
Jobless Transportation - The Honored One

Pre-Awakened Gojo Satoru Transported Into The Six-Faced World. Or... Gojo Satoru In Mushoku Tensei. Enough said. Don't worry, he's still OP without being Awakened, as he is nevertheless Gojo Satoru. I'll do my best to do him Justice and perhaps expand upon him as he is Teen Gojo in a new world or in better terms: "Not a fully developed Character" just yet. For the sake of not making any false expectations here's a rundown of how this fic goes: This is a Slow Cook Story. A Slice of lifeish fic with a functional Plot. This is basically Teen Gojo's vacation/adventure through the wide and expansive world of Mushoku Tensei. With original plotlines, OC's appear often in addition to the Extremely Important Canon Characters who are important to the overall plot and events that cascade and will eventually intertwine. To give a rough outline of the percentage between Slice Of Life and Intense even Dark plot/action/serious moments would be... On average 70% for Slice of Life and 30% for the latter. This of course would change as we get deeper into important events and plotlines where the percentage could skewer in favor of Intense Plot stuff. Like 100% of only that. In summary - Slice of Life is a major part and covers the gaps between the more intense and plot-relevant stuff. Hope this clarifies your worries! Do take note, I wrote this fic to relax from my more serious main fic. So do take it with a grain of salt and try to enjoy this if you can :P This is a Fanfiction, As such, I own nothing. Not the cover. I don't own Jobless Reincarnation/Mushoku Tensei nor do I own Jujutsu Kaisen. The credit goes to the respective creators and kudos to them for creating such fantastical works. If you haven't. Go read the originals and support the creators. They're better than this I promise! Cover supplied by the kind Wudi_Tianxia! Updates are under no schedule, they are limited only by my motivation to write. However due to the nature of this fic being short chapters: 1k-3k Words Per chapter or more if I'm feeling fancy, chapters should be coming out rather quickly.

BurgerNoTomatoes · アニメ·コミックス
49 Chs

The Next Move

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

Achieving the Rank of [Sword Saint] of the Sword God Style requires the individual to be able to use the Longsword Of Light and completely control their Battle Aura.

It is the Ultimate Technique of the Sword God Style.

Normally, extraordinary skill and experience with the Sword is required to ever successfully unleash the technique.

Thus, it is not something, Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced practitioners of The Sword God Style can ever use.

Gojo Satoru, however, had a say on the matter.

The moment he managed to form a short-term [Cursed Energy Battle Aura], he managed to replicate a Longsword Of Light once he got his hand on a sword.

He was able to utilize it not even after a week of training - Barely a Beginner in the Sword God Style.

7-Year-Olds could swing the sword better than Satoru for crying out loud!

Essentially, Satoru had it all backwards.

To give a finer explanation, have it in RPG Terms:

Gojo Satoru is easily capable of obtaining [New Skills], no matter the difficulty.

However, he gets them essentially at [Level 1].

Sure, he can launch a Longsword Of Light.

But it's pathetically dull and slow - His overall [Sword Skill] and [Battle Aura/Cursed Energy Battle Aura] are too low level to compensate.

He must compensate by [Leveling Up] the aforementioned obtained skills.

Truthfully, it doesn't truly make a difference, as Satoru must still reach a [Sword Saint] level of swordsmanship and Battle Aura to utilize the Longsword Of Light properly.

Luckily for Satoru, he's got a growth cheat on him on top of his absurd capability of learning skills.

The point of all this explanation?

It is because even with Satoru's absurd Talent and Genius...

In a mere six months of training.

His Longsword Of Light cannot overcome Ghislaine's Longsword Of Light.

To the sound of mind, it would seem foolish for Satoru to Challenge Ghislaine for the title of [Sword Emperor] after only a mere two weeks have passed since his ascension to [Sword King].

Even with Gal's degrading remarks on how Ghislaine's fangs "have dulled".

Ghislaine is a [Sword King] with years of experience, it would not be an exaggeration to presume her to be on the cusp of [Sword Emperor] or even at that level herself.

To reach Ghislaine's level of Swordsmanship, Satoru would have needed another month or so of training - By Gal's own estimation.

...And almost another half a year for him to reach Gal's own level, but Gal hadn't conveyed that.

Of course, Gojo Satoru was never of sound mind.

Sword God Style - A style whose motto 「Victory goes to he who moves first], is a style with an emphasis on speed and aggression.

A duel of the Sword God Style consists of who can hit their opponent with a devastating Longsword Of Light or any Technique of the Sword God Style first - The Winner usually being the one with the sharper and faster technique.

Of course, Satoru had to play by the rules for this match to count for him - Pure Sword God Style and Sword Play.

Something that Ghislaine was superior to him at the moment.

Despite all this, Satoru had three crutches...

The first crutch...

The Six Eyes

Much like when it was against Gal, Ghislaine's movements were easily read by Satoru's Six Eyes, reacting was much simpler considering her inferior speed and technique to Gal.

She dashed towards him, appearing right in front of him, a Longsword Of Light already launching towards his abdomen, Satoru responded in kind by dodging and launching his own variant of Longsword Of Light with his rapier, Phantom Edge, a [Thrust Of Light] at her head.

Ghislaine retaliated, her reaction speed and skill more than enough to use a Light Reversal against Satoru's Thrust Of Light.

The only known countermeasure to Longsword Of Light is striking at the wrist of the opponent before his technique reaches maximum velocity with their own Longsword Of Light - That is Light Reversal.

Satoru's Second Crutch...

The Element Of Surprise

Satoru grinned maniacally and... Dropped his rapier, stopping his Thrust Of Light mid-strike to avoid Ghislaine slashing his hand clean off.

"YESSSSSSSS!" A large chunk of the Sword Saints roared out in praise at Satoru's fatal mistake of dropping his weapon!

"The idiot." Nina Farion whispered to the side.

Whilst Gal, Eris, and the Sword Emperors watched in concentrated silence.

Ghislaine's lone eye widens momentarily as she reacts quickly, dodging to the side as Satoru's left-hand attempts to strike at her.

Oddly, it was not balled into a fist.

He attempted to strike her with his left hand as if it were a Sword.

'Not a problem. It's over.' Ghislaine thought as she analyzed the situation emotionlessly

Regardless of the oddity, it was no problem, as she was out of the range of his left hand, she gripped Flat Core and swiftly launched another Longsword Of Light, Satoru was now defenseless as he wouldn't be able to grab Phantom Edge from midair in time before Ghislaine cut him.

Or so... She and everyone else believed.

Satoru's Third Crutch...


Satoru's left arm, which had been swung like a Sword, was coated in [Cursed Energy Battle Aura] at its edge, sharpened and strengthened as he imitated the prized technique of the Sword God Style with but an arm.

His arm moved at unbelievable speed as it managed to strike the surprised Ghislaine who everyone including herself believed to have escaped his arms strike trajectory.

His strike hit Ghislaine in the stomach with incredible force, a pained gasp escaped her before she was sent flying, launched towards the crowd of Sword Saints.

"WOOOOOAAAAAAAAH" The Sword Saints in Ghislaine's flight trajectory screamed in a panic, as Jino Britts not as uncaring as his peers ran and with a hop caught her flying body, sent flying himself another couple of feet before both of them landed on the snow.

Jino took a concerned glance at Ghislaine and took note of her situation, noting a gash on her stomach as blood oozed out of it and her labored breaths.

Ghislaine shook off his hold as she stood up, completely disregarding the pain.

'She could probably still continue... But that doesn't look good. It'll definitely scar.'

"...Did he just launch a Longsword Of Light from his hand, Nya?" Relna whispered mildly shocked to Alistair as she processed what had just happened in the duel.

Alistair, mildly surprised as well, responded casually, "...I think he just did."

Moderate Surprise is the best reaction you'll get from the Sword Saints regarding Satoru's outlandish achievements and feats.

Is that any surprise though?

They've gotten to know Satoru intimately by spending the last six months in the same Dojo.

...Mostly against their will.

But Alistair remains one of the lone Satoru supporters!

Along with Nina.

But we don't talk about Nina.


Nonetheless, Ghislaine's body twitched painfully in betrayal of her resolve.

Her grip on Flat Core is not as firm as it had been prior.

Gal had noted that as well from afar, as he gestured for Ave whom he got on standby for this duel to follow him toward Ghislaine.

Upon reaching her as she attempted to walk towards Satoru, who was simply observing her silently from afar, his maniacal grin still in place, Gal spoke, "Unless you want to die, Ghislaine. I will end this with Gojo's victory. Any complaints?"

Ghislaine's lone eye narrowed towards Satoru, who was politely letting Gal interfere with the duel.

A frown formed on her face as she turned and looked towards Eris, whose expression was one of genuine worry.

'If I were stronger, this wouldn't have happened... I should have listened to Master's words.' Ghislaine chastised herself for her pathetic performance.

Then, her gaze switched once again towards, Satoru, this time her lone eye was met once again with those blazing azure orbs, that mystified all who gazed at them.

An endless void and sea of nothingness reflected in those gleeful eyes.

'Were I to listen to Master's words... Against him. Would it have mattered?' She couldn't help but ask herself as she gazed into Satoru's eyes from the distance.

The answer to her question was evident.

The Fool Who Made itself at Home in the Dojo was always an undescribable Monster.

His behavior outside of combat simply masked that undeniable fact.

Letting out a labored sigh, vapor escaping her mouth, she voiced rather weakly, her ears lowering in disappointment herself, "N-None Master."

Gal nodded at her, his expression unreadable, "Winner, Gojo Satoru." His voice rang out throughout the crowd.

"OH COME ON!" The crowd of Sword Saints cheering for Ghislaine to end Satoru's reign of terror, let out a collective groan of agony mixed with disappointment.

Sword God-style duels usually don't last long, this is especially true when it is at this level and a duel for a title.

But even for such a duel.

This was exceedingly quick.

Just like that, Gojo Satoru won by landing the first decisive and critical hit.

Leaving Ghislaine no choice but to surrender, or risk death by continuing in such a condition where she is both weakened and wounded.

Gal turned to Ave who was beside him with a questioning glance, "Yes, I know what my job is brat." Ave responded with a snark as he approached Ghislaine and began to heal her.

Nodding, Gal made his way back to the center area, where Satoru stood.

His expression was a clear deadpan as he watched Satoru posing, as the other Sword Saints threw snowballs at the gleeful and smug Satoru.

Snowballs that had absolutely no effect as he had Infinity blocking it all, allowed usage of it now that the duel was over.

The loud metallic clang of a sword embedding itself on the ground beside Satoru echoed amid the noise.

Oh... They were throwing swords as well.

Justifiable if you ask me!

"Ironically, my dumbest student yet," Gal mused, shaking his head as he stepped in front of Satoru. Eris swiftly passed him, racing towards Ghislaine and Ave. Gal's mere presence managed to quell the Satoru-centered circus act.

Because, unlike Satoru, if a snowball landed on Gal's head, it would be the perpetrator's head used as a snowball next time.

...Gal had never outright stated such a thing.

But the other Sword Saints weren't planning on finding out.

Gal locked eyes with the gleeful Satoru. "Your challenge to Ghislaine intrigued me. I was certain you had a plan, but the question was in what form it would take, especially given the limitations on your usual tricks. Yet, crafting a Longsword Of Light with your bare hand? That surpassed my expectations. Honestly, only someone like you could secure the title of [Sword Emperor] by using an unimaginable trick against a [Sword King]. This move felt more reminiscent of North God than Sword God..."

Satoru raised a challenging eyebrow, his smirk still in place.

"Exactly! Master Gal! It would be outrageous to grant him that title! His swordplay is inferior to Ghislaine's! Annul the victory!" Timothy Britts, one of Satoru's favorite targets for his usual tomfoolery, and a big hater of both Satoru and Eris saw a bright opportunity to chime in.

Gal ignored Timothy's statement as he threw Satoru a ferocious smirk of his own, "But who am I to disqualify you like that? I'm not a dumb stickler for rules. You won through pure Sword God Style... HAHAHAHAHAHA!" He placed a hand on Satoru's shoulder good-naturedly.

"Gojo Satoru! You are worthy of your new title! I, [Sword God] Gal Farion, deem you deserving of [Sword Emperor]! Henceforth, you shall be - [Delirious Sword Emperor] Gojo Satoru!" Gal announced with pride and humor.

Gal turned to look at the crowd, who were reluctantly clapping their hands.

Except maybe a scant few who were genuinely happy for Satoru.

Satoru's attitude and posture only indicated that this result was matter-of-fact, which made the applauders even more bitter than usual.

Adding one final statement as he glared at Timothy, "If anyone has any complaints, they are welcome to try and form a Longsword Of Light with their hand!"

At that, Timothy silently gritted his teeth, deciding not to argue with Gal.

And so...

Gojo Satoru had earned the title of Sword Emperor.

Marking the end of his training.

-Scene Change-

The Holy Land Of Swords was graced by the night, as the moon shone bright as a beacon of light amid the darkness of the world.

There, in Gal's private training hall stood the half-year-long duo of student and teacher.

Satoru stated, his expression neutral as he stared at Gal, dropping his wooden sword, "You've got nothing left to teach me."

Gal folded his arms with a sword held in one, "Of course. I had said that when you reached Sword King two weeks ago. From this point onwards, only practice and experience can sharpen your sword."

Gal's eyes gleamed with amusement, "Hell brat, you could probably teach me a thing or two, with you using your damn hand of all things to unleash a Longsword Of Light."

Satoru gained a wicked grin at that as he began explaining, his tone a mix of pretentious and amusement, "Well, it's pretty simple - First you utili-"

Satoru stopped as Gal's hand interrupted his explanation, "Don't, I was kidding. You're terrible at explaining things brat. Although I'm an outlier, it's a problem most Geniuses have."

Shrugging, Satoru responded casually, "Your loss."

The reality was, that Satoru had an unexpected advantage over other Sword God Practitioners when it came to utilizing Battle Aura.

It is the very same advantage that played a part in Satoru's recent victory - Understanding.

While the residents of this World and Sword God Practitioners formed and used their Battle Aura instinctually.

Satoru had no such privilege.

Instead, he had to craft it from the ground up utilizing substitute energy, Cursed Energy, as he held it in place with his Six Eyes boosted control.

From there, utilizing his [Cursed Energy Battle Aura], Satoru managed to form a mimicry Longsword Of Light, from the ground up.

His understanding of its formation and how it works is superior to those who simply practice their sword swings without much reflection and attempt to use their Battle Aura.

It is also through this, that ironically - An otherworldly visitor understands Battle Aura more deeply than any other resident in the world.

At least, as far as Battle Aura users Satoru has met thus far go.

Thus, breaking down the technique of Longsword Of Light from his mimicry was a rather simple yet practice-dependent task.

Breaking it down and removing the limits as his understanding and experience grew.

Using it with a single-grip sword.

Using it with an object that is not a sword, but resembles it.

Then with objects that less and less resembled a sword.

This continued until eventually, Satoru could do it without a Sword.

Just his arm.

...This was the first time he tried it with just an arm.

Nevertheless, understanding does not equate to proper utilization - As his Longsword Of Light is weaker than his similarly ranked peers.

Gal narrowed his eyes at Satoru, changing the topic, "So you'll be leaving for Ranoa now? You haven't mastered the Sword God Style, but you're at the point where you can only practice alone - I'm assuming you'll be continuing your training on your own?"

Satoru clicked his fingers at Gal, "Exactly. I'll be leaving in two days. I'll be practicing on my travels, don't worry, Sensei~!"

His tone then became dramatic, "But! I can't just leave without proper goodbyes to everyone~! How could they continue their lives knowing that the handsome devil Gojo Satoru vanished without a trace~?!"

"They'd live just fine, maybe better than before from the constant complaints I have to deal with," Gal assured without hesitation.

'Something isn't adding up... Two days is too long.'

Gal then narrowed his eyes further at his dumb student, "Did you lose the "Special Student" Letter Of Invitation?"

Satoru responded without hesitation raising his hand in protest, having expected this question, "No! Eris ate it-"

Satoru's explanation of the "Mad Dog" eating his letter went unheard as Gal smacked him on the head.

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Okay, people. This is unusual, even coming from me.

But I'm pretty hyped up about the plot, so I couldn't help myself but write.

Hopefully, it didn't come off as rushed and is consistent in quality, as I had pretty much free-flowed this chapter lmao.

A couple of things.

First of all, Satoru's skill level - Hopefully it came out clear and logical and you've enjoyed it.

The battle was short, but I believe that fits the theme of the Sword God Style itself so I hope that came out clear and logical as well.

And finally, Satoru's impact on the world.

Just saying, that it's big, it'll be shown in his departure next chappie

As you can see, he got a letter from Ranoa to be a special student.



Who do you think sent it if not? :P

Anyways! Most importantly! Did I portray Teen Gojo well in this chapter? I'd appreciate feedback on this on each chapter! As this is the most critical part of the fic! Woohoo! Feedback! Yes! 

Have a nice day!

-Author Note End-