
Journey of Chaos to the Martial Peak

Martial peak or any other character doesn't belong to me. Their copyright belong to their original owners.

Golden_King2004 · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Xiao sisters

The two girls rushed inside the shop to their parents and brother to check if they were alright and to make sure that nothing was wrong with them.

Only after asking and making sure that they were alright did they relax and breathe a sigh of relief.

"Oh, it's only been a few days and you guys already forgot about your big brother." After seeing them calm down Yang kai decided to tease the two girls.

Immediately, the two girls stiffened before turning around and looking at Yang kai. The moment they saw him their faces gained a trace of redness on it before going forward and greeting him at the same time.

"Good morning big brother"

Seeing the two girls the same age as him greeting him like that. He smiled broadly and said " Good morning to you too. Xian'er, Ning'er."

Xiao Yi Xian or Xian'er is a beautiful girl with velvet coloured hair. She had gentle features on her face not only that, but her presence also had warmth and comforting feeling to it making people want to stay close to her.

On the other hand, Xiao Ning'er or Ning'er is a beautiful girl with orange coloured hair. she had sharp features on her face, always maintaining a cold look on it Not only that, but the aura around her caused people to not approach her.

Both of them had a blush on their cheeks, as a result increasing their beauty even further. Both of them are wearing high heaven pavilion outer disciple uniform.

"Big brother you have changed since the last time I saw you" Xian'er asked. she is curious Afterall just a few days ago he was still quite skinny but now his frame had bulked up and no sign of his weak former self could be found.

Ning'er on the side was also curious so she didn't say anything and listened from the side with an eager expression on her face. She also wanted to know what happened to her big brother.

" You girls don't need to worry about it, it's just that I was able to find a opportunity for myself that helped me breakthrough my limits."

Hearing him, two girls were surprised and happy for him. Afterall, they knew, how much he was suffering by not being able to cultivate. They also helpless about his situation Afterall, this was the type of environment of the High Heaven Pavillion.

" Big brother how about you stay with us for dinner tonight to celebrate having a breakthrough." Xian'er said. while Ning'er behind her also nodded her head to express her approval.

Before Yang Kai could answer, the two girls already started to drag him toward their house. Yang Kai let them drag him Afterall he really did like them a lot and wanted them for himself.

While this was happening, the girl's family looked at this with a knowing smiles Afterall they were quite clear about the feelings that both the girls share for the boy. They were also satisfied with the boy, as they have known the boy for many years. So, they just looked at each other and smiled before deciding to close the shop for the day.

With Yang kai, He and the girls were walking towards their house while talking to each other over trivial things.

" Big brother what cultivation realm have you reached."

" Body tempering 7th stage"

" Wow big brother, but weren't you at 3rd stage just a couple of days ago."

" Yeah" Waiting for Yang Kai to explain himself. but they were bound to be disappointed, as Yang kai didn't explain himself. but instead asked the about their own cultivation.

"Big I am at Initial foundation 7th stage while Ning'er is at Initial foundation 9th stage." Xian'er said happily while holding one of his arms tightly.

Soon they arrived at the house and decided to wait for the rest of family to arrive. During the wait they all joked around with each other.

Yang kai really liked their company as they were his first friend after arriving in this world.

After the rest of the family arrived the mother decided to prepare dinner while the two girls decided to go and help their mother in the cooking.

While cooking the mother started to tease her daughter about finding a good son-in-law for her. The girls face turned completely red. Before bowing their head to hide their burning face.

While waiting for the food, Yang Kai started to do a small talk with father son duo to pass sometime.

Soon after, the food arrived and they settled down to eat the food. During which, Xian'er and Ning'er made him eat the food cooked by them.

He smiled, before eating and complementing them upon their cooking skills. The girls were ecstatic to hear his praise. While the rest looked at the three with a smile on their faces.

After the dinner Yang Kai bade them farewell, before walking back to his hut.

After arriving, Yang Kai didn't bother change his clothes before diving on his makeshift bed and falling asleep.