
JoJo x MHA: The Star

He typical person, but was forced to follow a certain life. However, one day, he dies from a truck in the suburbs. Before he died, he saved a kid from being hit by the truck, so at least he might go to heaven. The boy is in for a surprise when he instead gets reincarnated into MHA. No harems here

DryComplementary · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

Starting Line


-(Musutafu/U.A. Homeroom, Afterschool)-

Inside the classroom, everyone continued to discuss today's events with each other - their conversations were mainly about Izuku's and Jotaro's Quirks. It was a surprise and shock to many when Jotaro openly stated that he had a 'hybrid' Quirk (lie, he has a Quirk and Stand, two different things), allowing him to be offensive, defensive, and a support-type hero all in one. Bakugo had already left since he was still pissed off that Izuku had beaten him during the training with All Might.

Right now, Kirishima was currently having trouble trying to wrap his head around the hidden attribute of Jotaro's Quirk. "So wait- you can also warm up stuff...? How does that work?"

"It's a property that comes from my 'Healing' Quirk," said Jotaro, doing his best to try and answer their questions as simply as possible. "Once the healing process begins, and the affected's body begins to mend, bind, or whatever, there is a sudden sensation of warmth - almost like... placing one of those heated bags on your body, y'know?"

Mina appeared from behind and started to ask a follow-up question. "Where do you think that small addition to your 'Healing' Quirk comes from? Your mother?"

Jotaro turned around and shrugged. "I don't think so, my mom has healed people before, and they only felt numb throughout her procedures."

"Then it's probably something from your dad's Quirk!" concluded Sero.

Jotaro shook his head and scoffed. "Yeah, my 'dad.'"

Toru peeked her head from behind Mina, confused with Jotaro's implication. "What do you mean, JoJo...?"

"I don't know who my 'father' is or his Quirk."

"Oh..." said Sero apologetically, rubbing his head awkwardly. "Sorry for asking, man."

Jotaro waved his hand in Sero's direction. "It's fine-"

"-that's so sad~!" exclaimed Toru, a little teary-eyed.

"Do you know if he's alive?" asked Fumikage.

"He shouldn't be," said Jotaro coldly, causing some of the class to gasp. "He left my mom behind - that's something that can't be forgiven so easily."




"Oh well," began Jotaro, stretching a little. "I guess it doesn't matter as much anymore."

After the brief awkward moment, the class asked different questions for about a few more seconds before the door to the homeroom suddenly slid open; Kirishima was the first to look and saw that it was Izuku, returning from his time at the infirmary.

"Hey, it's Midoriya!" exclaimed Kirishima; he then walked over with Mina, Sato, and a few others. "Good Work!"

Izuku didn't understand what was going on, but it was pretty clear that they were expressing their astonishment at Izuku's victory against Bakugo. "Huh?!"

"Ha! Man, I don't know what you were saying during that match, but that was a wild battle!"

"I can't believe you held your own against Bakugo ‐ he's super strong!" said Sero.

Mina spoke next, shaking her hands a little. "You did a great job dodging!"

"You guys turned up in the first match, so none of us held back in our rounds, either!"

"You were far from elegant, but I suppose‐"

"-And you did a good job dodging!" Mina interrupted, bouncing in front of Aoyama.

"H-Huh?!" Izuku started to get a little flushed from all the praises he was getting.

Some of the class began giving their introductions to Izuku while Aoyama, on the other hand, kept getting interrupted. "Uhm... Er..."

"I'M MINETA!!" said the grape-head, popping out of nowhere.

Jotaro leaned back in his chair, tipping his hat in front of his eyes and staying with the more 'tame' classroom members.

"Too loud..." Fumikage muttered.

"Mhm..." Jotaro hummed.

From close by, Iida suddenly was fast-walking his way towards the two. "Tokoyami and JoJo!"

Jotaro and Fumikage shifted their gazes to see Iida doing his chopping emote as usual - this time directed at them. "Stop using that desk as a chair! Get off of it this instant!" ordered Iida to Fumikage before turning to Jotaro. "And stop leaning in the chair! You're going to break it!"

Jotaro closed his eyes and sighed tiredly. "Dude, you need to calm down; you're a little... overbearing."

"It's not that big a deal, is it?" asked Jiro.


Toru unexpectedly appeared from behind Jotaro and pointed at Iida. "You're carrying a lot of tension, too!"

Surprised, Jotaro fell out of his chair onto the floor. "Eh-?! Where'd you come from?!"

"I'm invisible, obviously! And Iida - your hands are doing that thing again!"

Iida, in reaction, tipped his head slightly downward. "You people..." he muttered. "No one understands that I cannot condone actions that disrespect these desks!" he began mechanically moving his arm in a chopping manner; his glasses were glaring. "Not when great men and women, our upperclassmen, once used them!"




"You're too loud..."

"JOJO!!" Iida began chasing Jotaro around the class comically; it was another one of 'those' moments Star Platinum didn't interfere. "COME HERE!!"

"No, thanks," said Jotaro, dodging every one of Iida's attempted grapples.

'Ha... Iida never relaxes, does he...?' commented Izuku.

Meanwhile, another classroom door opened - Uraraka and Kaminari; they seemed to be carrying some books. "Hey, Uraraka, wanna grab a bite to eat sometime? What kinda stuff do you like?

"Hmm~ Anything sweet, I guess, like Mochi--" said Uraraka, before noticing that Izuku was back with a right arm cast; she immediately left Kaminari behind. "Wait, Deku didn't she heal your injuries?! Is your arm okay?!"

"Oh, uh, I'm not sure...!" said Izuku, blushing a little. "I think it's because of my stamina, but I'm still worn out, so..."

Izuku then looked around the classroom for Bakugo, noticing that he was not around and his seat was empty. "Um, Uraraka, more importantly-"

"Oi, Izuku." interrupted Jotaro, appearing behind Izuku after escaping from Iida.

"HOW DID YOU GET OVER THERE?!" shouted Iida from across the class. "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!"

"Huh-?" Jotaro breathed quickly, not allowing Izuku to finish his sentence, when he abruptly smacked his arm, causing it to heal completely. "What's going on with my arm, JoJo?!"

"I fixed it, obviously," said Jotaro, walking away from his classmates, who were jaw-dropped from witnessing Jotaro's healing personally and how he got behind Jotaro without none of them noticing. "Your welcome, by the way," he said with a half wave, leaving to go home.

'SO COOL!!' was all the class could think at that moment.

Izuku didn't know what to say but knew to instinctively bow his head in gratitude. "Uhm, thank you!" said Izuku; he then remembered he had something to ask Uraraka. "Um... Uraraka? Where's Kacchan?"

"Oh, you just missed him!" exclaimed Uraraka. "We all tried to stop him, but he went home just now without saying anything."

Izuku, immediately after hearing this, left the classroom after Bakugo; he had something to say to him.


-(Musutafu/U.A. Enterance, Afterschool)-

Jotaro was now outside the school, watching Bakugo walk home alone. Suddenly, Izuku was beside him, calling out to the sulking blond. "KACCHAN!!"

Bakugo stopped when he heard his name being called. "Kacchan!" He turned around to see Izuku stopping before him, catching his breath.

"Eh? What?" said Bakugo, looking back at his 'friend.'

'What is that boy up to...?' thought Jotaro, placing his hands in his pockets. 'Whatever, I just wanna go home.'

Izuku takes a deep breath, looking at the ground before looking back at Bakugo. "I haven't told anyone this secret - not even my mom."

Jotaro stopped moving and realized what Izuku was about to do. 'Oh my god... he wouldn't-'

"I have to tell you something!" stated Izuku. "Maybe then, you'll understand what's been going on...!"


'You see, I wasn't hiding my Quirk from you; I got my Quirk from someone else." confessed Izuku, partially revealing the big secret he has been told to keep by All Might.

The confession caused Bakugo to grunt in frustration; he thought Izuku was lying to him 'again.' Rather, Izuku thoroughly explains the reasoning behind his early victory today and tries to convince him that he didn't go all out because he doesn't know how to properly use his newfound power yet. Instead, Bakugo seemed a bit pissed throughout the conversation, causing Jotaro to move toward Izuku with two words in mind, 'stop talking' - maybe followed by the word 'idiot.'

Jotaro gets close enough and places a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Stop talking, I--"

"You'll see!" continued Izuku. "I'll work until I fully control this borrowed Quirk, and I'll finally beat you with my own power!"




There was a silence; only wind could be heard. 'This is not very cash money...' thought Jotaro.

Jotaro was looking at Bakugo, who was just staring at Izuku menacingly. Izuku looks like he just realized how stupid and crazy he sounded just a minute ago - probably thinking, 'I came to tell him I hadn't been tricking him, but I only made him think I'm insane!'. Bakugo then wobbled for a second, which scared Izuku.

"... How dumb do you think I am?" muttered Bakugo, causing Izuku to gasp in fear. "'Borrowed power'? Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot; I bet you're just trying to make a fool outta me, right?!"

'Yes, that's right!' nodded Jotaro. 'Just keeping thinking like that and-'

Bakugo began gritting his teeth and covering his eyes with his hair before yelling at Izuku. "I MEAN, WHAT THE HELL!! I SOMEHOW LOST TO YOU TODAY!!"

'... I think this is fine?'


'Okay... I get what you're saying but... finally admitting you're weaker than others? In front of me? That's not you, man.,' thought Jotaro while looking at Bakugo concerningly, 'did he finally lose himself?'

Jotaro also noticed some tears in Bakugo's eyes, 'Is he starting to cry?' Bakugo then grabbed his head in frustration. "DAMN IT!! I even agreed with what that ponytail girl said; my attack was so goddamn stupid! DAMMIT!! DAMMIT!! DAMMIT!" yelled Bakugo, whipping his arm to wipe his tears before making a final declaration.


"ENJOY THAT WIN, DEKU!! BECAUSE FROM HERE ON, I...!! FROM HERE ON...!! YOU HEAR ME?!" yelled Bakugo, pointing at Izuku; he appeared to have forced his tears to recede into his eyes. Yet, there were faint indications he was about to cry. "I'M GONNA BEAT YOU ALL!!"

Bakugo began walking away from Izuku and Jotaro while continuing to wipe his tears with his arm. "I'm just getting started! Got that?! I'm gonna end up the number‐one hero, no matter what!"

Izuku sighed and looked at Jotaro for guidance; he didn't know what to say, 'do your best?' Jotaro had only expected to be a spectator/mediator throughout the two's dialogue.

"That was just... ah, whatever... it's getting late-" Jotaro suddenly stopped talking when he sensed another disturbance in the force. "Wait, why do I feel like something is about to happen-?!"

Unexpectedly, All Might glides past the two with direction and magnitude, calling out to Bakugo. "THERE HE IS!! YOUNG BAKUGO!!" said All Might while firmly grasping Bakugo's shoulders.

'I need some sort of switch to turn off my senses whenever he's around...'

"Just so you know, pride is an important attribute to have! Undoubtedly, you've got the abilities to become a pro hero!" reassured All Might. "However, there's still plenty you have to learn! You just have to-"

Bakugo stopped wiping his tears with his arm to interrupt All Might. "Get off of me, All Might..." ordered Bakugo. "I can't walk."


"Needless to say... because I'll be a hero who surpasses even you! And I'll do it without your help!" declared Bakugo; he's making many bold claims today.

"Uh... sure..." said All Might before letting go of Bakugo's shoulder.

'Now he's back to his old self!' surmised All Might. 'I hope he's already over it... man, being a teacher is hard!'

Above, peeking through the glass at the front of the U.A. building, was Mina, Toru, Asui, and Uraraka, watching the whole interaction between Bakugo and Izuku.

"What was that?" questioned Mina.

"A fated battle between men!" exclaimed Uraraka.

"It looked like Midoriya was just giving excuses one-sidedly, though-" suggested Tsuyu.


"It's almost poetic~!" exclaimed Toru, bouncing up and down. "I'd be even more poetical if it was over a girl!"

"Like if it were JoJo~?" purred Mina, causing Toru to blush profusely. "Imagine~ fighting to protect your honor~!"


"He's already hugged you, right?" noted Tsuyu. "During the training, remember?"

"T-That was for the circle!" The girls kept teasing Toru until she had completely lost it once they reminded her she was completely naked when Jotaro 'hugged' her.

From below, Jotaro could overhear faint shouting from above, 'what the heck was that?' he wondered. Meanwhile, Izuku stared at Bakugo as he left, carefully thinking of what he said. 'Kacchan's fuse has been lit, but that doesn't change my goals; I'll keep chasing after him-'

"Midoriya! What were you saying to Bakugo before I arrived so heroically?" questioned All Might, pulling Izuku out of his thoughts.

"Ah! Oh, nothing special!"

"Oh?" said All Might, towering over Izuku. "But I'm curious; why don't you tell me all the juicy details...?"

Izuku did his best to look away from the giant before him. "Um, actually, I kinda forgot?"

All might then turned to Jotaro. "What about you, Young Kujo? What did he say?" he asked.

Jotaro stared at him for a moment before tipping his hat down and closing his eyes.

"Yare Yare Daze..."


-(Musutafu/Somewhere at a Hidden Bar in Musutafu)-

In a bar, a man covered in hands is seen holding a newspaper with a headline that reads, 'ALL MIGHT TO TEACH AT U.A.' He sets the newspaper to the side and looks up at a man whose body is a shadow; his neck was guarded by some sort of armor - it was Kurogiri. "You see this? Do you see this joke? It says he's a teacher now!"

There is a short pause before he starts talking again; the shadow man stopped washing a glass and looked at the hand-covered man. "Hey..." rasped the man. "Now what would happen, or what do you think'll happen if the mighty Symbol of Peace... is finally killed by the villains?"

Next to the man were three abominations of nature - a trio of Nomus.


-(Musutafu/Kujo Residence, Night)-

Jotaro was sitting at a desk in his room, wondering what goals he should make throughout his career as a hero. "Maybe a villain count...?" he said, summoning his Stand.

"What do you think?" asked Jotaro.




Star Platinum said nothing; it only stared at its master without uttering so much as an 'Ora.' Jotaro shook his head and turned off his lamp, getting into bed and looking up at the ceiling as if he were staring at the stars in the night sky; he fell asleep almost immediately. Star Platinum, however, didn't go away; he only watched Jotaro in his sleep before leaning next to his ear.


























Okay, remakes are almost donezo - I had to remove a chapter to combine two.


when the sus is an among us player??????


DryComplementarycreators' thoughts