
Chapter 1

* My grandpa, Daisuke use to tell me a story of how he and his best friends took down the greatest villains of his time, the dark-side, they were such a huge pain in their asses. Such a great story my Grandpa used to tell. But sadly, his time on this ball of rock expired. *

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A wise man once told me,"We create our own demons". Who said that? What does it mean?... Doesn't matter, i said it 'cause he said it. Now if he was famous, then that was basically just said by two well-known guys,..... Ehm. I don't, uh...

Let's track this from the beginning. It all started in Hono nõ mura, the village hidden in flames.

It was a Saturday morning, December 19,1999. Tsunade had just stepped in, she was five-foot-nine with dark brown hair which she braided. It kinda made her look like a model.God, she was so hot. I'd had a crush on her since forever.

"Hey Jordon" Tsunade said

"Hey, what's up?" I replied

"Have you seen Derek today?"



"He's by the river, yeah, he said he felt something, you know?"

"When is he gonna get back?" She asked

"Any moment now". I replied

"Hey guys" Derek walked in and paused as if trying to figure out the words to say.

Derek was muscular. He was six-foot-four. Gifted with greenish brown eyes that sometimes light up the night. Odd enough, his eyes glows in the night. But he was handsome, definitely a 9.

"Did you know that by the river, there's a secret lair called area S-16?" He continued "That place had to be a Bazillion years old.".

"Did you go in?" I asked.

"Yeah, what was innit?" Tsunade said.

"Lots of lots of scraps,... Aliens maybe." Derek paused."Yeah, there's also plenty of dark energy" he paused, again."I liked it there!".

"Tsunade and I will head over there and, ehm... You get something to eat, you look like crap.".

"Thanks for noticing" He got and continued "I feel like crap.". He finally found his way out.

I was on my way out when I noticed Tsunade's mood had changed.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Why are we doing this?" She asked.

"Because it's fun and we're still tryna find Theo and Ikkie, remember?"


"Also, it's the only time we get to spend together,... all of us, Theo, Ikkie, Derek, Ace, you and I all get to spend together"

" I guess you're right. I don't like having to spend time with those chics back at school. They irritate me, with the gum and makeup.BLAH!!"

"Yeah, right?!!"

"Whatever, just shut up and let's go!"

I almost laughed my ass out. It's been long I've had this much fun with my family, I mean my actual family. It was nice.

When we got there it was almost dark. The place was very creepy. This place had everything,- okay, not everything, but there were artifacts here that I've never heard about. There were paintings, jewelries, gold, daimonds, silver crystals. It was a pirate birthday party in here.