
Journal of John Edward Black

Garrett Carter received sad news about his best friend John Edward Black died due to unknown disease upon his death Garrett received package that contains a old journal belong to his dead friend it tells about his expedition to search Iram of Pillars the city that lost within desert. Garrett Carter received package from someone inside the package there was journal belong to his friend John and Stone carving idol Shape like creatures with unknown origins.

Oye_Blazing · ホラー
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Sad news

March, 12th 1926

I was having a cup of coffee while reading newspaper I never thought that I received sad news my old friend John Edward Black has died at his manor I know John for 10 years we studied at Miskatonic University at Arkham together he was very respectable individual among archeologist. He came from very respectable Black family who runs Oils and Trading he was 12th generation of Black Family lines.

John and I were best friends we never lost contact even John went to Expedition he never missed sending letter to me his Last expedition was to locate Iram of Pillars the lost city that lost in the desert. I quickly finished my coffee and went to attend his funeral at his Manor the place were bit crowded most are his Family while the rest were friends and neighbors.

After the funeral I was approached by a middle age men he asked if I was John Edward Black friend as I replied " Yes" he pass me a package and left without explanation while I examined the package.

After Dinner I quickly left the dine room and went to study room upstairs I locked the door I slowly open the package which looked bit ugly with untied ropes while the packaging paper were bit soaked.

inside the package there old box with Arabic carving around it. The box was bit old it may from early 12th century when I opened it there were only book and stone carving idol Shape of something that not from any creatures I known.

The book was actually Journal belong to my friend John the Journal tell his last expedition finding Iram of Pillars better known as Atlantis of sand. After examining the Journal I find there was inscription writing in Language which unknown to me.

Suddenly my maid called me by knocking my study room she told me there was police came to questions me about John Edward Black death.