation stage, he needed to comprehend the first stage of at least two of his elements. If his understanding was weak, he would need to master two elements, but if it was strong, only one would suffice. This knowledge fueled his determination, propelling him to push himself further in his training.

Kael delved deeper into the essence of his time element, seeking a profound understanding that transcended mere mechanics. To him, the slowness aspect was not just about manipulating time; it was about control, about seizing the fleeting moments and bending them to his will.As he practiced, he began to see time not as a linear progression, but as a vast, fluid entity, ever-changing and yet constant. He realized that his ability to slow down time was not just a physical skill, but a mental one as well. It required a deep focus, a clarity of mind that allowed him to perceive the subtle nuances of time's flow.With each practice session, Kael felt himself growing more attuned to the rhythms of time. He began to sense the ebb and flow of its currents, to anticipate its movements before they happened. He learned to gauge the right moments to slow down time, to stretch out the seconds into eternities.But it wasn't just about control; it was also about perspective. As he slowed down time, Kael gained a new appreciation for the world around him. He noticed things he had never seen before—the way the sunlight filtered through the leaves, the intricate dance of a butterfly's wings, the subtle expressions that flickered across people's faces.Through his practice, Kael came to understand that time was not just a force of nature, but a part of him, an extension of his being. He realized that to truly master his time element, he needed to embrace it fully, to let it flow through him and become one with it.And so, as he continued his training, Kael sought not just to control time, but to understand it, to feel its pulse and rhythm in every fiber of his being. He knew that only then would he truly unlock the full potential of his time element.