
Jinxed - Mage on the run

Jinx is a Mage on the run. On her way to forge a sword, Jinx get captured by the sons of her leader. With a vow to protect them, Jinx does everything in her power to keep them safe.

CazzCorner · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter 4


I was playing chess with Azriel when I felt it, a strong pull in my chest. I gasped and grabbed my chest and Azriel asked quickly, "Ariel! What's wrong?" he stands and comes to my side, "What is it?"

"I don't know." i said catching my breath, "It felt like something pulled at my chest." Azriel looked at me worried.

"I'm fine." I assured him.


The next morning, Azriel and I headed down for breakfast. Father was there before us as usual and we both went to greet him with a kiss on the cheek.

"How was your evening?" father asked.

I looked over at Azriel and hoped he wouldn't say anything about what happened last night like I asked him to.

"It went well," Azriel replied, "I beat Ariel in chess again." Father smiled and looked over at me,

"If the future king cannot win in chess, how can he hope to keep the kingdom safe?"

"I let him win." I say making my father laugh.

"Always the one willing to take defeat," Father chuckled, "I am impressed Azriel, this is the fourth time I've heard about you beating your brother, you shall become an important advisor when your brother is king."

"Thank you father, I will do my best." Azriel replied. Father smiled at his words and continued eating his berries.

"Is there any news from the mage." Azriel asked. Taking a bite of his bread.

"No word yet, but I doubt that even if the mage got the message that he would come."

"Yes, I wonder why." I reply without thinking. I suddenly wished i hadn't said anything when father looked over at me in surprise, even Azriel's mouth hung open a bit. It was not like me to challenge my father, but I had to voice my thoughts.

"Is there something you wish to say, Ariel?" father asked placing his hands on the table. I look over at Azriel who looked at me warningly. I sigh before I answer,

"Father, when Azriel and I were younger, mother told us about the mages. That they were peaceful people who minded their own business."

"Yes and those peaceful people attacked us." father said beginning to raise his voice.

"I know that father, but, I can't help but wonder, why have we continued this conflict when we could rather resolve it. Innocent people are dying because of our pride. It must end." I say earning a worried looked from Azriel from me to our father.

"One day, you will understand."

"No father, I do not understand!" I say raising my voice, "You cannot judge an entire race because of a bad fude from the past."

"A fude that cost me your mother's life!" father yelled.

"And what would mother think if she knew what you were doing?" I yelled back.

"Out." father said as calmly as he could as his face turned a shade of red. I looked down at my plate.

"I apologize." I say and stand to leave.

Once I am in the corridor, Azriel joins me.

"Ariel what was that? You and father have never fought before."

I looked as Azriel before looking down at my feet, "I don't know." I walk away to clear my head.

"Father is having a meeting with the lords tonight," Azriel called, "He says you must be there, and on your best behaviour too."

I turned and looked at Azriel. Instead of saying anything I nod my head and carry on on my way.


After a few hours ride and three sugar breads, I finally arrived at the kingdom in the mountains.

"Is it safe to be here?" Yashi asks. I stare up at the gate that leads into the kingdom. Two statues of Knights stand on either side of the large gate with their hands on their swords.

"You worry to much, Yashi. We'll be fine."

Once we are out of sight, Yashi transforms into a lizard and sits on my shoulder.

"It's your turn to carry me." he says and I smirk.

"Fair enough." I agree and pull on my coat.

"So where are we going?"

"To the one place we can forge a sword." I begin walking down the street and stare at the people bustling about. They seem to be preparing for something. I smile, this is the perfect opportunity. I walk past a Black Smith and take a look into his workshop to see if he has all the supplies I need but unfortunately he doesn't. This blacksmith looks like he mends horse shoes and swords and maybe even tools. He doesn't forge them. That leaves one place left, the forgery inside the castle.


"You're mad!" Yashi says as we enter the castle building.

"Don't worry, all the members of the castle are at a meeting with all the highlords. That means that the forgery will be empty and so will the castle. There couldn't be a better opportunity." I reply as I creep through the halls.

"Might I ask why we couldn't do this at any other forgery? Why does it have to be the one where the king wants to kill us?" Yashi asks creeping further into my coat.

"Because, the tools here in are made with minerals from the mountain's heart. Any other tool would break if I used it." I whisper. Yashi sighs at the revelation.

I finally found the forgery which was a small hut outside the castle walls near the back. I enter slowly making sure the forge master didn't perhaps fall asleep here. When the coast was clear I head over to the fireplace and set it on fire with my magic. I take my coat off and hang it up. Yashi turns into an eagle and sits on the beam above me. I take out the stone of gold and place it inside a stone pot to melt over the fire. After about half an hour, it has finally melted completely, I then add the silver dust and watch as the malt turns blue. I lift the pot with a set of tongs and pour it into the mold I had prepared while I waited. I pour the blue liquid into the mold before I seal it. I place my hand over the mold and conjure my magic to flow over the mold. Wisps of green circle the mold before entering it. The mold begins to turn red as the sword heats us from the magic imbued in it. I smile at the success. I take the crowbar to break the mold open again and stare at the blade within. The silver of the sword had a blue tint to it and the handle had patterns of twirling gold. I was about to reach for the sword when I felt that pull in my chest again.


A meeting? That is what father said, it seemed more like a gathering of friends. A feast was prepared for the lords and father moved among them like a good host and made conversation with them all. Azriel was deep in conversation with the son of another lord. I sigh, perhaps I can sneak out without anyone knowing. I slowly stand and make my way out of the room, hopefully no one noticed me, they all were having too much of a good time to notice someone leave anyway. I walked out the back of the castle and notice the fire is going inside the forgery. I was about to turn away thinking that maybe the forge master was working on something but I distinctly remember him leaving this afternoon. Why would he come back? I start walking towards the hut. When I am just outside the door I feel that pulling sensation again. I gasp and stare at the door, holding my chest. I unsheath my sword and open the door to find a girl standing by the table holding her chest. A warm feeling explodes in my chest as I stare at the girl with twin brown braids running down her back. Her skin is the colour of caramel and she is wearing a pair of black tights and a beige t-shirt. She makes eye contact with me before she quickly removes a sword from the mold on the table.


The pulling sensation stopped as soon as a boy enters the hut. I quickly grab the sword out from the mold and point it towards him.

"Who are you?" I ask as I stare into those familiar green eyes.

"I could ask you the same." the boy replies as he steps into the room closing the door behind him, blocking my escape. I look around the room for another way out but find none.

"You're a Mage." the boy whispers. I look at the twrils of ink that appear on my upper arms. I sigh at the realization that I'll have to fight my way out, "You're the rogue mage." he says lowering his sword. I shoot a small ball of magic at him with his guard down making him crash through the door and I make a run for the exit. I reach the outside to find another boy leaning over the one I just shot out the room. He stands and unsheathes his sword. He shares a very strong resemblance with the boy I shot.

"Surrender!" he yells at me.

"I think it's too early for that." I say and shoot a ball at him as well but he deflects it with his blade and runs towards me. Our swords connect with a clang.

"Who are you?" he asks. I growl and twist my blade under his causing him to loose control of the blade, then I kick him in the chest making him fall back. I point my sword to his throat as he stares up at me with his hands in surrender.

"Surrender." I echo his words with a smile.

Suddenly a knife makes contact with the back of my shoulder and I cry out. I turn to see another boy standing there, his arm extended from the blade he threw at me. While I was distracted, the boy I pinned to the ground kicked my feet from under me and I fall onto my back, plunging the blade even deeper in my shoulder making me cry out again.


My eyes open from the black void when I hear a cry. I look towards the sound as my vision begins to clear and see the girl with a knife in her shoulder. Azriel lies on the ground where he kicks the girls feet from under her and she cries out again when she hits the ground. Azriel picks up his blade and holds it to her throat. I stand and Azriel looks over to me, "Are you okay?" he asks.

I nod and stand, my back aching. We hear an eagle call but the girl yells out, "No Yashi!"

Th eagle flies away and the girl sighs with relief. We have attracted the attention of nearby guards and the approach us. When they see the girl on the floor they quickly rush over. They lift her up and she groans, her shoulder drooping. The boy Azriel was talking to at the feast walks up behind her and pulls out the blade, earning another c

ry from the girl before she passes out in the guards arms.

"Take her to the cells." Azriel commands.