
Journey Of A Devourer

Deep within my memories I had a task I had to complete, that is to travel the whole Cosmo and searched for the truth.

Ishya_Chan · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Chapter 1 [The Meeting Of A Baby and A Dragon]

The sky was painted black accompanied by the little stars flickering brightly across the sky and the bright blue moon that hung up in the sky.

Inside a unknown forest that spans dozens kilometers, a figure was bath with the moonlight that came from the blue moon, clad in brown with crimson liquid or blood slowly dripping out of her. The figure whole body was covered except her flawless face that have a gentle violet eyes and flowing violet long hair.

The woman was holding a brown basket that was made out of straw. The basket was covered with blood.

"Waah! Waah!"

A soft baby cry rang out inside the basket the woman was carrying. Inside was a 3 months old baby clad with white clothes as many droplet of tears flowed out of his bright crimson eyes. The tears slowly dropped to his soft fluffy white cheeks.

"Shoosh.." The woman gently and quitely said as she gently massage the baby head that was covered a short pinky length violet hair.

The baby then calm down after the woman touched his head.

"Hehe.." The baby softly chuckle as he touched his mother warm and soft hands.

The woman smiled gently as she saw her cute son chuckle, holding her hands, but then her face turned black as her violet eyes turn cold.

"Bwaa?" The baby showed confused face as he look at his mother cold eyes.


The woman let out a long sad sighed.

'So they finally arrived..'

The woman looked at her baby again as she reached out something out of her neck. The thing the woman took was a silver necklace with a violet crystal. Written on the crystal was a word "Yu."

The woman then placed the necklace right beside her son.

"Good bye my son.." Whispered the woman as she softly kissed Yu forehead. She then gently place her son in the basket underneath a tall tree.

'I hope the prophecy is correct just like what she said..' The woman was hesitant leaving her own son in a forest full of beast.

'I've got no time...' The woman took a glance one last time time at Yu and prayed for his safety.

The woman them silently dissapeared like a ghost.

"Waah!!! Wahh!!!"

Yu let out a loud cry as he saw the woman that brought him warm leaving. Yu then continued to cry until he slowly lose his consiousness due to fatiqued.










' I smell it! A aura that is exuding a terrifying might! ' A large dragon though happily as black flame was flowing outside his mouth, he was laying on the ground leisurely inside a quiet dark cave that was located at unknown forest where the Yu was. The reason he was happy was simple, he was a battle maniac always seeking for strong opponent.

The dragon eyes was colored like blood and was slit like a snake glowed brightly in the dark.

The dragon stood out as he went outside, after he was outside the moonlight illuminated his whole feature, a sharp and tough horn that was shaped like a crown pointed behind him and his black scale with a matallic glint.

The dragon waved his thick, long tail as bright dark flame burned at the tip of his tail. The dragon stared at the distance and unfolded his large, wide wings. This dragon was called Kuro, The Devourer Dragon King.

"I should check it out and see if it can relieved me out of boredom." Kuro muttered to himself.


Kuro sent a blast of howling wind with a flap of his massive wing as he flew toward the location of the aura. Soon Kuro appeared at the location where he smelled or sense the strong aura.

' W-what? Why is there a baby here? Where is the one who release that massive aura? ' Kuro though to himself, looking at the sleeping baby in the basket that was underneath a tree far-away in the sky.

' Now that I think about it, the aura is coming from the baby direction ' Kuro though to himself, curious about this unknown baby. Kuro then landed on the ground as he fold his massive jet-black wings and then approached the baby.

"Mwahh?" Yu groggely open his eyelid, revealing his crimson eyes, he confusingly stared at the unknown being infront of him.

"..." Kuro did not pay attention to the awakened Yu and just stared at the dry blood that was on the basket, exuding a terrifying might.


' J-just a blood and it's this strong! I wonder whose this blood is.. ' Kuro though with shocked on his dragon face. Kuro then looked awakened Yu infront of him. Yu also stared at Kuro, at his slit blood-red eye.

'Does the blood belong to this baby parents?' Kuro though as he tried to identify the origin of this blood that was on the basket.

'I should just leave since the strong being is nowhere to be seen... ' Kuro though with dissapointment flashing in his face. Kuro unfolded his wing to go back to his dark abode.

"Bwaa!" Yu said with sparkling eyes as he saw wings getting unfolded.

"...." Kuro looked at baby that was staring at him with awe.

'Hmm.. What should I do to this baby?'

'Should I just kill him? Send him to a nearby human settlement?' Kuro pondered to himself what to do with this baby.

'Hmm.. I can't kill this guy do to my stupid promise to that Igneel and no settlement can be seen here..' Kuro though while he remembered his promised to his rival and brother in arms, Igneel to not kill humans.

'Oh! I got it!' A light bulb appeard on Kuro head.

'Since that Igneel adopted a son and imparted him with his magic, then I shall do it myself to! For my devouring dragon power is the strongest!' Kuro though imagining the baby infront of him, overwhelming Igneel son.

'Furthermore this baby is sure to have a great potential for maybe the blood belong to his parent' Kuro though as if he was in high.

Making up his mind, Kuro decided to adopt the baby infront of him. Kuro picked up Yu with his basket with his arm.

"Hoho.. It's seems like we are fated together having the same color as my eyes" Kuro said looking at Yu crimson eyes.

"Hehe.." Yu chuckled.

Kuro then saw a necklace with a tiny violet crystal attached to it next to Yu, he picked it up and saw a word carved in the crystal.

"Yu... I guess Yu is your name," Kuro said to Yu.

"Baba!" Yu said in baby language with bright face as if to say yes.

"Then my name is Kuro, you understood?"


"I guess that's yes.." Kuro said.

"It's time to go back my abode," Kuro said, as he flew and went toward his abode or cave.

"Gwaa! Baa!" Yu said happily as he saw he was up ground.


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