
Journey of revenge ended at love

Sneak peek "What are you doing here?" He threw the towel on the couch and asked. She looked around in fright. "I… I just came now." She said in a nervous tone, without looking at him. "I didn't ask that." He said bluntly. She couldn't speak for a while. He made his way to her. She stepped back and tried to slip out from here but he reached her before she could do anything. Her back was against the door. "Why are you not speaking?" He leaned towards her and put his one hand on the door near her face. She closed her eyes to not see his naked body closely. She was a confident girl but now her confidence had diminished. "Are you afraid of me?" He touched her cheek with his hand. "No " she suddenly jerked his hand away. The next moment she was sticking to his bare chest. Ghazi had pulled her to him and held her firmly in his arms. "Ah…." She tried to break away from his grip but couldn't. "Leave me, Ghazi!" She shouted. "Tell me first. Why did you come here?" He asked "To …. Meet you." She replied after a pause. He looked at her face with surprise " why?" "I want to say something to you. " She made an excuse "Say!" "Umm, I…. Want to do some shopping." She said thoughtfully. "Is that all?" He raised his eyebrow. She nodded. He barely controlled himself to kiss her cute cheeks. "Why did you come into my life?" He asked helplessly. Diya looked at his face in confusion. "Let me tell you Diya! Once I fall for you, I will never let you go. Then you will see my passion for you but wouldn't stand it. So stay away from me." He whispered in her ear and left her. She remained still for some moments then ran out of the room, opening the door ..... She is a proud, young, and beautiful girl, the daughter of a police officer. She is a black belt martial artist who can even compete with men. She doesn't make boyfriends and beats up whoever tries to woo her. He is a mysterious, arrogant but rich man. The CEO of his late father's company. He is alone and has lots of enemies A revenge love story, in which one is a lover and the other is the hater. They had to stay together. Fate brought them close again and again. The revenge journey ended at love. Categories: Action, Adventure, suspense, mystery, thriller, romance, hate to love, revenge. Hi, I am Dua Fatima. Please read my novel, give your review and share it with your friends.

Dua_Fatima123 · 都市
146 Chs

93. I am not a shy girl

Just then he heard Hammad's voice from the lounge. Ghazi increased the sound.

"Ok… ok send him. I will protect him." He said as he sat on the couch.

"No problem master! I can do it. Just leave it to me." Hammad was talking to behzad. He cut the call and thought about something before calling someone else.

"Hello! Come to me after two days. You gave to get a guest " he ordered him and disconnected the call shortly after. 

" I got another audio. " Ghazi informed as qasim entered the room with two cups of coffee.

" Oh. Any scoop? " Qasim asked, sitting next to him before the laptop screen. 

" He is receiving a guest from behzad and was talking about his protection. " Ghazi told him briefly and played that audio again. Qasim listened to it carefully.

" We don't know when he will come and who he is so we have to wait at least for two days. He called someone else for the guest. Maybe we would get some more information then. " Qasim said.