
Johnathan Trevor Winters

Seen many lovely stories being uploaded. I thought I should try my own luck. Just a reminder the will not be major changes to any series that may pop up in my fiction. Please do enjoy Thank you

Iviwe_Mzimba_9747 · テレビ
7 Chs



John discussed with the Chief's about his claim on the land and the chief's agreed to each gift John a wife from each clan head's home so that they become more connected. John and the Head Shaman discussed that the Frost Plain will be his seat of power and that the moderate and not gifted enough will be given the power of the wolf spirit. John gave the Chief's and the Head Shaman all the Information regarding the gift of the bite. John told the Chief's that they and all others will be changed by his sons when the time came.

25 years passed

John had 6 sons who all received his inheritance at the 13. John's sons all birthed in the same year but different months according to the each of John's wife's weddings. He thought them all he know about the power of the wolf and how they were different to the others who have the power but no control( tvd werewolves). He also learnt that he had married each Chief's daughter making him there direct in-law. The non-wolfs were given pendants carved by John with Gave them longtivity but made it difficult to conceive life. He gave his wife's the bite after they gave birth and they imprinted on other people leading to him releasing them from marriage.

At the age of 20 each son changed their clan into shifters as John acknowledged them as Alpha of each pack and at 25 they left with there clans to claim the 4 points given out by the great wolf spirit.

100 years passed

John had layed claim to Alaska as a whole due to the fact his blood claimed the the points. Other wolves they came across dub him the Alpha of Alphas, The Alpha of Cold Country, The Beast of the North due to fury and vengeance he fought and slaughtered his enemies with.

500 years passed

Every 20 years John's and his Son's pack would meet and fight each other to improve their skills as they all had tasted the feel of battle before. Every supernatural knew Alaska was off limits due to the presence of the wolves. The great wolf spirit had informed all the members of the Alaska's supernatural which was the wolves and the witch bloodline present there of the presence of the creatures that feed on blood.

100 years passed

After being informed about the vampires he had his witch's send an invitation to the vampires which he later learned were the sons and daughter of Mikeal. They meet and agreed that Canada would be neutral land and no one had claim to it as it would mean war. He had them informed that they will not interfere with vampire as long as Alaska is left alone. The Originals claimed that they will inform the inhabitants of the supernatural world of there pact. During this period John meet and fought Mikeal, leading with Mikeal always running before the final blow.

500 years passed

He would meet with heads of organisations in the supernatural world. Often leading to war and John wining most if not all the battles. He meet most of the time with the Stix while also informing them of the pact their sires made to avoid war.

The Frost Haven gang was the one the most feared mafia gangs in the world as most of there dealings appeared legit and legal. The had many fingers in so many pies there money appeared never ending. The Winters Family wealth and business revolved around Fishing and Forestry, Tourism and Law enforcement.

The Packs closer to the sea managed Fishing and the the other packs managed Forestry while John's pack and Edward's pack had a hand in law enforcement.

Timeskip to the year before the start of the series

During those years John had another son who he raise to inherit the Frost Haven Pack as the prepared for moving to Mystic Falls as soon as the series started.

Next Chapter will