

Ana wept with a couple of sniffs, and with her smile, Alberto knew it was tears of joy.

Witnessing such scene served him the answer to his lifetime question back on earth.

He felt a deep and complete accomplishment with the thought that what had been missing in his entire existence on earth is finally in front of him right now, and that more than his underachievements as a physicist, proving himself sane with all his unfounded imaginations back then was his ulimate quest.

As he is drawn in thoughts of this revelation, something so powerful sparked within him.

It was like an invigorating fire from his gut that rose up instantaneously, like melting his heart at the same time, going all the way out to his throat and through all the parts of his body..

"Uwaaaaah uwaaaaah uwaaah uwaaah!"

He finally burst out in cries but as soon as he heard his noise, he also realized that the burning sensation was real.

"Oh My God! This can't be maa.?! Mage syra?!"

Ana was shaking in awe and disbelief as she put down Alberto in a pillow nest on a platform next to her bed.

Syra attended to the matter having already sensed something heavy at his back, and like everyone else who witnessed the scene, as soon as she turned, she couldnt believe it, but in a snap, after she flutter her robe, she immediately chanted and after a brief moment, a dense pure Light/Mana from her hand streamed in mid air to alberto that melded with the ultra-violet light/mana that's chaotically rippling all over his body.




a. basic or crude form of mana

b. can be absorbed and passed on, but cannot be used to manipulate matter

c. considered as a gate to the true manas.

d. without understanding the light you can never access true mana


1. red mana- lowest grade or frequency

3. orange

4. yellow

5. green

6. blue

7. violet

8. ultra

9. xray

10. gamma- highest grade and has the

shortest-highest wave (densest)


5 major existing energies


holy light



undead. ]

Syra concentrated as she struggled to control the dark violet light, and everyone in the room, including Maree, and the Ghadforde household head charwoman, Lora, was left dazed as they had never seen anything like it.

Ana's face paled from shock and her overlooked exhaustion from giving birth just a moment ago and as she tried to hang on and convince herself that she can help Syra and keep Alberto safe, her sight suddenly went black..

"Maree". Syra called her disciple while maintaining a focus, and Maree attended to Ana immediately and started channeling a glowing green light to Ana's forehead and abdomen, and Lora kept herself firm doing the bedside care.

Everything was happening in a short moment, but Syra had already exhausted herself too much trying to control the mana outburst and save Alberto.

When she deemed the situation helpless, she quickly brought out a magical item and activated it at once.

"Jshg sgxy t hsye "


Suddenly a bright pure mana/light exploded from it, engulfing everyone in a split second and covering an oval space of 696.91 cubic meters, which literally covered the entire room being Syra and Alberto at the center. Syra, with her heightened powers and senses, suddenly noticed two existing powerful presence, one from alberto and one from something, that suddenly vanished.

Maree and Lora felt like they were in a presence of a divine or an elemental spirit, but aside from Ana who fell asleep, for Syra as a GrandMage, there was no divine being, it is simply just a vast amount of pure mana space or they call it rather - the 'Light Domain' or simply 'Domain'.

The magical artifact is called the 'Archdome stone' because it mimics the ability of an Archmage (at a certain level) where the caster can project their mana/light around them to a certain distance depending on their ability, and they can have the control of most elements and mana levels at will within that space. Meaning, they can reach a higher level of proficiency in magic for a certain period of time.

It took some time for Syra to finally subdued the destructive flow of the dark violet light as she also tried something experimental, and since Alberto was perfectly fine in the end, she was confident to have done the right thing.

Thanks to the magical artifact and her quick judgement, everyone was safe.

"Syra" Ana reached to Syra as she sat on her bed after gaining back her consciousness.

"Thank you!" As tears fall from her eyes shifting her view from Syra to Alberto.

"You have done so much! You saved my little one, My first, and my only" she sniffed for her overflowing joy and gratitude as she stood up.

"Not yet. His mana core is still stabilizing. Although he's awake and smiling, the mana in him is very much alive and volatile".

Syra calmly explained after Ana tried to touch him.

"I just can't believe this Syra" Ana exclaimed.

"Me too. We know too well the fundamentals of magic, specially the principles behind mana detection and mana core formation. And for a newborn? I can't even find any bit of answer around it. That's one amazing thing already, and what about the dark energy?"

"Isn't that mana?" Ana asked.

"It's definitely not black or demonic energy, but a powerful mana energy derived from his inate mana core formation. And with that overwhelming power, If i may foresee his future, im certain that it will not be easy. It may even be full of hardships, but believe he will eventually overcome those, because truly what he has is extraordinary.".

Syra concurred to Ana with the words coming from her experience of magical struggle with alberto a moment ago.

Unbeknownst to them, Alberto was aware of everything.

As soon as he felt the burning mana in his body after that emotional outburst, he closed his eyes and concentrated on controlling the flow then.

He didnt understand what's happening at first, but he quickly grasped the situation, and althought he had the right concept in his mind to control the energy, he just didn't have the final objective to what it should result into,

until Syra instilled a white mana and started to stream a red mana waves inside.

Alberto immediately grasped another concept following that, and he started to adjust his mana flow, but he found it hard to attain because red is the polar opposite of violet in terms of frequencies, and if there is a sudden shift from short-high to long-low waves then his energy will be lost and his mana core formation will fail, so it took him more time and concentration,

where in Syra's point of view there was no development at all and things might get more dangerous so she used the Archdome unhesistantly.

She thought that initiating a red mana flow wasn't enough, so with the archdome as her aid, she introduced all the mana levels going all up to color blue consecutively. She just struggled a bit in creating a wave of deep blue (next to violet), but she succeeded eventually and then things went smoothly after that, making her believe that what she did was perfect and dominoed the rest of the process until a mana core was formed.

Or so she thought.

Alberto was very thankful for the misjudgement of Syra or rather her generousity, because without those actual mana levels that she presented inside his core, it would take much time for him to actualize the concepts in his head stabilizing his inate mana level (ultraviolet) and complete his mana core. So, Syra deserved more than a credit, in fact alberto is now indebted to her as she indirectly introduced to him the concept of magic.

Everytime Alberto is exposed to a certain magic, he becomes enlightened and is able to comprehend it's principles instantaneously. (unfair).


- that will be his Ace,

and his


will be his edge in this world!.

As he comprehended, he conjectured that magic and science are one, but he set that thought aside, as he was concentrating to the more demanding situation at hand.

After a few moments later, he finally executed his knowledge in science into a magical concept, which was impeccable.

As those violet ripples started to form a wave in rhythm with other mana colors, they started to cascade like a waterfalls, from violet to red, funneled into a pinpoint in his core as they seem to be making an imprint of each of their power and constitution like stamp signature in a molecular level - forming a luminous marble.

While the magic display was still going on as both Alberto in Syra worked from their standpoints of knowledge and judgement, their powers actually communicated inside his core, like a master-teacher dialogues to which the latter was alberto.

Syra knew there was something off.

She intended to control the energies and direct the mana levels inside him on her own ways but she end up aiding a much powerful force where she succumbed and just trailed until everything was done perfectly. Astounded as she was, she dismissed the idea that it was Alberto's power, because of his infantile form.

'How can a newborn already have a concsiousness and a knowledge of that level?, it can't be'.

She thought rejectingly.

As she was going around her head, she gulped realizing that she felt a different presence earlier as she activated the archdome, which she never really put much attention to as she was called for a much pressing matter.

Now, she is convinced that a much powerful mage was present and observing.

'Perhaps an Archmage or an oracle'. She analyzed as she wiped a sweat over her left eyebrow with her index finger.

'Is that person perhaps a benefactor of this household? A powerful elder? Mm. And, when he saw my situation, that person helped out. I'm so petty'.

She gulped another one accepting the truth that's revealing, swallowing her pride.

Althought, she was partly right about another presence, she missed or simply ignored the fact that it was Alberto's power all along that maneuvered everything to a point of conclucion-

and that his MANA CORE!

Of course who would believe that a newborn is capable of doing such amazing things?

'Yes, he has the talent (violet mana). it's given. But, with that level of consciousness to be able to comprehend and control such power? I really doubt'.

She inwardly protested with the notion.

'Still, to be having a talent or mana core as this, simply does not make him less of a genius. It's still one out of a million chances, and i happen to encounter one. I am truly fortunate! And, with that powerful presence that helped out.. Who knows. mmm... im pretty sure that this child's journey will not be easy, but extraodinary'!

Syra proclaimed.