
jjba part 9 extras

infernalplayz87 · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Red Portal

Stand Name: Red Portal

Ability Type: Long Range Stand

Form Type: Natural Humanoid

Special Type:N/A

Stand Cry: ORA

Appearance:A Humanoid With Black And Red as it's main colors Red Portal appears like a normal human with pitch black armor partially covering it and red like whirlpool of blood


Power: D

Speed: A

Precision: C

Persistence: D

Range: A

Potential: A

Durability: D


Portal Creation:The User can make portals up to 200 meters away from himself as the center,The User can also makes Portal to other realities and dimensions,the use also can coat himself and his stand with portals making enemy attacks passed through,the user can also coat his arms with portals and transport body parts to his pocket dimension

Pocket Dimension: The user can makes up to infinite amount of dimensions base on the users strength the user can transport people into his pocket dimension and can also store guns and and various items,the user can also control and manipulate anything in the pocket dimension even time itself

Pilot: The User can insert part of his conciousnes into red Portal pilot has a maximum distance of 200 meters away from the user

Downsides:The user can't kill people in his pocket dimension and can only make people stay in the pocket dimension upto 1 minute with room for improvement,Portal Creation has 1 second cooldown for every 1 meter the portal is away from the user,the emotions of the user slowly fades away the stronger the user becomes


Stand User: Jolly Joestar(JoJo)

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Height: 190cm

Weight: 83kg

Nationality: Half American,Half Japanese

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Occupation: N/A

Allies/Enemies: N/A