
Episode 1

(The episode opens with Jaz entering a bar)

(Jaz has long pink hair, brown skin, wearing a green shirt with short sleeves, orange skirt, and violet shoes; has a long snake tail with a spiky end of the tail)

A voice: Jaz, the crowd is going crazy

Jaz: No problem, I'm ready

(Jaz is wearing a sparkling purple dress and heels)

(A crowd is by the stage)

The crowd: Jaz! Jaz! Jaz!

(Jaz comes through the curtains)

(The crowd cheers)

Jaz: Hi, everybody, are you ready to hear some singing ?

The crowd: Yeah!

Jaz: Good

(Jaz turns on a boom box playing drums and starts dancing)

Jaz (sang): She is the queen of the night

She is the queen of the night

She is the queen of the night

She is the queen of the night

(Jaz shows off her shoes)

Last dance, wearing shoes

Last dance, covering our feet

(Jaz taps her feet and spins)

Dance, dance, dance to the music

(Jaz is shown with a big smile)

Sing laugh, laugh, laugh to the sunset

(Jaz acting like she is crying)

And the way you dance to the music might make a man cry

(Jaz holding a drink)

And the way you drink and deal in for what you said

(Jaz holding a book)

So you think about your stories

(Jaz shows pictures of people around the world)

Story all over the world

(Jaz tapping her feet and clapping)

And then you dance the night away

(Jaz does the splits, then gets up and spins)

And, oh, I love to dance

(Jaz shaking her hips)

You better see it move, like I do

So show me if you can dance

(Jaz shaking her shoulders)

Dance, dance, dance to the music

Sing laugh, laugh, laugh to the sunset

(Jaz acting like she is crying)

And the way you dance to the music might make a man cry

(Jaz holding a drink)

And the way you drink and deal in for what you said

(Jaz does a moonwalk backwards)

You just gotta go there

And follow me to the dance floor

(Jaz dances)

Dance, dance, dance to the music

Sing laugh, laugh, laugh to the sunset

And the way you dance to the music might make a man cry

And the way you drink and deal in for what you said

(Jaz does backflips, spins, tap dances, and does the splits as the finishing moves)

(The crowd roars)

Jaz: Thank you

(The crowd continues cheering)

(Jaz goes back to the liquor room)

A voice: The usual?

(The person is a 30-year-old woman who has long blond hair, white skin, wearing a black dress and heels)

Jaz: You know it Veronica

(Veronica pours liquor in a cup)

Jaz (takes the cup): Thanks

(Jaz drinks it)

Veronica: More

Jaz: You know it

Veronica: Happy birthday

Jaz: Don't remind me (drinks more)

Veronica: Girl, (fangs) I am a vampire

Jaz: And I'm an immortal mutant, yeah, but you have to drink blood

Veronica: And you were that

Jaz: Girl, that was only to pay the bills

Veronica: You danced all night

Jaz: Sorry, but we weren't official

(Veronica kiss Jaz)

Veronica: And now we are

Jaz: And I won't ever let a man or woman or non-binary person come between us

Veronica: Good, I love you

Jaz: Same

(Episode ends with Veronica and Jaz drinking)