
Journey of the Octane Render

Summoned by the will of 5th Dimensional being Noah find himself involved in the race of throne for the position of only 6th dimensional being in entire cosmos . Given the power to create his own skills , Noah creates [REALITY RENDER - The skills/talents you create will become real as long as enough people believe in it] and a System which has its own intelligence and freedom . Join Noah in his journey as he visits Archanos - a world filled with secrets and wonders beyond one's imagination and as he discovers secrets regarding himself. Note:- The story will not be rushed (medium pace) for sake of character development and starting chapters may be boring as I will be making plot bigger and interesting for novel . novel will have a fantasy build with powers and system made by protagonist . MC will be smart and cunning and i will try to give explanation if needed -The quality of chapter increases as number of chapter increases , so give it it a try till 30 chapter before coming to a conclusion!

OctaneRender · ファンタジー
38 Chs

Choosing His Race! - II

"The problem with choosing ancient race is that I don't have enough information about their power and cultivation technique" said Sophia as she herself didn't have any idea about these races

"Huh? then why suggest them?" asked Noah as he was quite confused why she suggested them .

"That's because they are that scary , they are like Primogenitor of all species in Archanos , so they have one thing that is exclusive to them" said Sophia trying arouse curiosity in Noah and her trick worked as Noah asked "So, what is it?"

"Heh , who knows , I am not in good mood today" she said with a teasing smile on her face but to Noah it seemed like a grin that should belong to a demon , not a angel! definitely not an angel!

But for someone like Noah who had already mastered the art of pissing off people and that also unconsciously he replied "Sure take your sweet time , I can pass my time by reviewing my memories of a certain someone being na*ed"

Sophia who heard his comment couldn't help but get embarrassed and her wings started twitching as so to show her emotions , she said in a stuttering tone "Say .. say that again and I will send you to .. hell!"

Noah who wanted to tease her more couldn't help but wonder how can someone as old as her can be so gullible he thought "Hmm may be it is their racial trait being pure and innocent"

"Hey , you are thinking something bad about me aren't you?" she asked with a suspicious tone , to which Noah answered "Nah! let's move this drama , So , tell me what special thing they have?"

Sophia who saw this as a swift way to change the topic answered "From my knowledge its their affinity with mythical level elements" .

Noah who heard this asked "So, let me guess elements have the same way of grading as Items and Renders"

"Yeah " Sophia affirmed his guess with a nod , he further asked "I can think for normal and rare but what about transcendental elements ?"

"Take this for example , fire can categorized as normal grade but magma or lava would be Rare but the whole story changes from transcendental they are like mixed usage of both like attributing divine magic with fire produces divine fire " she said while demonstrating an example of producing red colored fire in one hand and golden colored flames from other.

Noah who saw all this had his mouth open , he seemed like a child who found a new toy or a reader who found a good novel (^-^)

Noah after seeing all this said "But then what are mythical grade element?"

Sophia who heard his question answered "Well initially at the origin their were Eight mythical elements but due to some circumstance now only elemental Lords of Time , Space , Life , Death and Void are alive " .

"A-N-G-E-L" Noah said pressing each word hinting his anger ,as Sophia keep giving him unexplained things again and again,

"Oh , elemental lords are like being who are representation of laws , they got born so that they can interact with living being as for some reason interaction with Laws is not possible by us" explained Sophia

Understanding her statement Noah asked " Is it only limited to Mythical elements?"

"No , every element have their respective representative but they are called elementals Deity and as for mythical one they are called Lords"

"Hmm , alright got it , though your world so much freaking diverse "said Noah as he really couldn't help but wonder what more things are left to find out

"Oh , believe me you don't even know more than half of it . Their are things even I don't know " said Sophia as the world of Archanos was full of secrets and wonders.

"Though I will say this before , the reason our current generation is not able to comprehend mythical elements is due to our lack of affinity towards them but also the time it takes to master them" said Sophia and further explained "It took me who knows how many hundreds of years to master Light element to Mythical grade"

"So , greater the grade , the harder the difficulty is ?" said Noah trying to conclude her words ,

Sophia who listened his world nodded and then asked "So , which one will you choose?"

"Hmm now it is indeed a problem if I choose a normal species I will lack the mythical grade elements and if I choose some ancient species I will probably miss out being born into someone in power in the Render's Alliance or my rate at which I will grow will suffer as other competitor will out pace me this , will put me in a huge disadvantage" Noah said muttering to himself ,

[Host doesn't need to worry about the latter problem , I have a way to solve it]

Noah who was startled by the system message as he was in deep thought said "Woah , I nearly had a heart attack there but how are gonna solve the issue?"

[For you being born into someone in power I can simply us system function to make it seem like you are reward for clearing some dungeon or quest to someone in power in alliance and then I can use a little of Kronos essence to change their feelings towards you ]

"Woah is that really possible?" Noah wondered as approximately all of his problems were resolved .

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