
Jobless Transportation - The Honored One

Pre-Awakened Gojo Satoru Transported Into The Six-Faced World. Or... Gojo Satoru In Mushoku Tensei. Enough said. Don't worry, he's still OP without being Awakened, as he is nevertheless Gojo Satoru. I'll do my best to do him Justice and perhaps expand upon him as he is Teen Gojo in a new world or in better terms: "Not a fully developed Character" just yet. For the sake of not making any false expectations here's a rundown of how this fic goes: This is a Slow Cook Story. A Slice of lifeish fic with a functional Plot. This is basically Teen Gojo's vacation/adventure through the wide and expansive world of Mushoku Tensei. With original plotlines, OC's appear often in addition to the Extremely Important Canon Characters who are important to the overall plot and events that cascade and will eventually intertwine. To give a rough outline of the percentage between Slice Of Life and Intense even Dark plot/action/serious moments would be... On average 70% for Slice of Life and 30% for the latter. This of course would change as we get deeper into important events and plotlines where the percentage could skewer in favor of Intense Plot stuff. Like 100% of only that. In summary - Slice of Life is a major part and covers the gaps between the more intense and plot-relevant stuff. Hope this clarifies your worries! Do take note, I wrote this fic to relax from my more serious main fic. So do take it with a grain of salt and try to enjoy this if you can :P This is a Fanfiction, As such, I own nothing. Not the cover. I don't own Jobless Reincarnation/Mushoku Tensei nor do I own Jujutsu Kaisen. The credit goes to the respective creators and kudos to them for creating such fantastical works. If you haven't. Go read the originals and support the creators. They're better than this I promise! Cover supplied by the kind Wudi_Tianxia! Updates are under no schedule, they are limited only by my motivation to write. However due to the nature of this fic being short chapters: 1k-3k Words Per chapter or more if I'm feeling fancy, chapters should be coming out rather quickly.

BurgerNoTomatoes · アニメ·コミックス
49 Chs

Arc 1 Finale

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

The Frozen Forest held its breath, an eerie stillness lingering in the aftermath of the clash between Satoru and Gal. The only audible sounds were the chilling wind and the rhythmic pitter-patter of Gal's blood dripping from his face.

Amid the pain, Gal glared at the gleeful Satoru, who balled his fists and assumed a stance, patiently waiting for Gal to regain his bearings.

This moment served as Gal's complete conviction - His eyes faltered and hallucinations filled his sight as his eyes met the eerie blue glow of Satoru.

He had always held the belief that strength stemmed from a combination of training and talent - nothing more.

A sword of logic was Gal's weapon.

Yet... Despite Satoru's previous denial of any connection to the Dragon God, a rejection echoing in the recesses of Gal's psyche, he now found himself confronted with undeniable evidence.

On one side, an aura of controlled strength and stoicism emanated from the Dragon God, accompanied by a menacing presence with no equal. On the other, Satoru exuded insanity from every pore, showcasing magic he had never seen or heard of, even the fabled Teleportation in his arsenal.

Amidst this stark contrast, Gal identified a singular vivid link.

He felt his very existence being lost in the endless void in Satoru's blazing Blue Eyes that gleamed with excited bloodthirst.


Much like the Dragon God.

Satoru was also [An existence beyond rationality]

Exhaling a torrent of agony and drowning in the depths of depression, Gal found himself compelled to acknowledge the undeniable.

Ever since his confrontation with the Dragon God Orsted as a Sword Saint, he nurtured a fervent hope that his relentless training, the weight of his title, and the honed strength he had cultivated would elevate him to a level capable of reaching the 2nd of the Great Powers.

The hunger for a rematch against the Dragon God consumed him - A desire to cut him down and lay bare the worth of his Logic, Training, and Talent.

Yet, in the chilling reality of this moment, Gal received an answer, facing an existence that defied comprehension once again.

The pain etched on his face was much less concerning than the aura emanating from Satoru.

Normally, such an injury wouldn't stop Gal from continuing the battle.

Nay, it would serve as potent fuel for Gal to unleash hell on his opponent.

But... whatever just happened, Satoru had become more dangerous than ever before.

The desperate pleas of Gal's instincts echoed, warning him to flee, to abandon this futile pursuit, the stark realization that persistence would lead to his demise.

'This was meant to be a test for the brat... How did it turn out like this?' Gal questioned himself, a somber reflection evident as he lowered his guard.

Gal's title as one of the 7 Great Powers is under clear threat of being taken away.

His gaze shifted from the piercing stare at Satoru to the expansive night sky, embracing the cold wind and the darkening forest.

Satoru's bloodthirsty expression morphed into one of puzzlement, intrigued by Gal's sudden change in demeanor.

In this moment of surrender, a revelation dawned upon Gal - an epiphany echoing through his soul.

His eyes now reflected a profound realization. The stoic Sword God found himself confronted with undeniable evidence, a truth he had long denied.

As his gaze met the eerie blue glow of Satoru's eyes, the conviction that his Sword Of Logic could reach the heavens shattered like fragile glass.

'My sword... Can never defeat [An existence beyond rationality].'

It was a humbling and profoundly melancholic realization for the Sword God.

Swallowing his pride, Gal closed his eyes and, despite the searing pain, spoke evenly, "I yield. You win. I'll train you." He sheathed his blade, Windpipe, without hesitation.

His voice, his surrender, echoed throughout the otherwise silent forest.

His tone had never been so low - Shocking both Eris and Ghislaine.

Satoru, in response, casually relaxed his guard, sliding his hands into his pockets.

As he observed Gal's complex expression, a sigh escaped his lips, accompanied by a confident smile, "You're insane, old man! That was great! Definitely the strongest I've ever fought!" Satoru's words carried a mix of admiration and amusement.

Satoru, with the clarity offered by Black Flash, confirmed his thoughts, noting, 'Suguru would've lost to him, badly.'

Despite Gal's somewhat disappointing surrender, it was never meant to be a battle to the death. Gal had earned Satoru's wholehearted respect.

Adding a touch of humor to the situation, Satoru proudly announced, pointing at himself, "I'm still the strongest though!"

Slightly flattered by the compliment, Gal was brought back to reality from his reality check.

He shook his head, smirking at Satoru's shenanigans, "You're definitely stronger than me, brat. But you're still below the Dragon God. If I can't find a way through your wind magic, that man definitely could."

The sounds of approaching steps and the rustling of snow drew their attention. Ghislaine, responding to Gal's words, displayed a mix of bewilderment and awe, a contrast to her normally stoic demeanor, "M-Master, this man has no Mana."

Once again, Satoru surprised Ghislaine. Although his prior feat at the Dojo was impressive, the prospect of a Manaless individual besting one of the 7 Great Powers was undoubtedly another example of the anomaly known as Gojo Satoru.

Or at this point... besting a Former member of the 7 Great Powers.

Shocked to his core, Gal recovered quickly, breaking into sudden insane laughter. His bloodied and disheveled face painted an unsettling picture as he exclaimed, "BAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Tell me, brat! From what Hell hole did you crawl out of?!"

Satoru, embracing his eccentricity, responded with a Satoruesque touch, "A large island nation at the westmost part of the world~!"

Gal raised an eyebrow, sensing the nonsense in Satoru's gleeful tone, "Never mind. Follow me back to the Dojo, both of us need to get healed."

Gal gestured for the pouting Satoru to follow him, he turned to look at Ghislaine who was nearby, and Eris who stood a decent distance away, eerily silent with her gaze fixated on Satoru, "Both of you, don't just stand there like scarecrows and get a move on."

Ghislaine acknowledged her master's directive with a stoic nod, seamlessly aligning herself by his side. Her fleeting curiosity about Satoru extinguished as swiftly as it had sparked.

Yet, her concern shifted to the red-haired woman walking beside her. Eris, wearing a poker face, trailed without apparent reflection.

Ghislaine had played a pivotal role in Eris's upbringing, acting as both a mentor and a figure akin to a parent for the young redhead.

She possessed an acute understanding of her dear mentee.

In this moment...

Eris found herself internally engulfed in a storm of emotions as they leisurely made their way back to the Dojo.

'Gojo Satoru... Younger than me. Stronger than the Sword God.' The thought reverberated within Eris, a pang of realization striking her heart.


'If I were that strong... I could protect Rudeus. I could be useful to him.' She clenched her teeth, grappling with envy.


Satoru, seemingly tired of Eris's persistent gaze, turned with his typical gleeful expression, needling her once more, "Fallen for me all over again, Eris-chan~?"

His teasing tone irritated Eris, prompting her to quicken her pace.


'That damned...' Eris surged ahead, momentarily losing herself in the futile desire to harm Satoru.

Gal and the entourage halted, with Gal noting Eris's emotional turmoil. She closed the distance, nearing Satoru.

"Eris," Gal's authoritative voice cut through the frozen forest, forcing her to stop. His glare communicated shared frustration, a momentary acknowledgment of defeat to a cocky brat.


Sighing, Gal continued, "Don't forget the basics. Never compare yourself to others. You'll never reach my level if you do, especially trying to compare yourself to an existence beyond rationality like the Dragon God and now this brat as well."

Gal pointed at Satoru, who interjected with a playful, "My handsomeness is beyond rationality!"

Gal remained unfazed, "Only once you reach the pinnacle through Logic, Talent, and Hardwork, then you can look for a path to reach those beyond rationality and cut them down..."

He looked at Satoru once again, a bloodthirsty smirk on both their faces, "Like I'll be doing soon, I'll change my ways - And I'll cut you down as well, brat."

Satoru responded, amused, "An ugly face would be the least of your worries, next time~"

Then, Gal continued their walk, gesturing them to follow as they almost reached back into town.

Eris, though absorbed the lesson from her teacher, 'Reach the pinnacle of rationality?' She looked at the amused and hurt Gal.

'Then reach beyond rationality?' She then turned to look at the aloof figure of Satoru.

The image of Dragon God Orsted appeared by Satoru's side in her mind - Despite the stark difference between them.

These... Metaphors were always difficult for Eris to understand.

She didn't like to admit it, but she's aware of who she is and what she can do.

She is, was, and always will be a meathead.

But this metaphor had managed to hit its mark this time.

To defeat Dragon God Orsted, one of the best methods of practice would be to fight an existence similar to him.

Or so Eris had concluded.

'I know what I need to do... I'll protect Rudeus!'

Finally... Motivation.

Her conflicted expression formed a bloodthirsty and hungry smirk of her own, "Gojo Satoru! Fight me!" She demanded, quickly drawing her sword and pointing it at Satoru.

Satoru turned to her with a surprised expression as her tone conveyed just how serious she was, which quickly turned into a cringing, "Wha? No, go take a hike. I'm tired now. Go fight Grease line or something." He waved her off, pointing at Ghislaine as the better opponent right now.

At that, they had already reached the Town's entrance.

Satoru's waving off Eris was for naught, as she had assaulted him without warning - Only to be once again blocked by infinity.

Only this time Satoru, did not waste a moment and blasted her away with Blue into the outer walls of the Town, destroying a portion of it with a resounding explosion of wood, dust, and snow.

Basically starting a commotion, as the available townspeople rushed to the source, believing a monster attack had occurred.

Satoru, unapologetic, shrugged at Ghislaine. "She started it, she's paying for the wall~" Chuckling, he followed Gal into town, leaving Ghislaine to attend to Eris.

All's well that end's well, huh?

-Time Skip-

The Holy Land Of Sword's Local Healery.

In the snowy town, the healery stands as a sturdy timber structure. Aromatic wisps escape through its thatched roof, carrying the scent of herbs and remedies - A cheaper alternative to the expensive treatment via Healing Magic.

Owned and run by old Ave - Advanced Class Healing Mage with experience of over 40 years in the art.

Also, almost exclusively visited by Sword God Practitioners and Adventurers as only they would warrant an injury so severe you'd need an Advance Class Healing Mage to take care of it.

That was the intention at least.

Until Sword God Gal Farion strong-armed Ave and his poor pupils to heal even the most minor of fractures for the sake of training efficiently.

At least he's getting paid handsomely!


It was inside this very Healery that a dozen beds were currently occupied by mildly injured Sword Saints, who were done in a couple of hours prior.

Some of them that had been healed already left, whilst others who were put through more rough punishment fell asleep as their wounds were magically healed.

But two individuals with the least worrying injuries await their turn to be healed as old Ave and his three pupils are exhausted.

"Go home you three, I'll finish up with these two on my own." He gestured for his students who nodded eagerly, dashing out of the room in hopes of getting home and getting some shut-eye.

Alistair's voice echoed in the warm and large room, the fireplace doing a wonderful job of keeping them all warm, "Thank you for healing them Ave. I apologize for the inconvenience."

Ave waved him off with a snort, as he sat down in his wooden chair to relax, "Bah, that brat had brought upon me worse situations than this. Though I'm surprised you've decided to stay here, you could've left when I told you. We'd handle this ourselves. What troubles you, young man?"

Seeing, Alistair's regretful expression, Ave mused, "The brat who ran them through like that? He was pretty rough, rougher than when that feisty woman had done the same, but I hadn't expected these other brats to be so petty. Blaming you for the actions of another. Where is their pride as Sword Saints?"

Alistair shook his head as he stated with conviction, "I hold some responsibility for this... We hadn't expected something like this to happen when we brought Gojo here."

"Exactly!" Yelled out one of the two Sword Saints awaiting healing.

"Oh shut up ya whippersnapper! I'll cut off an arm and heal it back with that tone of yours!" Ave retorted angrily.

Ave smirked at Alistair, "Don't be so distraught boy! You should take it much like Ghislaine had when fingers were pointed at her when she brought Eris to Town. Ignore the-"

Alistair cut off Ave sharply, "That is not what bothers me. It was my misjudgment of Gojo and his subsequent actions."

Sighing Alistair, added, "I just hope to hear a proper explanation, from hi-"

At that, the sound of the door of the room being slammed open caught the attention of those awake.

Their jaws unhinged from their place when they caught sight of two individuals entering the room.

The first was a slightly injured Gojo Satoru, a bright red cut on his neck, and forehead painted red with blood, shades back in place blocking his beautiful eyes from the world, who cheerfully announced with a goofy smile on his face, "Gojo Satoru has entered the premise! Everyone... Hurray!" He raised a fist.

His cheer wasn't echoed, much to his feigned disappointment.

Instead, it was met with a mix of fear and sheer bewilderment.

What was more bewildering however was the figure of Gal Farion.

The degree of injury on him was much more severe, his face barely recognizable, as the blood was still dripping, only slightly pacified by the natural healing capabilities of the human body.

The conclusion, from the sight of those two, was so simple even the dumbest of the bunch could figure it out.

They fought.

And the result hadn't been in Gal's favor.

Which resulted in this reaction...

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" Everyone roared out loudly, waking up the others who'd been asleep.

Gal commanded upon entering, "Ave, attend to healing both me and the brat," gesturing toward Satoru standing beside him.

Ave blinking the shock away in favor of frustration, "Bah, no respect for your Elders. Can't even catch my breath in this old age."

Gal huffed in good humor at Ave acting against his words as he stood up and approached Gal, turning to look at the two lesser injured, "Sorry, but your Master takes priority."

Ave placed his hands over Gal's face, chanting the advanced healing spell as his hands glowed, "Angel of miracles, bestow thy holy breath unto the pulsing heart before thee. O heavens blessed with sunlight, servants who despise crimson, swoop down into the ocean of light, the pure white of thy wings spread wide. Drive away the blood thou seest before thee!"

With those words, Gal experienced immense relief as the pain on his face subsided.

His cracked and broken nose healed, and multiple teeth regenerated, their roots still intact - any further damage would necessitate Saint-level Healing.

That'd be a waste of a scroll, in Gal's mind.

Satoru dismissed the chant, waving at Alistair, "Yo, Alistair! Miss me?"

Alistair managed to get out of his stupor, attempting to piece together whatever Satoru was once again, "Y-You fought Master Gal and won?"

Flashing a sign of victory with his hand, Satoru exclaimed confidently, "Naturally~"

Alistair turned to look at Gal, who nodded reluctantly as he cracked his neck and felt his jaw and nose with his hand, his pride and tone subdued as he confirmed to everyone in the room, "Yes, the brat got the best of me. I'll be training him."

Alistair took a deep breath and sighed, "I'd have expected Master Gal to humble you, Gojo. But now's a good time. Explain yourself for what you did." Alistair demanded, a sharp edge to his tone.

"This should be interesting." Gal muttered as he stood beside Ave, who desired to go Heal Satoru, but it seemed like an argument was brewing.

Satoru hummed nonchalantly, surveying the glaring stares of those he'd essentially hospitalized, "Well, I might've gone a little overboard."

Alistair cut in swiftly, eyes narrowed further "That's an understatement, that's also not what I asked. Why did you do it?"

Satoru responded without hesitation, his eyes piercing through the shades, "Because I wanted to."

Alistair blinked momentarily, "Because... You wanted to?"

Satoru nodded, his tone serious, "I don't expect you to understand..."

In Satoru's mind, Suguru's image and words flashed, his thoughts racing.

"Don't bully the weak, Satoru."

"Jujutsu Sorcerors exist to protect the weak and helpless, Satoru."

"We shouldn't do as we please, just because we are the strongest. That won't make us any different than animals... Though it's fine if it's disregarding orders from the Jujutsu Higher-Ups. They're a pain in the ass."

"Satoru... You and I are human as well."

Alistair, a man to whom Satoru owed a debt, had made him question his actions.

Actions that at the moment, felt great.

Amazing even.

Satoru would disregard the opinions of others quickly, only caring for his own pleasure and displeasure.

Despite being bound by the laws and morals of Jujutsu Society, he could basically do anything he wanted.

Being a wielder of so much power.

The itch, the desire to unleash it, to use it, always existed in Satoru's mind.

But not in its small, barely used form.

To completely let loose.

To let go of it all, and let himself bare.

This... Vacation was the perfect opportunity to do so.

Yet... Suguru's words resonated in his mind when they least needed to against his reasoning.

They would've attacked him anyway!

It was done in the past, it'd be fine if I did the same!

They're a Sword Dojo! It's fine to challenge and defeat them right?

He gave them a fair warning to back off after the first one!


Satoru acknowledged deep down that pummeling the Sword Saints was a convenient excuse within his moral boundaries to unleash his power, satisfying his bloodthirst and sadism.

Was that... The correct move?

Suguru's voice echoed in his mind as he imagined his reaction to such a situation, Suguru's chastising and disappointed tone evident, "Satoru you selfish dumbass..."

Another world or not.

"Vacation" or not.

No, it wasn't fine to hurt others selfishly.

Satoru broke out of his thoughts and looked at Alistair and the other injured who were present, still gobsmacked that Gal lost, his tone serious and reluctant, his desires and morals clashing internally, "Look, for what it's worth... I'm sorry."

Alistair, noticing how for the first time, Satoru genuinely looked his age, sighed with relief. "Ah... I'll take it. I expect you to be better Gojo Satoru. As powerful as you are, you shouldn't be hurting others for your own pleasure - That's a bleak, loveless existence."

As Satoru nodded silently, only for the injured crowd to roar out in outrage, "AN APOLOGY WON'T CUT IT YA BASTARD!"

Satoru regained his usual demeanor as he turned to them and apologized once again, only differently this time, "Sorry for beating the shit out of you~! Teehe~!" He smacked his head and posed with his tongue out.

"OH YOU SON OF A WHORE!" One of the Sword Saint's roared out in utter resentment.

Satoru deadpanned and pointed a finger at them, his expression one of genuine confusion, as he stared questioningly at Alistair, "I said I'm sorry... Am I missing another step or something?" He asked.

Alistair nodded internally, reluctantly acknowledging, 'He's got a lot of work to do.'

While some Sword Saints seethed with resentment, others exchanged glances, questioning the logic of an apology followed by nonchalance. Alistair's attempt to keep an open mind is reflected in a subtle sigh, indicating the complexity of the situation. 

As everyone deadpanned at Satoru's lack of common sense, Ave approached the posing Satoru, "Okay strong brat, let me heal you..."

During the healing session, Satoru, intrigued, removed his shades to analyze the interaction between healing magic and his Cursed Energy.

He observed the subtle but effective impact on his body, 'How interesting. I initially believed that Healing Magic, with my lack of Mana, wouldn't affect me. Yet, it substituted Mana with Cursed Energy during the healing process... There's a connection between the two!' Satoru analyzed the intricacies excitedly with his Six Eyes, noting the details and forming a significant conclusion.

As the healing session concluded and lingering glares followed Satoru's every step, the practitioners, now patched up, made their way back to the Sword God Main Dojo, among them, Satoru, the cause of both awe and resentment, strolled nonchalantly.

Satoru was eventually given a room in the Men's Dorms at the behest of Gal.

-Time Skip-

The following day, the Sword God Practitioners gathered at the Space Of The Present.

Rumors had already swirled among the Sword Saints in the dorms - A new student was about to join their ranks. The name on everyone's lips was none other than Gojo Satoru - The wind mage who defeated Gal Farion, their esteemed master.

Yet, the unspoken question lingered in the air: Why would someone apparently stronger than the Sword God seek training from the one he defeated?

No one dared to ask, intimidated by the White-Haired guest, dressed in Dojo attire, seated with a broad smile beside a beastly woman.

Much to her dismay and apparent dejection.

"We'll be having a lot of fun together~!" The White-Haired Ape whispered to Relna, who was on the verge of tears.

"I can't be bothered right now... It's morning Gojo Nya" Relna stated tiredly, hoping for some peace and quiet from the irritating gremlin.

Gal, noticing the prolonged glares and stares directed at the cheerful Satoru, cleared his throat. "He'll be my apprentice alongside Eris. The rest of you, try to get along with him. He's a brat." He then glared at the enraged Sword Emperors beside him, "No. Questions." He emphasized, his Battle Aura barely unleashed.

Everyone reluctantly nodded at their Master's demands, attempting to ignore Satoru as they resumed their routines.

Taking advantage of the commencement of training, Relna delved into her routine, a perfect excuse to escape and ignore Satoru.

'I should go quit my job... They're probably looking for me right about now.' Satoru suddenly remembered that he had yet to announce his abrupt departure from the Sword Maiden's Inn.

And he found it absolutely hilarious, so he wasn't in a rush to go and declare his leave.

He sat there casually, his eyes no longer shaded, observing the katas of the Sword Saints as they swung their wooden swords.

When Gal's approach echoed on the wooden floor, Satoru got up. "Let's go, brat. Let's see how you do with a sword."

-Scene Change-

In Gal's private training hall, Satoru held a wooden sword, ready for the start of his training.

"Say, brat. You're strong enough as is, with whatever phenomena you use to do what you do. Why do you want to train in the Sword God Style?" Gal brandished his wooden sword as he stared down at Satoru.

Satoru tilted his head, giving it a momentary thought. "Why not? I'd get stronger, and it sounds fun." He responded genuinely.

Gal snorted, shaking his head, "Sounds fun, he says. You're truly insane."

Satoru grinned mischievously, expressing his gratitude, "Thanks, old man~!"

'That wasn't a compliment.' Gal thought with a deadpan.

"Speaking of phenomena, I expect you not to use your abilities here, this is pure swordsmanship. But without Mana, I have no idea how you'll use the Battle Aura necessary for the Sword God Techniques" Gal raised his concerns to Satoru.

Satoru shrugged, his eyes radiating a bluish hue. "I'll figure something out."

'Cursed Energy Battle Aura - It'll take a while to figure out. But it's possible.' Satoru analyzed as he reinforced his body with Cursed Energy, making small carefully controlled changes.

Gal gestured for Satoru to start, "Begin!"

Satoru lunged forward with a swift charge, aiming his wooden sword at Gal.

However, Gal's expertise allowed him to intercept the strike effortlessly, the clash of wood against wood resonating through the training hall, "Say, brat, I'm curious. What is that ability of yours? How could you defeat me without mana?"

Satoru smiled cheekily as Gal blocked another of his sword strikes, "You've been holding that question since yesterday, right~?"

Satoru then hummed as Gal's silence confirmed the truth of his statement, "Magic~!"

At that, Gal smacked away Satoru's sword, who was swinging it rather mediocrely and tried to hit him in the head.

However, Satoru's Infinity intervened, and Gal chastised, "Thought I said no tricks, Gojo. Regarding your swordsmanship, you're confident, but with the way you are now, you'll be a Sword Saint when you're my age."

Satoru backed away, lifting the wooden sword he had dropped. "Is that a challenge?" Satoru smirked.

Gal relaxed his posture, "Take it however you want, brat. I've got limited time thanks to you and the other brat. I have my own training to do." He smirked challengingly at Satoru.

And so...

Satoru's training in the Sword God Style began.

Rumors started to spread - of a man named Gojo Satoru besting Gal Farion, claiming the title of the 6th of the Seven Great Powers.

6th Of The Seven Great Powers - The Anomaly: Gojo Satoru.

This rumor spread rapidly, reaching even Ars, the Capital City Of The Asura Kingdom, in a mere three months.

Another three months passed when The Anomaly Gojo Satoru won another title.

Delirious Sword Emperor - Gojo Satoru.

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Hello, my good friends!

Here's the Arc Finale before a "Small" Timeskip as you can see!

Hope this chapter was up to snuff in quality and stuff.

Cause I'll be honest this was a lil hard to write - Cause I really had to go deep into these characters and what their development will be (Not that kind of deep, no horny)

I just hope I managed to portray Eris and Gal correctly, if not then unlucky I guess lmao.

I was skeptical about writing Gojo and showing his more emotional side - As that was also rather vague in JJK, so I do hope this was satisfactory to you!

Anywho hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you in Arc 2 - Gojo Satoru In Ranoa (Name Change pending)

I haven't forgotten about Hitogami, that guy will come a lil later.


Anyways! Most importantly! Did I portray Teen Gojo well in this chapter? I'd appreciate feedback on this on each chapter! As this is the most critical part of the fic! Woohoo! Feedback! Yes! 

Have a nice day!

-Author Note End-