
Journey Of A Star : Pandora's Story

Entered Xion, someone who chose to enjoy the process to became either a heroes or a villain in his life where he embarks on a new path as a star. Equipped with systems, he learns to transform his desired world as he became someone who walks with determination after being given a second chance to redeem his life. Hardship one by one comes to him and the people close to him. Will he be blinded by despair or walk strong with determination is unknown, but one thing for sure, he needs help... that's when a hand was reaching him..

Aurakyria_K1 · ファンタジー
102 Chs

Sudden Meeting

Xion looked at the voice that shouted from afar while his eyes locked on the stairs that fell and about to hit the man that jumped down... since they are in front of him at a wide-angle...

The man easily regains his footing and holds back the stairs in their position. 

How can? Why... She was here...?

When the girl finds out that the man is not in a dangerous situation, she felt relieved...

Xion was looking back at her intently... And she is looking at him...

Who is this piano player? why did I feel that I've met him before... the girl thinks in her mind.

She stood and observed Xion like she is familiar yet unfamiliar feelings creeping up on her mind.

Without thinking further, she decided to approach him.

Do you still play the piano? I feel like your play is great... it brings me back memories... the girl asked... 

"What is wrong with me? why the hell i am asking if he still plays the piano not his name first...?