

Back when fishes soared through the heavens, tigers laid eggs, trees prophesied, and chickens twerked; the destiny of all creation rested on the shoulders of a young boy, named; Ji Min! Our MC had been chosen by prophecy to become the Omni-Being; a peerless existence who was not only omnipotent but omnipresent and omniscient as well. As the forgotten cornerstone of the very foundation upon which all creation was laid, our MC was able to meet the requirements to be chosen as the herald of the forgotten True Spirit. But as fate would have it, our MC ended up transmigrating into the body of a little kid who had a soup of chronic diseases. So, in a world where the strong ate the weak, drank their blood, and picked their teeth with their victims’ bones, what would become of our dying MC? How will he survive in a world where Qilins are treated as pets and Dragons are made to play catch? A world where overlords grill their meat with tribulation lightning and drink lava?

The_Primal_Scribe · ファンタジー
94 Chs

Little White

The moment the runes went off, the bigger rodent drew its last breath and died, but the four rodents didn't stop and instead pounced on it, clawing and shredding its body into chunks and bits.

'Unlike this little white rodent who can give them precise commands with its squeaks, it seems I can only give them simple commands. ' Sensei sighed as he returned his gaze to the little white rodent.

The smaller rodent saw its kin fall under the severe onslaught of their comrade and it couldn't help but shiver in fright, wondering how it would feel if their fates were swapped.


Then the moment Sensei's gaze landed on it, a new-found level of fear took root within its mind as it relaxed its body, portraying a docile and submissive stance.


It cried softly.

"He would have kept his life if he had kept his cool, but I don't have any use for a pet that is governed by its emotions.

You seem calmer and more intelligent, and I know you also possess a similar ability to his, if not better." Sensei added as he walked toward the docile rodent.

He squatted before the little white rodent and looked into its eyes as if trying to gaze into its soul, and as if confirming something, he nodded his head and smirked.

"It should be happening right about now."

The moment Sensei made that statement, two shadows darted out of the bush behind him and shot toward their location with their gaze locked on the little white rodent.


Sensei blurted as the gravity's AOE responded to his command and expanded to its previous 30-meter span.

The incoming shadows slowed mid-air, allowing Sensei to discover what they were.

Apparently, they were two green-colored beasts who looked like a hybrid of puma due to their skin and a cheetah due to the black dotted spots on their body.

"Vacuum Blast!" Sensei bellowed as he smashed his palm into the empty air, causing the air around his palms to explode and slam into the incoming shadows!

Bam! Bam!

Two bodies fell to the ground lifelessly as the little white rodent watched the scene in shock.

The little white rodent was stunned by Sensei's sense of awareness and adaptability to the situation, as well as flexible, quick thinking and technique execution fluidity; all happening simultaneously.

"One Star Lord Stage; something is definitely wrong with this forest."

Sensei gazed at his victims and muttered before returning to the little white rodent.

"Setting sights on anything that belongs to my Young Lord is the same as asking for a quick death; in their next lives, they will learn to read the atmosphere a little better before barging in."

Sensei added while the little white rodent simply stared at him realizing that despite their best efforts, they had still failed to force Sensei to reveal his true combat prowess.

Then it wondered why he allowed them to beat him unconscious and even went as far as faking his death.

Of course, it was oblivious to the fact that Ji Min was now unconscious, and his body was now under the control of another person entirely; it simply summed everything up to the fact that Ji Min's nigh-death experience spurred a breakthrough within him.

"I hope this works."

Sensei said before squatting before the little white rodent once again and placing a palm on its forehead.

He then shut his eyes, and moments later, his palm began to glow with a bright golden light as Ji Min's bloodline shadow began to flicker and grow fainter.

Squeak! Squeak!

The little white rodent trembled and cried in pain when it felt a foreign but powerful energy intrude its soul world in a very tyrannical manner.

"Don't fight it."

Sensei muttered as he kept pushing on whilst the bright green glow in his eyes began to gradually dim.

"Endure it a little, it's been a while since I last attempted to soul-bind anything." He added as Ji Min's intrusive soul energy forced its way toward the little white rodent's soul world core.

Finally, Ji Min's soul energy pierced through the white rodent's soul core and transformed into a golden seedling that hovered within its soul world core.

The moment the soul seed morphed into existence, Sensei felt a connection appear between his mind and that of the little white rabbit, followed by a string of foreign information that belonged to the little white rodent.

Then, as usual, Sensei felt a splitting headache stampede through his head causing Ji Min's bloodline shadow to finally disperse.

Sensei grab and shook his head as he stood to his feet to check the result of his attempt.

Upon looking at the white rodent, one would see the image of a golden triskelion etched onto its forehead, glowing in and out like a blaring alarm.

"What a mysterious and unique soul symbol. From now henceforth, you shall be called Little White."

Sensei soliloquized as he gazed at the magnificent brand that had now stopped glowing and was fading out of sight.

"Doesn't matter; it's not like the young lord would have any idea about it. I guess it's just one of the things about him that we would have to figure out together, firsthand."

He added as he looked toward the white rodent who was now standing in front of him like a docile pet awaiting its owner's commands.


Sensei cried in pain as he fell to one knee and grabbed his head.

"Crap, the tranquil poison has been used up, and craves energy to regenerate his physique to optimum condition."

Sensei muttered to himself as he looked toward the white rodent and gave an urgent command.

"Little White; go, take your comrades and gather the carcasses of all the beasts in the area and bring them to me, now!"


The rodent nodded before squeaking at the four rodents who had now completely devoured the bigger white rodent.

The four rodents scurried over before joining the little white rodent to go carry out their master's orders.


Sensei groaned once again as he grabbed his chest this time around; it was like all his organs were failing one after the other.

'I hope these guys come back in time, otherwise, I might really die before they return.'

He thought to himself as another pang of pain raged through the spot where the Abyss Medusa had bitten him earlier.

'Damn, it's almost like all the damage Young Lord had sustained is resurfacing.' Sensei added as he fell to his knees.


He threw out a mouthful of what seemed like a mixture of green, grey, red, and black fluids.


He groaned once again as terrible abdominal pain sent him curling into a ball.

Suddenly, another torrential wave of migraine washed over his brain, causing him to grab his head with his other hand and roll around in pain.