
JoJo x MHA: The Star

He typical person, but was forced to follow a certain life. However, one day, he dies from a truck in the suburbs. Before he died, he saved a kid from being hit by the truck, so at least he might go to heaven. The boy is in for a surprise when he instead gets reincarnated into MHA. No harems here

DryComplementary · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

USJ Incident Part 5


-(Musutafu/UA: USJ Entrance, Later)-

"Uugh…" Jotaro groaned, waking up in a daze. "What happened…?"

"He's awake guys!!" He overheard a squeal from someone familiar. "JoJo! Are you okay?!" the voice asked, kneeling near him.

Jotaro got up from the stretcher and turned to look at who was speaking. He was confused when he saw nothing there except a pair of gloves and boots. "Toru…?"

"Thank goodness you're okay!!" she said, wiping tears from her eyes.

Toru snuffled a few times, trying to compose herself. Some of Jotaro's other classmates went to go check up on him; they were amazed to see that he had awakened so quickly. Jotaro looked around and stopped when he saw a huge hole at the top of the USJ. 'I guess All Might dealt with that last villain...' he supposed.

"You're awake?!"

"Why are your wounds gone?!"

"We saw your fight with those guys! It was pretty manly!"

"Well done."

Izuku eventually went up to Jotaro and bowed his head in gratitude. "Thanks for saving us back there!! We wouldn't have made it without you!!"

"Yeah, Aizawa could've died if not for you!" Mina exclaimed.

"Aizawa…" Jotaro muttered. "He's alive?"

He smirked a little at this news; he was glad his teacher was alive, but he wasn't looking forward to what he would do to him once he healed. 'Wait… if I heal him now, maybe I won't get punished!' He got up from his stretcher to go see his teacher who was on a stretcher nearby.

"Ugh…" Aizawa moaned. "Who's there…?"

"The guy who's gonna solve all your problems," Jotaro said, placing his hand on Aizawa's forehead.

"You… I'm going to-!"

"-To nothing!" Jotaro interrupted, breathing slowly, activating his Quirk, and healing his teacher in a matter of seconds.

Once Aizawa realized he was no longer aching in pain, and his arms and legs were fixed, he got up and looked at his healer. There were two things he could do right now: punishment or praise.




Aizawa chose punishment.

"KUJO!!" he yelled, grabbing the boy by the collar. "YOU THREW ME?! ARE YOU SANE?!"


"Mr. Aizawa! Please! Have mercy!" Toru pleaded. "He might still be injured!!"

Aizawa started to calm down and put down his student, right after smacking him over the head. "Never again, brat."

"Uh-huh…" Jotaro nodded; his teacher then walked away to help with the other pro heroes. "Aw, man… I don't even wanna think of my punishment after this…"

"Serves you right, JoJo," Bakugo said. "Taking all the bosses on your own as a dick move!"

"No idea what you're talking about," He shook his head. "All I did was fight a few villains like you."



"BUT IT WAS TOO MANLY TO DENY!!" Kirishima said with several nods.

"Mhm~! It was pretty s-! Manly!! It was manly!!" Toru blushed at almost misspeaking. 'Embarrassing~!!'

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm~?" Mina hummed, appearing behind Toru - 'cat face' vibes were happening right now. "What was that~?"

"MINA!!" Toru said, waving her arms in defense of the laughing Mina.

Jotaro sighed, looking around if there was anyone else that needed his assistance. "Where's Thirteen?" he asked.

"She was taken away by medical personnel; she's with Recovery Girl in the infirmary…" Mina said, a little worried for the teacher's wellbeing.

"She'll be fine then. Recovery Girl is a good doctor-" Jotaro suddenly felt a weird sensation in his legs, slowly creeping up to his hips. "Huh." In a matter of seconds, he couldn't move at all.

"Uh... are you good?" Izuku asked.

"Uh oh," He muttered - right before collapsing forward. "Forgot about the exhaustion..."

Coincidentally, he had fallen asleep on top of Toru; Mina, of course, was going to have a field day of teasing.

"EH?!" Some of his classmates yelled. "IS HE DEAD?!"

"Battle exhaustion," Fumikage answered.

"Makes sense," Todoroki agreed with a yawn. "He fought for a prolonged period. Therefore, his stamina has depleted immensely."

"Mmuuh…" Jotaro mumbled.

"Uhm~! Guys~! Please help me~!" Toru said, flushing profusely since her crush was sleeping on her naked body. "Guys!!"

'I think healing Aizawa took a big toll on his stamina...' Izuku supposed. 'Better write that down in my hero journal!'


"I think the teachers should handle that..." Tsuyu recommended.

While the class was busy deciding how they should help Jotaro, Toru was trying her best to keep her eyes off the sleeping boy on top of her. 'He smells nice…' she remarked, stroking his hair a little.

"Toru…" Jotaro was talking in his sleep again.

"Huh?! Are you awake?!" she exclaimed.





Toru was out of commission after hearing that. Unable to do anything except faint from embarrassment; she thanked God that Mina wasn't close enough to hear this.




"White rice…"


-(Musutafu: Villain's Hideout, Late Afternoon)-

At an empty bar, a dark portal slowly swirls near some chairs. Shigaraki appeared out of it, looking beaten and defeated. "Oww..." he ached.

He falls to the floor, unable to move because his injuries are finally taking over him - blood was dripping from his arms, legs, mouth, and eyes. "Goddamn it... I was shot in both arms and legs..."

Shigaraki then remembers Jotaro and what he did to him. "And that boy..." He tried getting up but fell down again. "THAT BRAT!! BROKE MY BONES- GAHH!!"

"Calm down, young master…!" Kurogiri said calmingly.

"No!! All those underlings were wiped out, and even our Nomu were beaten; we failed..." Shigaraki moved his head to look up at a computer screen; a man in a suit was being shown, but his face… had no eyes. "Those kids were so strong, and the Symbol of Peace wasn't weakened in the slightest!"

Shigaraki punched the floor, cracking it slightly with his Quirk. "You were wrong, Master-"

"-No, I wasn't." The Master interrupted and spoke in a firm voice from behind the screen. "We just weren't as prepared as we should've been."

"I agree; we underestimated them," another voice added. "Thankfully, we failed under that cheap "League of Villains" name and not our own; what about the creatures the Master and I created? Where are the Nomus?"

"Yes, why is he not with you…?" The Master asked curiously.

"They were all blown away," Kurogiri revealed.

"What?!" The other man behind the screen was very angry that his creations were destroyed. "How?!"

"One was All Might's doing, and without coordinates to his precise location, I couldn't use my warp to bring him with us," Kurogiri explained. "We didn't have any time to search for him."

"This is a travesty! And after all, we did make him as powerful as All Might!" The man complained. "And the other two?! What about them?!"

"Dead," Shigaraki stated. "Because of one fucking child…"

"Child?" The Master questioned. "What do you mean?"

"Some kid… tall… had an extremely powerful Quirk on him," Shigaraki explained. "He could even heal his injuries with fucking breathing…"

"Oh~?" The Master was definitely interested in this boy. "Is the tall one the reason you got all those injuries?"

"Yes... that kid broke most of my bones..." Shigaraki hissed. "If only he hadn't gotten in our way, we might have killed the Symbol of Peace. It was all because of that kid... THAT BRAT!!" Shigaraki shouted, bleeding a little more from his injuries in the process. "Ugh…!"




"Naturally, you're upset… but this was not a futile mission," The Master said with an evil smile. "We've learned many things; gather the villainous elite, and take all the time you need-"

"-Wait…" Shigaraki interrupted. "There was this other kid… he stopped me from actually getting to All Might; his Quirk was a bit similar to his as well… except without the healing bits…"




"Ho ho~!" The Master's smile grew even wider. 'Looks like he found his successor now? Very good…'

"Well done, my pupil," he praised. "I would love to help you more but, sadly, I must remain hidden in the shadows, which is why I need you to be my face."

Shigaraki looked up at the screen once more.

"A symbol of your own: Tomura Shigaraki.Next time, you will show the world that it should be afraid of you."


(Musutafu/UA: Nurse's Office, Evening)

The aftermath was pretty straightforward: the villains were captured, the students were checked for injuries, the last Nomu was found and recovered, and UA security was immediately arranged by Nezu himself to be revamped completely. On a bed, Jotaro slowly opened his eyes and yawned. "Muugh... what time is it...?"

"JoJo! You're finally awake again!" Izuku said happily.

"It's the evening..." All Might replied. "Ah... I can't be sure yet, but I think I shortened my time limit again with that fight..." he sighed loudly with visible worry. "I hope I can still hold the form for an hour..."

"I'm so sorry..." Izuku apologized.

'So he has been getting weaker…' Jotaro remarked, breathing slowly, healing all his ailments before rising from the infirmary bed. 'I'm gonna need to lay off my Quirk for a bit to recover fully…'

Recovery Girl noticed and immediately went to try and put him back in bed. "Oi! You shouldn't be getting up, junior-"

"-It's okay, I promise," Jotaro then went to All Might's side of the bed, inspecting him up and down. "Now that I have seen 'this' form of yours a bit closer, I think it's safe to say that you're ''unnaturally shaped'."

"IS THAT SOME SORT OF INSULT?!" All Might exclaimed, coughing some blood. "ACK-"

"No, it's just not what you're supposed to look like, even your eye discharge is more abnormal than most people," Jotaro explained, placing a hand on All Might's wound from All For One. "Hm, what's this?"

"Ugh… a wound from a hard-fought battle-"

"-Ah… foolishness, I see."


"Stop being so loud…" Jotaro placed a hand on the wound and pressed down lightly. "By the way - take a deep breath."

All Might was confused while Izuku was bouncing in anticipation at what Jotaro was trying to do. Eventually, he gave in and complied, taking a deep breath. Jotaro followed and the healing process began. First and foremost, was All Might's stomach; it was lost completely in his battle against All For One, so it was a real doozy for Jotaro to fix completely since he never fixed an entire organ before - also it was pretty exhausting. Next was his respiratory system which was damaged beyond repair - that was a bit easier.

"Now the skin…" Jotaro muttered, feeling that his legs were about to give out. "Annnnd…"

The skin sealed and the wound was no longer there. All Might even appeared a bit more muscular than before - probably because Jotaro's Quirk makes the affected individual stronger or something. All Might took a deep breath and exhaled with a sigh; his then stomach growled for a moment. "Is this…?"

"Hunger? Yeah, you probably better go eat something if you wanna keep up the physique of yours-" Jotaro said right before falling to the ground. "AND MY LEGS GAVE OUT!!"

All Might quickly got out of the bed and grabbed him right before he hit the ground. "Goddamn it.. you people gotta stop getting injured…" he muttered.

Recovery Girl helped put Jotaro in a seat and gave him some water, which he drank very quickly. "How did you heal All Might?!" she questioned, staring right at his eyes.

"It's just my Quirk. I can heal any wounds or ailments by breathing, even increasing the damage I do to other people," he explained. "However, I need to breathe for it to actually work."




"Have you considered being in the medical field-"

"-NOPE!!" Jotaro interrupted; he did not want to talk about anything regarding careers right now. "Ah… that surgery or whatever I just did on you should keep you going for another seven hours every day."

"SEVEN-!!" All Might's abrupt reaction causes him to cough loudly. "That's incredible!"

"I suppose." Jotaro looked to his side to see Izuku appearing both shocked and relieved; he was glad the 'surgery' went okay.

The door suddenly opened, and a detective-looking man enters the room. "Excuse me." The man said, taking off his hat and placing it on his chest. "Long time no see, All Might!"

"What the hell?! I didn't know that you were investigating!!"

"Whoa, All Might!!" Izuku exclaimed, believing the man didn't know what All Might looked like until now. "Is It okay he's seeing you like this?!"

"Oh, yeah, it's fine; this guy's all right," he reassured. "Naomasa Tsukauchi, my best friend on the police force."

"Ha Ha, that's quite an introduction." Tsukauchi chuckled a little for speaking again. "Ahem, sorry to cut to the chase, but we could use any information you might have-"

"-Wait!! Before all that... tell me, are all the students okay?" All Might beseeched. "And Aizawa- er, Eraser Head, and Thirteen?"

"Well, not counting that boy," Tsukauchi gestured to Izuku. "The only student injuries were scrapes, and both teachers are in stable condition right now, so relax."

"Ah... that's good to hear." All Might sighed in relief.

"Actually, they wanted me to relay something to the both of you." Tsukauchi pointed to Jotaro and Izuku. "Two girls, to be precise."

"Eh?" Jotaro questioned curiously. "Who was it?"

"Well, they didn't want their names to be said, but, Izuku, the first, said she hopes you're alright, and Jotaro, the invi- I mean, the other girl said you were pretty cool throughout the ordeal and also hopes you're okay and she forgives you.." Tsukauchi almost slipped up on one of the names.

"OH-!! TELL HER I SAID THANK YOU!!" Izuku shouted, a little embarrassed. 'Who could've said that to me?!'

"Me too, send them our regards," Jotaro replied. 'He probably got his from Uraraka, but me? I don't know, maybe Tsuyu or someone else...'




"Hold on... 'forgive me?' And did you say invis-" Jotaro was interrupted when Tsukauchi talked again. (I refuse density)

"ANYWAY!! If you teachers hadn't risked your lives, the students would never have made it." Tsukauchi praised. "You three saved that entire class of kids today."

"I see... but... you've got one thing wrong, Tsukauchi." All Might said. "I don't think there's ever been a group of first years who experienced a real fight like this so early in their training." He continued. "They not only survived, but they also learned what it means to be a pro."

All Might stood up when he made his final statements. "Those villains made a mistake attacking them!" he declared - a fist in the air. "This class is strong; they're filled with courage and drive!!"

'I feel like there's a bias starting to formulate...' Jotaro and Izuku remarked, some sweat droplets go down their foreheads.

"Mark my words; they'll become great heroes!" All Might proclaimed. "AND I AM GOING TO MAKE SURE OF IT!!"


-(Musutafu: Random Suburbs)-

The two walked together on the way home; neither of them said a word until Izuku started talking out of nowhere.

"We had no way of knowing, but the League of Villains' attack on the USJ was just the beginning." Izuku monologued. "A bigger incident was on the horizon-"

"-What are you doing?" Jotaro asked.

"Oh! Nothing! Just talking to myself..."

"You just monologued - does that happen often…?"




"... Please don't tell anyone..."


-(Musutafu/UA: Teachers' Dorm/Aizawa's Room, Night)-

Aizawa was currently brushing his teeth - still a little sore from earlier. He went to get some prescribed eye drops but stopped for a moment when he saw something bizarre in the mirror.


Aizawa's eyes were… different; his usually half-opened and fatigued black eyes were gone. Now, he had a pair of clear and clean eyes. Suddenly, his door burst open and his best friend entered the room - Present Mic.

"HEY HEY!! I GOT SOME DRINKS!!" he said, making himself comfy on the floor. "LET'S DRINK, AIZAWA!!"

"What…" He was not expecting company. "Go back to your room, Hizashi."

"No way hosay!" Present Mic exclaimed. "We're drinking and you can't do anything about it! These'll help with the depression, too!"

"I'm not-"

"WHOA!!" Present Mic was astonished, pointing at Aizawa's face. "Your eyes are pretty healthy, dude! Have you been taking medications?!"

Aizawa looked at the mirror one more time, muttering something before exiting his bathroom to deal with his friend.

"... Weird..."


-(Tokyo: Hagakure Residence)-

Toru was taking a shower; it was a long day, and she wanted to clear her mind a little after such an ordeal. She grabbed a towel, exited the shower after covering herself, and walked toward the mirror - it is a bit foggy because she forgot to turn on the fan.

"Aw man…" she whined. "Lemme just..."

Toru grabbed a cloth and used it to wipe off the moisture in the mirror until she can have a look herself to freshen up before bed (she could only see what her outline looks like - only able to see her curvy body). However, what she saw next remarkably surprised her; it was a girl. "Huh?!"

The girl's hair was short and wavy, a light cream color with the tips of her hair reflecting light at certain angles (imagine it's like a rainbow or something); her hair was transparent enough to be classified as white. She also had big round eyes and bushy eyelashes - eyes that were turquoise blue, or more commonly categorized as 'ice.' Toru fell backward on some water and quickly hid behind the sink; she believed someone had broken into her house. She peeked up slowly to see the girl again but realized after looking at the mirror once more that the girl was gone. "Wha…?" she mouthed.

Toru poked at the mirror a few times to try and see if touching it would bring the girl back - it did not. She gave up after a few tries and only had one thing on her mind after this weird encounter.

'Who was that?!'


-(Musutafu: Kujo Residence)-

"BOY!!" Emiko yelled while holding a slipper. "YOU GET YOURSELF OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!"

'Take the wheel already, man...' He was busy praying to God; Jotaro may have all this power, but his mother was unstoppable when in a rage. "Shit... how long will it be until she-"

"Found you," Emiko said, looking over Jotaro's hiding place: behind the sofa. "I hear from UA that you put yourself in a dangerous situation..."

"How about we just wait a moment..." Jotaro began before he is interrupted by a loud crack from the wall; Emiko created a fist-sized hole in it. "... before we resort to violence..."

"You know, it's funny." She said cutely. "I want you to be a hero, yet I can't stand my son getting into dangerous situations... how strange!"




"... I invoke the right of parlay?" Jotaro asked innocently.


'Izuku's lucky he doesn't have to deal with this shit!' Jotaro would spend most of the night dodging his mother's attacks.


-(Musutafu: Midoriya Residence)-

Izuku was getting ready

"Izuku…" Inko muttered; she held a frying pan.

"Mom! Please- I just wanted to protect my friends-"


"NOOOOOO-!!" Izuku's screams echoed throughout the night.


Deleted the other chapters to adjust for Jotaro's nap session, but I trust you'll have imagination. I liked making aftermath anyway.


the final chapter for the USJ arc might be done today... WHO KNOWS?!?!?!??!

DryComplementarycreators' thoughts