
Jeff The Killer X Reader

If your under the age of 13 or 18 be warned that this story does contain Smut for you little Jeff simps out there feel free to read this is for you lovely's out there I myself IS a JTK simp so I high wear that as a patch on my banner

20wilbursoot24 · その他
10 Chs

Chapter 2: The Night it Happened

(Shadow's POV)

My mother drove me to the hospital I was at Jeff's bedside holding his hand I was asleep it's been almost a year since the incident happened with jeff and the three bullies Keith was released yesterday afternoon I felt Jeff's hand stir and close around my hand I woke up because of jeff holding my hand back I lifted my head up I repositioned myself, so my head was in Jeff's lap I fell back to sleep again 


~The next day~


The nurse came in and told me that jeffs family and my mother where here to see jeff I told the nurse they can come in. 15 minutes later the nurse came back in to remove Jeff's bandages after they were removed Jeff's family where in utter shocked me and my mom smiled at Jeff's new appearance, I kissed jeff. Jeff kissed me back -his parents and the doc where talking sense- me and my mom and Jeff's family went back home.


~Couple hours later~

I heard screaming next door I was fully aware of what happened that night I watched the news the next morning and I was shocked of how many people die including Jeff's family and jeff had went missing last night as well.


(Shadow's POV)

It's been 1 month and a couple of weeks since jeff left I felt very lonely without him I've had some times where I would self-harm I just want to see him again I'm being bullied for being gay and that I'm friends with mad people I've also been suicide baited like 10 times already I've actually took the time to think about committing every time I let one of those thoughts take over I and I talk myself out of it I'm at the edge of a rooftop building 15ft or so in the air I hold on to the railing while I'm walking/running down the stairs and I think of what I was just about to do I talk to my mom about she doesn't believe me like always it was school. 

I was fourteen when jeff went missing it has been 2 years and a couple of weeks I was almost 16 years old my bday was coming up and jeff would not be here for it or so I had thought.