

Maddox_Amalattey · SF
14 Chs


The bell is rang, and the match starts, DARKU removes a red card from his pocket, then he puts it back, immediately,his eyes start glowing brightly red and his tone made the surrounding space quiver, then ambers of flames begun to appear on his hands, then the flames got larger,then he said"I'll deal with you using fire alone"


He then shot flames towards Jiro , but then Jiro shot a green crystal on the ground, it then enlarged, blocking the flames from hitting Jiro

, he shot a crystal pillar from the ground , pushing him into the sky where he had a clear view of the hole ring , he then shot a red crystal at DARKU, DARKU tried to use his flames to burn it, instead it erupted, causing a distraction, he got a split second to shoot a green crystal a him, when it hit DARKU, it also enlarged , but this time trapping his left arm.


He then pulled another card, but this time it was brown , he placed it back, then the earth cracked open,and shattered the crystal, this amazed the crowded so they gave DARKU a wild cheer, then he stomped on the ground and shot a boulder out, immediately he punched it towards Jiro, Jiro then shot another green crystal, trapping the rock, this happened repeatedly,


DARKU then clenched both of his fists and punched the ground,and the the earth surrounded them and turned them into rock fists, he then dashes towards Jiro and gives him a punch to the face, making Jiro stagger back, he then gave another sounding blow to Jiro, then Jiro whilst being close to him, shot a purple crystal at one of DARKU' S rock fists , when the crystal hit it, the impact sent it backwards, and the rock shattered,then crystal shads flew to Pierce DARKU and then there was the first sight of blood. " Ahh!!!!!" shouted DARKU "I might just kick things up a notch "


He then picks a plain white card from his pocket and then puts it back, he then raises his hand and then swings it in a direction, right after the swing strong wind follows, this pushes Jiro far back, Jiro uses another crystal pillar to push him incredibly fast towards DARKU , about to make a move Jiro moves his hand , suddenly DARKU moves swiftly and dodges Jiro, Jiro swings his hand and DARKU doged it again. At this point Jiro gets furious and starts to swing his his hand rapidly and randomly, but DARKU dodged all and caught Jiro' s hand pulled him forward and used his knee to blow Jiro, the wind pressure sent him flying back, "what the....." gasped Jiro .

"you're confused huh, it's air sense,a skill that allows me to feel the movement of anything in the presence of air when I'm using the air element , hahaha"


He swirls his hands in the air causing a vacuum tornado, bringing Jiro closer to DARKU, DARKU acts fast and gives Jiro a big blow, alongside the wind pressure sending Jiro flying back.

Jiro dashes towards DARKU and tries to attack again, but DARKU dodges again, "haaa!,

train more before before you face the Avatar",


Then Jiro's face suddenly changed,it wasn't of despair but of immense excitement,"Air sense huh,lets see if you can sense the air that comes back to hit you", Jiro then shoots ten green crystals into the ground, then they enlarged and created a wall around the ring, desrupting DARKU's air sense, "huh you think you're a smart boy "DARKU implied


Then DARKU uses wind to push himself very fast at Jiro, immediately he got close he gave him a punch sending him flying upwards, then DARKU used wind again to push himself right on top of Jiro mid air, he then gives Jiro another blow downwards, this happened repeatedly , in all directions, up,down, right,left," Air distortion!!!" , said DARKU


Jiro was beaten up, when DARKU was done, there was a tiny red crystal in his hand, this crystal started over heating which burnt DARKU's hand, then before DARKU could react, Jiro shot six more red crystals, giving DARKU the worst burning sensation he had ever had in his life, " l can't take this any more"

DARKU was about to place his hand in his pocket when Jiro used another crystal pillar to push him close to DARKU , then Jiro exclaimed as he jumped" You were wrong DARKU, I have prepared to take you on", Jiro then shattered a green crystal in his hand, the crystal enlarged and made a giant fist around jiro' s whole arm ,but the the giant hand was stiff because there were no joints, whilst smashing DARKU into the ground with it , Jiro shouted" This is the dark side of the beautiful crystals, CRYSTAL MON ..DAY!!", then the Crystal shattered and the pieces pierced DARKU's hands to the ground.


" huh, guess you can't pick a card since your hands are stuck and damaged " Jiro said then the key was destroying your hand and waiting for the element that you've picked to reach their limit, " Jiro then pointed a red crystal at DARKU and tells him to give up but then DARKU disagrees, Jiro then shot it into DARKU's hand DARKU felt yet again the worst sensation off his life, he then prepared another one and targeted it at DARKU's head then DARKU yelled " l give up, l give up," then the ref says match is over, and the winner is the CRYSTAL BLADE, a small boy took down the avatar, who's next