
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · ファンタジー
50 Chs

The School By The Lake

White hair with a little bit of lavender highlights big beautiful brown eyes and chiseled face, broad shoulders, wide chest.

"Who are you?" with a vicious smirk on his face "I am Jayden, Jayden King!" Jayden gently rubbed his jaw with his thumb and winked in the mirror.

"I am the dream of every girl!" He pulled on his sports jacket and hung his bag on his shoulder.

He is a student in a school named "Deep Lake High School" Most beautiful school for such a small town, a beautiful palace that's nothing more than a prison from the inside, a school where students go through such mental trauma that they end up being in a mental asylum.

Why? Just because one single gang of students, The Crow Gang, a gang of bullies.

Bullies who'd push students into such a mental state that they are left with no choice but to leave the school.

This Year 23 students left the school, just because of all the humiliation they had to go through, and this is only just halfway through the year, who knew what would happen next?

There were 4 members of this gang, Benjamin, Monty, Ivy, and the leader Jayden, Jayden was the most charming one of them, Benjamin had muscles and he would always wear a p-cap backward, and a tank top, Monty was thin and red-headed, he was in the gang because he thought it made him look cool, also Jayden would always set him up with girls.

Ivy had black bangs with pink highlights, she was like a spy for their gang, keeping an eye out for new students and keeping notes for every new and old relationship.

"Missing me?" Jayden entered the canteen as he saw all 3 of his friends arguing over something on the table.

He got close to the table and snatched the cup of juice from Monty's hand and slurped as loud as he could.

"What's all the fuss about?" He sat on the chair placing both of his legs on the table.

"Felix! That is our problem!" Ivy cupped her hand around his scalp and turned it toward a table at a distance.

Felix was a new insecurity for the crow gang, he was slim and smart, and his big pretty big eyes were catching a lot of attention, every girl couldn't resist but to look at him.

He was simple, innocent, decent yet attractive and this is what was bothering the crows, every girl who was drawn toward Jayden had now only one name on her lips "Felix Blanchard!"

They had to do something to either degrade him or make him leave the school, so they tried to bully him and tease him but he never responded the way they wanted him to.

They worked hard to find out about his insecurities but no matter what they did nothing seemed to work out.

"He is shy! That's why he never interacts much with people!" Ivy said when they were sitting in the canteen one day.

"So what? Are you getting attracted toward him too?" Benjamin was envious clearly.

"No! Idiot! There's one more thing I got to know about him!" She took out a piece of paper from her bag and placed it on the table, it was a sketch "And everyone knows about how good his drawing is" She clearly had a plan.

So they followed it and decided to get some pictures of girls without clothes and got them edited into sketches and then got them printed out, in the middle of the night Benjamin picked his lock and put those sketches in there.

Poor Felix had no clue what they did to him, so as soon as he opened his locker in the morning all those pictures fell down in front of the entire school and everyone started laughing at him.

Felix quickly gathered all those pages and rushed to the toilet in order to flush them, he locked the bathroom and cried.

He was shaking, embarrassed and angry, he was a student after all, a vulnerable and simple student, like every other student who left, but unlike every other student, he did something he shouldn't have done.

Instead of flushing those papers, he took them to the principal's office after the class.

The next day the news spread all over the school like a fire in the forest, Felix walked in proudly and he was so confident that day and that changed things for the entire school.

There was no action against The Crows but they were still scared, students started feeling safe around Felix and now Felix turned into a great threat to The Crows, they had to do something, anything, to shut his mouth and teach him a lesson, but how? They needed a plan.

But before they could make a plan, the opportunity knocked on their door by itself.

Like every other evening, they were smoking weed in an abandoned park when their eyes fell on Felix, who was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Unfortunately, his home was just nearby and he was heading home, he had no idea about the gang being there.

With a hint of his eyebrow, Jayden made Benjamin and Monty bring Felix to him.

He was alone and they were 4, when he saw Benjamin and Monty coming, he knew he was in trouble, he started walking fast but they caught him before he could run.

"Where to?" Benjamin giggled and they both grabbed him by his shoulders and took him inside the park and threw him at Jayden's feet.

"Guys relax!" Jayden gently pushed them away and extended his hand toward Felix to help him stand.

"There there... let me help you" Jayden stood still.

Felix hesitated at first but he eventually took his help, he was shaking but he thought maybe he would let him go.

Benjamin and Monty were as confused as Felix.

But they could never guess what his intentions were.

Jayden unzipped Benjamin's bag and took out a pouch with cocaine filled inside.

He poured out a handful of cocaine on his hand and brought his hand closer to Felix.

"Take it!" Jayden said with a wicked smirk on his face.

Felix quickly nodded and knew he needed to leave, so he quickly turned around to run.

But before he could, Jayden struck his open palm on Felix's neck.

But he had no clue how hard he struck him, Felix fell down.

Jayden sat down closer to his head and placed his hand with cocaine in front of Felix's face.

But he realized there was blood coming out of his head, Jayden panicked and left the powder right there and shook Felix as hard as he could but he was already dead.

All of a sudden their feelings were changed, they all were now panicking because they killed someone, that was definitely not their intention, but they still had bad intentions.

"What did you do!" Ivy was walking restlessly.

"I didn't know this would happen!" Jayden was sweating.

"Hey, hey! We didn't do anything" Benjamin held Jayden by his shoulders and tried to make eye contact with him, but it seems Jayden wasn't able to look in anyone's eyes anymore.

"Let's leave him here. When they will find him covered in cocaine they will know he died because he was high and tripped." Benjamin suggested everyone to leave as soon as possible.

Ivy decided not to get involved in this matter anymore, Monty was on his way to his girlfriend.

Everyone was feeling guilty except for Benjamin, he even had the guts to put cocaine in Felix's locker that night.

So it left Jayden, who was drowning in despair, his guilt was consuming him "If only I could bring the time back." He sighed as he mumbled to himself "You killed someone just for the sake of your popularity."

No matter how hard he would try nothing could make him feel better, and also, he wanted to feel that guilt, he had no clue why but he thought he needed to do something, something that could make things better.

Jayden King who was raised by his mother like a prince, who always felt like a prince was now standing to be judged in his own eyes by himself like a prisoner, a prisoner waiting desperately for his punishment.

A prisoner who had no clue what he brought upon himself.

That night something else happened, something that changed Jayden's life, forever, something that he never imagined, not even in his darkest dreams.