

Pahk! Pahk! "Please make a sound young one".

Alberto could hear indistinctive sounds from people that slowly turned into an alien language after he felt the taps on his bottom. He wanted to move but he couldn't. He felt like he was hung and tied upside-down that he could feel a bit of pressure going down his head, and since he cant control any muscle, he thought of himself being incorporeal.

He tried to talk, but words were not forming as he couldn't channel air through his pipe, like he is choking. He wanted to see at least, but he could harldy see, just a shade of white and upturned shadowy image of objects and people.

Pahk! pahk! Another strokes on his bum.

'The gravity, the pressure, the language, the shameless person who had the guts to hit my ARSE!

This hardship!

This is unbearable!'

He inwardly protested.

His head became heavier by time as he felt helpless with all the questions piling up in his head and the frustrating incapacities he had at the moment..

"uwaaaah.. uwwaaah.."

So he let out a scream, to burst out his frustration admitting his perplexity, and to his surprise.

'Is that a cry of a baby? A baby? Am I !?'

"By the heavens!"

He tried to cry out once more to warrant his predicament before his incredulous mind, but then he felt an assuring comfort from the warm hand that enveloped his upper back and nape.

"Oh the Gods has blessed you Ana.

Your baby is alive!

And a very cute one". Declared cheerfully by an old woman who hit his bottom a moment ago.

..Then voices of relief and joy erupted in the room.

'So I was really topsy turvy a moment ago and as i made a sound, I was put down as these people confirmed that i'm alive and well.. ..and cute, at that"..

He rejoiced, gaining a better sense of his sorroundings.

He also confirmed that he is indeed alive and that his seemingly adrift consciousness is in a body of a baby, assumingly of earthly biology, but since he cant understand any of their words, he assumed that perhaps he is in a different place or a different world.

"Is this reincarnation? Or transmigration? How is this possible? How am I even so aware of things being in this form?

'Did a God hear my wish before i died on earth? Or simply the universe's answer to my stubbornness'?

He thought.

'Well, right now, i cant answer all these questions, but eventually i will be able to.'

'The single most important thing right now is to deal the here and now. And if ever this is an absolute reality i am experiencing, then I will embrace it and i will take this chance to do better. No!

I will do my best to exceed far beyond my knowledge and achievements in my previous life'!

He grinned in thought.'

'This time, this time, in this life, maybe i can really achieve time travel or absolute teleportation. And i will be able to figure out the mystery about my parents.

C'mon alberto, c'mon! We can do this!'

He inwardly branded.

"(Magical chant)

hak kxbaej xykwn svc jekksv vwjzbfj wjj! "

vhooohm ... vhooohm ... vhooohm... whooom whooom...

"There you are, much cuter without those stains!

Here is your little boy, Ana!"

Handing over the seemingly inocent Alberto 😅 to Ana after the last faint layer of light (magic) pulsed and penetrated his body.

'What was that?!

Did she just use magic??'

Alberto exclaimed, agog in thoughts.

"Thank you so much mage Syra! I thought i lost my firstborn," as Ana reached for her baby with tremulous voice and hands.

"The Chanting!

The light! The warm tickling sensation?

And this old woman,

a Mage!? "


Is the only question that remained funneled by his vortex of thoughts.

'I believed in the existence of extraterrestrial life forms but if this world is in the same universe as the earth in my previous life, then Bayesian analysis is really a top notch!

However, since there is magic here, which does not fit in the laws of the earth-universe, then perhaps i am in a different cosmos? If so, then i was right all along with my theories.. hehe!

But it's too soon to conclude that..'

He quickly dismissed the premise.

Just as things happened, after alberto made a cry, he was put down and Syra immediately casted a spell where a bright light enveloped him. It pulsed for 5 times where it melded with the stains on his body and dissipated in the air in beats. The last pulse of pure light and energy seeped into his body, leaving his tender form a radiant aura. Then, she wrapped him with a soft hooded towel and gave him to Ana

Alberto's mind was stuck in awe and in the ecstatic feeling he felt with that light magic. But those amazement sided away as a familiar presence slowly engulfed his being and covered his face in warmth.

He didnt clearly see the face as her face was already pressing his. As he concluded that this person is the one who gave birth to him, he became impatient to see her.

As Ana's lips started to leave his cheek, Alberto's mind went slow mo, recalling the images of his mother in his dreams in the past life. As the image in his head slipped into a smiling image of her, Ana's portrait also appeared in his field of vision perfectly matching every outline and details, and time seemed to stop momentarily as if all the swirling questions and rampaging thoughts in his head starts forming into puzzle pieces that he can pick up and sort out.. and now, finally one of the tetriminos is locked down..

End of chapter 1