
Journey for Atonement

Sasuke finds himself trapped in a series of different worlds after excessive use of the rinnegan. AN: Sasuke will have his arm eventually restored. Sasuke x Sakura will never happen (To prevent an Uchiha that needs glasses)

DenSai · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter 2

Lancer was starting to think that training with Shishou was better than having a stare down with the King of Hell who was doing the bidding of another demonic teacher.

"So that's the gist of it."

Lancer sighed before asking "My life is crap isn't it?" Sasuke stared at him "I'm starting to think that maybe you're cursed."

Lancer grinned "I know right! Apparently I have E rank luck the lowest." Sasuke shook his head. "I'll have you stay here for a bit. You can wander around if you wish, but if you step out of the temple I'll kill you."

"Wait Cu, where can I find a servant?"

Lancer was horrible confused "Huh? Another servant for you to torture?"

A glare from the rinnegan shut him up.

"Anyways there's two ways to go about it. You either summon one, or you find one and cut off its contract and make your own. Why?"

"I wish to make a summoning contract with a servant. It'll be interesting to see if it works."

"There is still one more space for a caster remaining. Though I'd advise to hurry up you might be able to bypass the command seal requirement by using your weird purple eye."

Sasuke bit his thumb before a puff of smoke appeared.

"Hello Garuda."


Lancer was dying inside "He can easily defeat a servant, has a terrifying eye, can summon the King of Hell to do his bidding and now he can summon a giant hawk."

"Sasuke felt the soft feathers under his hand before pointing at Lancer "I want you to watch over him as he goes to grab the things I need to summon a servant. If he tries to run, notify me."

Garuda nodded "As you wish Sasuke-sama"

Lancer stared at the hawk who looked like he would become a tasty meal if he took one step out of line.


Lancer eventually came back with the materials as he looked at Sasuke with a huff. He thought "What does he think I am? A dog?" He didn't expect to have his thoughts read "No. You're simply a convenient delivery man. But when you put it like that, you do fetch quite well."

Lancer gave a horrified look at him, almost comparable to the time that he told Naruto to lay off ramen for a bit. The look of horror as if heresy. "I though of it as a joke!"

Sasuke "It won't be a joke if you don't keep your voice down."

Sasuke stared at the instructions before attempting to chant. He prepared his summoning scroll contract as he continued the stupid chant. The circle grew brighter before a Sasuke covered his eyes as a figure stood there. He had imbued a small bit of the animal path into the chant.

And the so called catalyst? Well Sasuke thought it would be a great idea to try summon a goddess. Well the only thing he could hope for was that his Amaterasu flames would be enough for a catalyst.

The black flames burned as the circle failed. Instead he soon found himself in a giant mausoleum.

"It seems you tried to summon me~ Normally I would burn you to death, but I probably couldn't either. How strange, a human with the powers on par of a god."

Sasuke gazed at the nine tails "Nine tails?" Amaterasu "Am I to assume you've seen another nine tail fox?"

Sasuke nodded "My friend is friends with the nine tailed fox." Amaterasu let out a chuckle that echoed and shook the mausoleum. "Friends? Ah. Do you know why I brought you here?"

Sasuke shook his head. "You interest me. Your eyes hold the my light of illuminance. Yet you suffer no averse effects. Something tells me that you are truly interesting. I certainly can't kill you. That left eye of yours is enough to survive against me."

"You interest me greatly and your attitude to me as well. You see this as simply another usual thing."

"How cute, and good looking too."

Sasuke dead panned and cursed himself "Tch damn Uchiha curse."

"What to do with you?"

"Hmm, how about you leave a bit of those black flames with my name on it?"

"I'll let you be on your merry way after."

Sasuke gazed at the small pot she pointed at as he sighed before his eyes morphed into the mangekyou sharingan. His eyes bled as he stared at the pot.


The black flames seared into existence as they burned continuously eating away at the very mana saturation. Sasuke watched as the large finger poked him on the head as he stared at the smirk and wavy tails before he found himself back at the temple.

"How strange, that strange presence he keeps feeling that's watching him."

Sasuke gazed around as he could still feel it. "Perhaps it is Amaterasu?"

Sasuke had no idea but somewhere he had gained the affection of the sun goddess. Perhaps it was from a long sought out interest in a human after so long. She had spared the other one because of her bravery and sheer audacity. But a human that held powers comparable to a god and could possibly survive against her without help?

Sasuke sighed and remembered that his rinnegan had already recorded the space-time coordinates for that realm or place. Though he doubt he would need to visit that place again. Sasuke in an instant slapped his own face. He glared at his hand. He could have swore that someone poked his face.

"Tch, Amaterasu again probably."

He still needed to wait for a bit longer for his visual prowess to be able to pierce through the world. He needed his rinnegan to amass enough chakra for his Amenominaka to break through this specific universe.

He covered his left eye before shooing away Lancer. He had enough, yet he couldn't even sleep peacefully without nightmares.

However soon the nightmares stopped as he calmly slept through the rest of the night.

After all, he did have the Sun Goddess watching over him in interest.