
JoJo x MHA: The Star

He typical person, but was forced to follow a certain life. However, one day, he dies from a truck in the suburbs. Before he died, he saved a kid from being hit by the truck, so at least he might go to heaven. The boy is in for a surprise when he instead gets reincarnated into MHA. No harems here

DryComplementary · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

USJ Incident Part 3


-(Musutafu: USJ Entrance, Afternoon)-

"Shoji... got them?! Anything?!" Iida was getting deeply concerned, worrying for his fellow classmates. "Where is everyone?!" he asked again.

Shoji takes a minute to confirm his findings before replying. "They've been scattered across the facility, but our classmates are still here," he reassured.

There was a sigh of relief among the few of Class 1-A that weren't teleported by Kurogiri's Quirk. "What do we do?! The guy's not affected by physical attacks and can apparently teleport stuff!" Sero remarked.

Thirteen immediately takes charge and assembles a plan. "Class rep!" she called out.


"I have a job for you!" Thirteen then pointed to the entrance. "Run to the school and tell the faculty what's happening here; the alarms aren't sounding, and our phones and radios are useless right now!"

Iida was startled by this; he wanted to help but didn't want to leave his class behind. "One of these villains must be to blame. Even though Eraser Head is canceling people's Quirks left and right, we're still completely sealed off from the outside world," Thirteen explained. "Therefore, whoever is causing this interference likely hid as soon as they warped into the USJ."

"Which means-!"

"-Yes, that means they could be anywhere." Thirteen revealed. "Making them impossible to hunt down. It'll be faster for you to run and get help than for us to find whoever's jamming everything."

"Yes, but... it would be disgraceful for me to leave you all behind!" he said, suddenly feeling a shove from behind - it was Sato.

"Go, Emergency Exit!" Sato instructed. "There are many alarms outside; that's why they're keeping all of us trapped inside the USJ, right?!" he said, diverting his attention to face Kurogiri.

"As long as you can get outside, they won't follow!" Sero exclaimed, joining in on the fight. "Blow this bastard mist away with those Engine Legs!"

"Use your Quirk to save others; be a real hero!" Thirteen urged.

Iida was slowly giving in to the encouragement. "I can help you out! Just like I did when I floated you in the cafeteria! Please, class rep, do it!" Uraraka said with clenched fists.

"Yeah! Leave this to us!" Mina said, also getting ready for battle.

Iida's heart was pumping faster than before; Kurogiri had been listening to the whole conversation. "Even if this is your only option, are you foolish enough to strategize in front of your enemy?"

"It won't matter if you know what we're planning or not when I'm done with you!" Thirteen proclaimed, pointing her finger at Kurogiri; her Quirk began to suck in air.



-(Musutafu: USJ Plaza)-

At the plaza, Aizawa and Jotaro were drawing even more villains in. The fighting has been going on for a bit, and the two are beginning to feel exhausted.

"These guys just keep on coming," Jotaro muttered. "At this rate... maybe we should try focusing on the big fish?"

"No, we will hold them off for the other heroes to arrive; they should figure out that something is wrong," Aizawa affirmed, wrapping his scarf in another villain and slamming him onto the ground.

"But how many of these guys will we have to deal with before they even notice...?" Jotaro questioned.

Aizawa looked at his surroundings for a moment, realizing they were even more trapped than before; the villains he decommissioned were starting to get up again. "I don't know - that's what concerns me."


-(Musutafu: USJ Landslide Zone)-

"So the plan was to scatter us and then kill us." Todoroki deduced after freezing the rest of the villains in his zone. "You were woefully unprepared; it looks like you've had no training."

"Yeah... you fellas seem to have just sprinted at us..." Toru acknowledged. "Really stupid of you guys."

Todoroki nodded. "They haven't the slightest idea how to use their Quirks," he added.

The villains didn't like how they talked; it was practically borderline mocking. Some of them manage to speak up, even when frozen in sub-zero temperatures (it was so cold that even chattering caused discomfort).

"This power... he froze us the instant we warped here..."

"He's not a kid; he's a monster!"

"So cold..."

"Oi." Todoroki interrupted their bickering. "I'm currently wondering how they plan to kill All Might. At first, I thought they'd gathered a force of elite criminals who could simply overpower him. But that can't possibly be their master plan since most of you are low‐level thugs, just pawns."

'SO HURTFUL!!' Toru was stunned by how efficiently Todoroki roasted these villains; he didn't even have to use Half Hot Quirk.

"From what I can tell, there are only a handful of dangerous people here..." he continued. "And if that's the case, we need more information now." Todoroki turned to the villains and made an announcement to all of them. "Listen well; if you stay frozen, your cells will slowly die as your body succumbs to frostbite and hypothermia."

In reaction, the landslide villains whimper in fear. Toru had only one thing to say about his statements, 'terrifying.' "Luckily for you, I wanna be a hero, so I'd like to avoid any unnecessary cruelty, but I can only do that if you tell me how you plan to kill All Might," Todoroki said, kneeling in front of his prisoners. "That's the only way you'll survive."The villains were now undoubtedly horrified of the kid before them; he meant business.

"This guy is terrifying!"

"My whole life flashed before my eyes!"

"I think I saw the grim reaper!"

"What's going on?"

Toru taps Todoroki's shoulder a few times; she jumps a little when he makes an abrupt turn. "Could you maybe... take it down a few notches?" Toru asked as politely as she could. "You might give them heart attacks..."

Todoroki stared at her and didn't say a word - only sighing before looking back at the villains.

"Hmph - whatever you say."


-(Musutafu: USJ Plaza /Flood Zone)-

The trio that landed in the flood zone had finished off their adversaries. Currently, they were watching the fight at the plaza. "Remember, Midoriya, we're just here to see how things are going, right?!" Mineta whispered.

"Ribbit," Tsuyu nodded.

"Yeah, I know... we'll get outta here the second it seems dangerous!" Izuku replied; he muttered a sidenote afterward. "Just watch for that opening... and do what we can to lighten their load..."

On the other hand - amid the battle - Aizawa and Jotaro were starting to have trouble dealing with all the villains that they drew to their position. 'This shit is starting to get me pissed off; how long will it take before these bitches realize they can't beat us by rushing us...'

Near the fountain, Shigaraki was getting agitated that Jotaro and Aizawa were still alive. His hands began to clench in anger, and he suddenly couldn't take it anymore, witnessing his villains get thrown around so easily. "Twenty-three seconds..." he murmured, running at the two.

"So, you're the boss?" Aizawa remarked, tossing his scarf at the man.

"Huh-?!" Jotaro interjected, preoccupied with fighting three villains at the moment. "What?!"

"Twenty-four seconds..." Shigaraki kept counting; he then grabbed Aizawa's scarf. "Twenty..."

"Tch!" Aizawa said, moving past some villains to intercept their leader. Shigaraki, for some reason, continued counting. "Seventeen seconds..." he muttered, holding onto the scarf.

Once he was close enough, Aizawa yanked the scarf, pulling in Shigaraki and elbow slamming him right in the stomach.




"It was hard to see when you were jumping around, but I've found your moments when your hair drops..." Shigaraki explained; he had his hand on Aizawa's elbow. "You see... those short intervals whenever they drop means you've stopped using your Quirk."

Aizawa's elbow started to crack, bleed, and crumble as Shigaraki held his hand on it. "You have to blink more often... don't push yourself too hard, now..." he said mockingly, staring at Aizawa right in his eyes. "You might fall apart... wouldn't that be a shame-"


Suddenly, Jotaro appeared behind Shigaraki, punching his side, which threw him off of Aizawa. "AUGH!!" Shigaraki cried.

He then crouched down to check on Aizawa's wound. "Ugh...!" Aizawa groaned.

"It isn't pretty, but..." Jotaro said, grabbing the wound tightly. "It's mendable."

"Shit-! Kid, what the hell are you doing-" Aizawa immediately shut up when he started to feel an unexpected warmth rush into his wound, staring in amazement to see it had begun to regain lost skin, bone, and blood. "That's..."

"Useful? I know, but for now, we have to act quickly or-" Jotaro was about to say something but was interrupted when he sensed incoming danger from behind. "Incoming!"

"SURPRISE, YOU BRAT!!" a pair of villains got behind Jotaro; one attempted to stab his leg with a knife. "PREPARE TO DIE-" Then, as expected, Star Platinum immediately struck the knife-wielding villain and her companion. "ORA ORA!!" it shouted.

He looked to the side and saw that Shigaraki was still on the ground; this was an excellent opportunity to finish him off. "He destroyed your elbow..." Jotaro remarked.


"Ugh..." Shigaraki mumbled, slowly getting up from his failed attack. "That annoying Quirk of yours is suited perfectly for drawn‐out fights against big groups, is it? Not only that, you can heal and use that scarf to attack at long range... don't you think you're cheating here, boy?"

"Hmph." Jotaro scoffed. 'Does he think this is some kind of game?"

"Yet you, Eraser Head, are much better at working stealthily..." he resumed. "You're known for surprise attacks, not fighting head‐to‐head."

'What is he getting at...?' Jotaro wondered.

"But despite knowing that... you didn't hesitate to jump into the middle of this fight to put your students at ease, didn't you? Ah, man... just look at you... you're still standing! You really are so cool!" Shigaraki said giddily. "Oh, by the way, heroes..."

As if on queue, Jotaro and Aizawa feel that something has crept up from behind; they both glance to see what was behind them and are shocked - the three Nomus from the hallway were right behind them, awaiting their master's following orders. "I am not the final boss; they are..."

Aizawa didn't say anything, stunned at the appearance of these creatures. Jotaro, instead, took a moment to glance back at Shigaraki with a face that was a mix of anger and dissatisfaction.

"There goes my afternoon..."


-(Musutafu: USJ Enterance)-

"Ah, Black Hole, the Quirk that sucks up matter and turns it to dust; such an astounding power," Kurogiri remarked. "However, you're a rescue hero, skilled at saving people from disasters. Therefore, you have little fighting experience or battlefield awareness."

Kurogiri had opened a portal behind Thirteen, causing her Quirk to backfire and gravely injure her; she began to slump forward, about to fall onto the ground. 'He opened a warp gate...!'

Kurogiri chuckled at the sight; seeing a hero think they have the upper hand was amusing. "How unfortunate that you've turned yourself into dust."

"I'm sorry..." she said, falling to the ground. "He got me..."

With her final words, Thirteen lost consciousness and was now out cold. "THIRTEEN!!" they screamed.

"Iida, get outta here! Go! Now!" Sato ordered; their situation just got a whole lot worse.

Iida faltered for a moment - unable to move. Nevertheless, this was his burden; it motivated him to move forward with Thirteen's plan. "ENGINE!!" he shouted, moving toward the entrance.

Kurogiri noticed instantly and pursued him as a black fog. "A sheep trying to escape from the wolves? I simply can't allow that." A portal then materializes in front of Iida. "If other heroes arrive, it'll be harder for us to put an end to All Might."

'This responsibility... was entrusted to me!' Iida was about to be consumed by the portal. 'My classmates are counting on me! Everyone - I'll keep you safe!'

Fortunately, Shoji appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the portal, causing it to disappear. "Run! I've got him!" he shouted.

Iida complied and pushed forward; he was once again being followed by Kurogiri. "I'll be back in a flash!" he promised.

Kurogiri - in a rage - attempted to eliminate Iida by creating random portals around him; they failed in impeding Iida's path. "You impertinent child! You won't set foot outside those doors!"

'Everyone - just hold on!'


-(Musutafu: USJ Plaza/Flood Zone)-

"What do you think of him, you two?" Shigaraki mocked; a Nomu sat on top of Aizawa, snapping his arms loudly - the other was trying to crush Jotaro with his hand. "Hm...? They're the bioengineered, anti‐Symbols of Peace... but you can call them 'Nomus.'"

Jotaro could feel the weight of the hand trying to slam him into the ground; the pressure he felt implied that the Nomu's strength was incredible. "This power...!" he remarked.

"Say goodbye!" Shigaraki laughed, expressing his joy at the seemingly guaranteed deaths of his two biggest troublemakers of this day.

Realizing that the situation required drastic measures, and the Nomus before him could only be fought if Aizawa was far away from the battle (for safe measures), Jotaro used all of Star Platinum's strength to lift the Nomu's hand up. Shigaraki's eyes widened in disbelief; his Nomus were supposed to be on par with All Might.

"Impossible..." he said, dumbfounded by what he was seeing. "Nomu three-!"

It was too late - Jotaro had already managed to escape and turned his attention to his wounded teacher. "GET OFF HIM!!" he cried.

"OOOOOORRRIYAAHH" Star Platinum shouted, landing a powerful kick into the face of the Nomu sitting atop Aizawa; Jotaro subsequently grabbed his teacher and leaped a few feet away from the Nomus.

"Impossible!" Shigaraki yelled, furious at Jotaro's persistence. "NOMUS!!"

The Nomus immediately followed his orders and charged Jotaro directly - perfectly aligned. 'They're running next to each other in synchronicity...' he said, realizing this was an excellent opportunity to land a powerful blow.

Jotaro breathed in and out, slowly activating his Quirk for a counterattack, and then, with extreme swiftness, used his Star Platinum to punch all three Nomus in the face, liquefying their heads slightly and forcing them to fly backward toward the fountain - narrowly slamming into Shigaraki who ducked at the last second; Aizawa was still on the ground - his arms, legs, and head were bleeding profusely.

"I'm going to break every bone in your body..." Jotaro declared, glaring at Shigaraki. "And then I'm gonna heal you with my Quirk - OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!"

Shigaraki was enraged; a kid making such bold statements at him? It was unacceptable.

"It's only just begun..." he muttered. "You little shit..."


My writing feels a bit more advanced - what're your thoughts?


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