
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · ファンタジー
50 Chs


The witch was the most powerful of her kind, her name was Cithara, and she possessed extraordinary powers, even though she was innocent and a pure witch, and she had no evil in her blood, people still called her a curse and the daughter of lucifer and whatever foul name they could give her.

Lucian was taken to Cithara, he desired to be with the girl he fell in love with, he also remembered how she rejected him just because he was old so he knew what he wanted "I want to be young, for now, and forever" He demanded.

"I can make you young and charming as you were once before but you will die exactly when you are destined to, because forever is a long time? You don't want to live forever do you?" She said.

"Does it mean there is a way you can make me live forever?" He asked.

"Only if you commit 3 most horrifying sins" She stopped right there, she didn't want him to know what those 3 sins were.

He knew she wouldn't tell him anymore so he agreed on her terms.

She performed a decent ritual in a small cave in her backyard, with a combination of spells, no slaughtering, and no sinful acts. She made him lie inside a circle of sea salt which was inside the circle of candles.

There was another candle in her hands as she performed the ritual that candle lightened up by itself.

He had to sleep in that circle and Cithara had to leave him there for a night. That candle was bound to him. It will stay lit as long as he stays young.

When she visited the cave in the morning, he woke up from sleep in front of her eyes, when he woke up it wasn't an old man anymore, he was a muscular, charming handsome young man, unfortunately, Cithara fell in love at first sight.

She couldn't take her eyes off his face, she somehow focused on the fact that she just helped a stranger, she saw him off then he decided to head back his way.

She kept the candle hidden inside her room, so she can protect it from wind and water.

That day he went straight to Marianne, she lost her grip on her tongue when she saw him.

"It is me, your Lucian!" He said.

She pulled him in, holding his face in her hands she spoke "You've done so much for me, I will marry you now!" she said and they got married.

Within just a few days Lucian's knees started hurting, he was quickly getting old from inside, even when he appeared not to be.

One evening he woke up, and she was resting on his arm, he gently removed her head from his arm and got out of the room carrying his robe on his arm.

He wore it and got going on his way, there was a small civilization at a distance from his house.

He decided to go to the bar. As he reached he saw people drinking and enjoying all around. A few women threw themselves on him, and even though he pushed them away, his heart was telling him to grab one and forget that he's a father of two children and husband of two wives.

Then he saw a table with two mad men arguing and almost fighting with each other, on getting closer he heard them talking about a curse that doesn't only make a person strong and young but it gives a long life to them, after that entire ritual which Cithara performed now Lucian must perform 3 most unforgivable sins to make himself immortal.

When he reached the table he found out they were broke and had nothing to offer in return for drink.

He ordered drinks for them until they were drunk enough to dance without music on his command.

'Tell me 3 unforgivable sins!' He asked.

"Everyone knows them! The first one is to corrupt the innocent, The second is to betray the one who trusts you with all his heart and the third one is to slay an innocent" One of those drunkards spoke while laughing and giggling as if it was nothing for them.

Lucian was so drowned in his selfishness that he was even ready to commit those sins.

Meanwhile, Cithara was so restless that night, she couldn't sleep even though she wasn't aware of what was making her so restless, until she sensed the presence of someone.

Her heart pounded as she saw Lucian coming out of the shadows, "What do you want?" She asked.

He approached her, she held her breath, she was shaking, and his eyes were filled with strange thirst.

She thought it was for her when actually it was just for power, poor Cithara couldn't keep herself away from him, she was completely drowned in the depth of his eyes, and this is how he corrupted an innocent soul.

She gave up herself to him, he made her fall in love with himself. He started spending every night with her until one night when she was desperately waiting for him.

She glanced at the full moon with its light spreading all over the jungle. She went inside and sat on the bed waiting for him.

Finally, the wait was over, and as soon as he walked in she was walking in front of him, with a beautiful smile on her face, she flipped her deadlock and fell on the bed when he got close to her and pushed her down until her head reached the pillow he held her with both her hands stuck to the pillow, and gently kissed her.

She giggle and whispered "Not now! I want to tell you something"

He lay beside her looking in her eyes gently slipping the backside of his fingers from her temple to her jaw.

"I want you…. To marry me." as soon as she said that his face turned pale.

"What happened to you? I love you! Don't you love me?" she placed her hand on his shoulder.

He sat up quickly and stared at her with disgust as if she was some wretched old woman.

"Why did you touch me if you think I am not worthy?" She felt humiliated.

"I am a married man, and my wife is pregnant! It's not that I don't love you. But I can't marry a woman like you!" He stood up from her bed.

"What do you mean by a woman like me?" She had tears filled in her eyes.

He didn't answer her, instead, he decided to leave the house.