
JJK : With a Shotgun in Jujutsu Kaisen

Humanity has been marked with Bloodshed and warfare through out its history and in it there have been countless of evolution of Weapons from Hands to Stone tools to Bronze weapons to Swords to Martial arts. However the one above all, the one that gained Humanity the edge over all other lifeforms was [THE GUN].

Ariseto · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

Brandishing the Gun

A 'Window'.

They are helpers that exist in the jujutsu world who haven't awakened their Cursed technique or don't have enough Cursed energy to maintain their Cursed technique so they do menial jobs related to jujutsu, for example putting down a veil and driving a Jujutsu Sorcerer to their mission location or act as scouts to look for suspicious activities.

However, most of them are windows due to having pitiful Cursed energy.

And so.....

The window that is currently driving us to our destination is suspicious.

Incredibly so, as he has half of my Cursed energy reserves, meanwhile any other window I have met so far is about 4-6% at the very least!

After all, I don't mean to brag but my Cursed energy reserves are called impressive even by Yuki sensei, A Special Grade sorcerer, about more than half of her reserves and half of the enigmatic Gojo Satoru and me being an Eleven-year-old child..... my reserves are only set to go on skyrocketing through the years.


There are multiple reasons as to why a 'window' shouldn't have too much Cursed energy but the simplest of them all is that they would get noticed by Cursed spirit when scouting, so....

Let's play the game! Is this an assassin or an actual window!!!

Question 1) He's built with too many muscles seen only in professional Jujutsu Sorcerer?

Answer) Yes!

Question 2) Is he driving us in the wrong direction from our destination?

Answer) Yes!

Question 3) Has Garuda (Yuki Tsukumo's shikigami) notified me of the dozens of people who are trailing us?

Answer) Yes!

Question 4) He's continuously looking at us from his rearview mirror?

Answer) Yes!

Question 5) Is he secretly releasing sleeping gas from his AC while he wears a... a fucking gas mask?

Answer) Yes!


Wow… this game has.... Um no actually why the hell does this dumbass think that normal sleeping gas will put an Special Grade to sleep? Sure exclude me, think that I will fall asleep, but a Special grade? Come on!

Why yes both me and Yuki are pretending to sleep at this moment, but such an amateurish work... sigh on wonder they think that they think they can take us down.

Well, time for the usual procedure!


"Um Sir?" Asked the window as the car suddenly came to a halt.

"Nah it's nothing, thanks for stopping by the way!" I said and rubbed my eyes as if I just woke up.

"Can I ask you what that clicking sound which I just heard from back there?" He asked again, nervously.

*Click* *Click*

"Hm? Ohh yeah that, yeah no need to worry about It!" I say as I smile at him while looking at his rearview mirror which he looks back from.

"No it's just that it sounded awfully like the loading of a Gu-"


A deafening gunshot rang out in the car, as birds fearing for their life flew off from trees, away from the mountain road we were on.


"Awww" Yuki pouted from beside me.

Looking at her I saw both of her cheeks blown up as she looked at me in fake anger.

"Mou Genchan! I was planning on going to their base and watching their eyes lose hope as I woke up with a huge grin and beat them all up you know!" Yuki said as she somehow maintained her pouted cheeks.

Resisting the urge to grab her cheeks to deflate them I asked, "Can I use Garuda?"

"Hell naw" She gave me a cheeky smile almost as if forgetting her previous anger.

"Be back in 10 minutes or we might be late" She said slipping on a sleeping mask and putting her head on my lap which I quickly avoided by leaping out of the car.

I threw a glance at the dead 'window' as his blood and brain matter were all splattered on the inside of the car, luckily none of it somehow made it to the backseat.

It was a clean headshot with no resistance whatsoever and a quick and painless death.

Closing the door I take the M16 that I used to kill the man and threw it on the ground, accidentally made it too heavy for high-speed battle to guarantee a perfect hit but anyways, time to deal with these fucking assassins.


3rd Pov.

"Alright," Gensui yelled out.

"Any assassins present here kindly come in front of me so I can execute- I mean capture all of you, without taking too long as we have a meeting to go to you see" He continued.

'Sigh, using Garuda would have been so much better, my weakest aspects of Sorcery are my sensing abilities, somehow, I still can't get a grasp on deeper aspects of it no matter how hard I have tried! Leading me to not be able to find people who have consciously hidden their Cursed energy!

And Garuda who is an auto-aiming Shikigami can find any person in its range and give that information to Yuki or by an extension me or use it by itself when Yuki applies mass to it, but why cry over the impossible to get milk'

'Why haven't they moved yet? Even though I moved out of the car, threw down my weapon, AND am out in the open- Ohh I see now, HAH! To think people are getting this creative now' Gensui thought and rushed to the front of the car,

Opening the car's door meaning ripping it open as it was locked and throwing the body of the 'window' on the ground, Gensui now smirking said while raising a middle finger into the air, "Any assassins present here kindly come in front of me so I can execute- I mean capture all of you, without taking too long as we have a meeting to go to you see, and if you all continue wasting my time I might start T-Bagging this fucker right here, right now" however this time in English!

'Of course, that has to be it, to avoid losing people on their side, they hire mercenaries from overseas, so hopefully now they will-' Gensui thought but was quickly interrupted by a bullet that whizzed past him.

"You fucking bastard I'll kill you!!!" A voice rang out as a barrage of bullets suddenly started hailing down on Gensui a grin spread across his face.






[Power stone for bonus chapter: 53/100]

Halfway :)

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