
Jehovah: The dawn

In the mundane rhythm of Joseph's monotonous life, where routine and predictability held sway, an unexpected twist emerged. Little did he know that his world was about to be irrevocably altered by the arrival of Furina, a fictional character from the depths of his imagination. As if plucked from the pages of a forgotten story, Furina mysteriously found herself transported into Joseph's dreary reality. With her sudden appearance, the ordinary became extraordinary, and the two embarked on an unforeseen adventure that would weave the threads of their destinies together. Amidst the complexities of their newfound connection, a love story unfolded, transcending the boundaries between reality and fiction, and Joseph's once-boring existence became a canvas painted with the vibrant hues of an unexpected romance.

HaLimel_Lon · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

What the fuck?


Joseph wandered a vast green field, the sky was as blue as it can be, huge white clumps of clouds, drifted by like gentle harmless giants, joseph started analysing his surroundings, the green grass hills were all he could see, joseph didn't seem amazed or surprised by breath taking scenery.


A little girl was running towards joseph while calling out for him, he could see her running up and down the hills getting closer, the girl had short green hair and eyes, she wore a purple hat, and a black cute mage uniform, and a purple skirt. Joseph cracked a smile watching her. She hugged him as soon as she arrived. Joseph puts his hand on her head.

-you've grown Serrala

The girl smuggling her face on his belly

-I have missed you so much, what took you so long *she said while started tearing up*

-im sorry, the Vagnar army launched an attack on both Avaldia and Solven, my service was required for an extended period of time.

Serrala wiped out her tears and looked up at joseph with a wide smile on her face

-wow and you emerged victorious, right?

-actually, Avaldia fell down, a lot of people died, but we managed to free Solven, it was all thanks to our brave general, Mason.

Serrala faced the same direction as joseph and kneeled and prayed, the hills felt as if they stood in respect, the gentle giants kept on passing by, and the wind grew a bit stronger, sweeping Serrala's hat, but she didn't budge and kept on praying

-{How devine is the fallen, for this land to stand taller.}, thank you for your sacrifices, brave ones, trust in the living, it won't be in vain.

-im impressed you still remember that? Serrala ?

The girl stands up one again 

-of course stupid, I have been reciting that every single day, for you to be safe.

Joseph smiles

-well, so it's all thanks to you, thank you.

-come on joseph let us return to ///////////////

Suddenly everything gradually blurs away, and so does the girl's voice.

Joseph is lost in the darkness in his eyes, he could hear the rain crackling on the roof top and wind whistling, his eyes starting to open, and his vision gradually clears.

-what's my name? who am i? where am I? *joseph asks in his mind*

Joseph's vision fully clears, for a second there, joseph forgot everything including his name, but it was just for a few instants 

-oh it's where im joseph, what am I saying, I've always been joseph

Joseph is looking up to the celling, it was cold white, his sheets were also white, an also white light coming from the wall behind him, he sits up, realizing that he smells like shit, joseph notices his mom who is sleeping on the desk, and also notices that the room he is in, is no ordinary room, it's a hospital room.

-am I in the hospital?? What the hell happened? * joseph wondered*

Mom slowly is lifting her head from the table yawning

-Joseph? You are awake, oh son, why you do this to me? you want me to die in a heart attack? *while checking if he still has a fever*

-mom, don't worry I'm okay, what happened?

Suddenly, both joseph and mom, turn around to the sound of the door opening, it was a doctor.

-you are awake young man, I will do one last check on you, is that okay?

-sure. *joseph responded*

The doctor had a long white cloak, and he had a thick moustache, but no beard, he had green eyes, and shaven dark hair, he approached joseph with a blood pressure measure, he measured his blood tension.

-well young man, your blood pressure looks okay for now, guess your week long nap helped.


-your blood pressure rose dramatically due to a state of shock, which led you to pass out, as for the reason why, your mother here is not so reliable when it comes to that.

-joseph, when you returned home last time, when saw me and furina, on the table, you passed out.*mom said*

-so that was real, I thought that was just a dream

-doctor? When can he go back home?

The doctor was lost in his thought in a second

-oh yeah, young man, the moment you are awake, you are discharged 

-come on son pack your things, we are leaving, Furina is waiting for us.

-she is?

The doctor thinks to himself while, watching them leave

-augh! They're both gone woowoo.

The day was rainy and sad, it was sunday 3pm, the hospital was ''khalil amran'', the CHU of bejaia, joseph opens the umbrella, and covers both himself and his mom, who was carrying joseph's bag.

-there is a taxi station a few meters down there, let's go there mom.

The ambulances siren sounds, and babies crying, could be heard, even after leaving the hospital, joseph and his mom under the umbrella walking down to the taxi station, he spots a taxi in service and calls out


The taxi alerts joseph to come

The taxi opens the car's trunk, and carries the bag of mom's hands.

-in the trunk you go! Ma'am, you can take a seat.

Both joseph and his mom sits in the back.

-where to folks?

-les 600 logts, please. *mom responded*

-of course! Ma'am

Joseph puts his head on the window as the taxi's engine started moving, the rain droplets blurred, the view from the window, but it is still possible to make out the scene

-mom? How are you not surprised by what happened?

-not surprised?! Boy, my eyes and my brain are not synchronising, if I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I would've just assume, that's she is just a weird girl stalking you, or just obsessed with you to the point she sneaks to our house, wait! Actually, I'd believe a girl appearing out of thin air, more than that.

Joseph makes a ''really mom?'' face

-but why is she still in our house?

-in these few last days, I got to know her more, she is a really nice girl, she was shy at first, but gradually she opened up to me more, and from what she told me, she suffers from a case of amnesia, she can't remember much from the time she got here, so for the mean time she is going to be living with us.

Joseph thought to himself

-I really wanted to get her, but I didn't plan to get her this way. Just try to keep cool joseph, I know I'd freakout when I see her again, but try to act cool.

The cab parks next to their building in les 600logts, the driver comes out, and pulls out the bag from the trunk.

-thank you mister! *mom thanked*

Mom and joseph entered the building, and knocked on the door, joseph's sister opened the door.

-who is it? *furina shouted from the living room*

-it is mom and joseph *sis replied*

Furina rushed right from the room 

-miss mom you are back !

-yes furina im back *mom smiles*

-you are okay joseph, welcome home brother *sis saying in relieve*

Furina bows 

-oh hi joseph-san, welcome home

Joseph's heartbeat is rising, but so does his pp. *it's barely noticeable anyway*

-glad to be home, thank you!

Joseph settles back in his room, AKA, the living room, looks at his ps4.

-well, im gonna play genshin, but I need to take a shower first

(I am well aware that this last sentence is not a realistic depiction of joseph).

Mom is also setteling back, joseph choses clothes, and walks to the shower, he sees his mom deciding what to prepare for dinner, furina and sister are hanging out, joseph thinks to himself

-huh? I wonder where the old man is?

Joseph enters the shower, and takes his clothes off.

(not that I am imagining it).

The shower starts, and its thoughts with it.

-wow im naked and the only thing covering me from furina is the door, I wonder how is she gonna be living her days here, and just thinking about it, I was the one fantesizing about her, and I am the one who barly said anything to her, ironically, I don't know what will happen now, cuz I never thought that this a possible scenario

It's getting steamy in the shower.


-Girls! Come and help me make dinner *mom called*

-miss mom is calling let's go *furina told sis*

Joseph hears

-Huh at least she is getting along really well with my mom, which is all I want right now. *he said*

Furina and sis rush to the kitchen 

-so miss mom what are we making?

-kabab! With chicken!

Furina with excitement and curiousity said

-what do you want us to do, miss mom?

-you see those potatos on the table? Peel them.

-oh oh I know what a potato is.

Furina and sis start peeling

-I wish I could make you a dish from my world, black-back perch stew, well not exactly make, chef Mao makes it, but I will treat it to you

-that sounds interesting, but it would be weird sounding in this country *sister says*

-country? *Furina asks*

-yes here in Algeria *sis responded*

-algeria is just a country?? I thought it was the name of this world

Mom giggles 

-you thought it was the name of this world?, in fact, there are 195 countries. *mom said*

-195?? Wow how stupid of me.

Joseph comes out of the shower with clean fresh clothes

-joseph, the shower better be clean and devoided of babies *mom tells joseph*

-babies? *furina asks*

Sis chuckles

-for your own sake furina, try not to think about it? *sis responded*

Firina thought to herself

-is he evil, does he kill babies?

Joseph turns on his ps4 and sits down, he launches genshin impact, he played for a while, in the same time, dinner is being ready, joseph played until he decided to try pull for furina in order to get her in the game, once he pressed the button to see if he got her, in disbelief he said


-your language!, joseph! *mom shouted from the kitchen*

The girls prepared the dinner table, everything was ready. 

Everyone sat down except for father, no sign of him, they had kabab, salade, WATER.

-hey mom I think im good enough to go to uni tomorrow *joseph declared*

Furina claps in excitement

-wonderful then, at least furina doesn't have to be alone on her first day *mom says*


-oh did I forget to tell you ??furina will be attending the same uni as you, imagine in what major? Marketing! She went to aboudaw to join while you were passed out, and of course, because no one in the university keep it in their pants they accepted, and requested to be in the same class as you!

-you forgot to tell me that??

Furina couldn't keep it in

-yaay!! Joseph-san I am excited for tomorrow 

Joseph thought to himself

-I think I did not pass out, I think I died, this is heaven, welp! R.I.P to self-confidence issues in the uni

Everyone finished eating and picked up everything and cleaned the table

Mom sleeps in her room, sister and furina in sis's room, and joseph in the living room.

(im just assuming these).

The lights of the house were all out everyone went to sleep. It's 10pm, the only visible light sources left are joseph on his ps4, and the moonlight entering to the living room from the window.

-what the hell is this?? I don't get it. *joseph thought*

You could hear snores, crickets, the occasional car engine passing, it was 11pm and deep in the night, furina had to pee, she woke up itching her eyes, when she got out, she noticed a light coming from the living room, it was joseph on his ps4, she goes there.

-joseph-san, you're still aw-

Furina gasps in shock

-I knew it! You are evil, you kill innocent babies, and you brought me here to this world, huuuh you wanna rape me, don't you!? *furina said*

-yea-, I mean no no! *joseph responded*

She saw the genshin impact world on joseph's TV

-what godly powers you must posses to be monitoring our world in such a scale, what is your purpose dark one. *says in an angry silly tone* 

-you have got it all wrong, in this world your world is just a game, it's not even real, and I can't believe I am saying it

-what do you mean? *furina wondered*

-take a look here on the screen, I am playing with an invisible character, earlier, I tried to get you in the game, it's what I've been trying for a long time, then, sure enough, I did get you, but the twist is there's nothing there, except for your name, and that's how I knew it was you, so you being here might have to do something with that

-so it was not you who brought me ?

-no it's not *joseph responded with an annoyed face*

-I am sorry joseph-san this is embarrassing

Joseph's turns off the console, so the only light there is the moon light hitting on both furina and joseph, furina goes to the window.

-it's just because I am scared, im not showing it, just not to be a hindrance on you guys, I am scared I am confused. *furina said in a frowny voice*

-not in the same way but I can relate.

-I really want to understand what is going on

Joseph approaches her and put his hand on her shoulder

-We will help you, I will help you

the moonlight keep hitting them both

furina with her eyes winden a bit

-thank you, joseph-san!

-okay now you should go to sleep, we have a long day

Furina gets back to her bed and joseph does the same, he thought to himself

-acting so cool there joseph, damn it, how the hell im going to help her?

Joseph closes his and drifts to sleep.

suddenly he finds himself in the middle of a hellish burning hell, demonic screams, and monstrous roars could be heard, joseph feels a terrifying presence behind him, joseph's feeling was not fear, it was horror, he gulps and turns around to an out of this world huge creature, the creature says..

-oi.. PARTNER!