
Jake’s Encounter [BL]

Jake’s childhood was not pretty as a gay guy. He likes guys but is chained by a dying wish to keep it a secret. He has an encounter with Owen, the sweetest guy he’d ever met and they Wind up in a one night stand. Because of that promise he plans to flag a woman to the world as his love interest and hide a mine he can love in secret. Will Owen accept to be his secret affair?. And will Jake man up and ditch the constraints of his promise and follow his heart. ****** The moment Owen bursts through the door, Jake pounces on him with his lips. He pins him to the wall, lips locked and his hand snakes its way along Owens waist. He was tugging at Owens gym shorts and feeling his ass............... “We have to go to the gym” Owen said as tiny moans escaped his lips. “Ditch the gym.I’d prefer to work on your body” They love each other dearly but secrets and unwillingness to come out threatens to tear them apart.

Brizzidi · 現実
44 Chs

Chapter Thirty five

Jake drove to work after the call that afternoon as he had to review some work before traveling to China. His training application had been approved and he could fly over in a week. He got to work and did the job he had to do.

That evening he drove to Owen's and just parked by the side. He kept staring up and his mind told him he shouldn't be here cause the act is considered stalking but he pushed the thought away. He just wanted to peek a glance of Owen, even his shadow would be satisfactory. Luckily for him, he saw Owen walking towards the apartment with a shopping bag in hand and his phone in another, apparently he was returning from the supermarket. Jake feasted his eyes from afar and when Owen got closer he lowered the glass of the car and still bent his head to hide. When time passed a bit, he lifted his head up being sure that Owen would have passed by now. He stared through the window to meet Owens eyes piercing straight at him.

'I got caught !'. His heart yelped.

Owen knocked the glass and Jake wined down.

"Why are you stalking me ?" Owen inquired.

"I'm not...I came by to see a friend" Jake said.

"And does that friend live here" Owen replied knowing fully well that Jake was lying. 'When the heck will this guy stop lying to me ?". Owen thought.

'Owen is actually speaking with me. Are we getting back together ?" Jake hoped.

"Yeah he does" Jake said.

"Hmmm.." Owen stared at him and Jake was getting hopeful.

"Move on okay...I have no bad feelings against you and Jules told me why you did what you did...I know what a dying promise from your favorite parent means... my dad never made me give me one but what he would have wanted was for me to take care of of my sister...I understand you a bit"

"So are we getting back together..." Jake asked making puppy eyes.

"No...In as much as I understand you you still hurt me played me but I'm moving on though"

"I still love you" Jake declared.

"It will ease away like mine did...I'm dating now" Owen said.

"That's a lie...you just wanna chase me away"

"If you loved me you'll listen to me Jake"

Jake got out of the car.

"So there's no hope for...us" He said stepping closer.

"There isn't !" Owen stated stepping back.

"Not even a teensy" Jake stepped closer.

Owens phone rang and he walked off without looking back.

Jake got into the car and drove off. His heart didn't feel heavy this time after all he came here with no expectations at all so he gave up...it was for the best, why stick on one person...

Owen turned back to watch Jake's car drive by. He reminisced how close he was to Jake and how his face was inches away from kissing him. He looked so beautiful as they hadn't seen each other for a long time. He felt he should play hard to get for a while, maybe when Jake came by again he'd give him a chance and they could start afresh, he had missed him.


The next morning Jake woke up to the sound of his doorbell. He sleepily walked to the door and Jules was out there.

"Sweetie..." he exclaimed and pulled her in for a hug.

"What did you make?" she asked.

"No 'how are you Jake' 'I got you this Christmas/Xmas present" Jake asked.

"Okay how are you " she laughed "Your gift is at home, funny enough Santa didn't drop yours and I had to buy " she replied.

"Silly girl, you're so pretty" Jake patted her head.

"I know right, Paris brought out my inner beauty" she twirled.

He laughed.

"Has Hamps gone back to work ?"

"Yeah...the moment we got to the airport he diverted"

"Okay then "

"I'm really hungry Jake"

"Order something, help isn't back yet and I'm out of food stuffs though I planned on reaching the supermarket today "

"I'll order please"

"Okay order mine too"

Jules placed the order and they caught up with each other while waiting.

"We are over for good" Jake said when she asked about the status of his relationship with Owen.

"Really" Jules asked,she'd not expected much when she spoke to Owen but she just wanted to let him know why Jake did what he did.


"So do you give up "

"There no point hanging onto him again..I should move on too" Jake resigned.

"But he sounded like he still loved you when we talked"

"Of course he'd sound that way he's a good guy. You know he said he had no hard feelings against me"


"I'll go have my bath"

The door bell rang. Jake was having his bath and Jules was watching some series on tv. She hurried over to the door for her food.

Jules met Rome, his wife and their daughter standing outside the door.

"Hello...Jakes brother " she said to Rome "hi" she said to the wife. "Please come in". The little girl entered the moment the door got opened and Jules paved the way for her parents to enter too.

"Is Jake in ?" Rome asked.

"Yeah he's in the shower" Jules replied.

They all sat on the chairs.

"Hello baby what's your name ?" Jules cooed to the little girl and placed her on her laps.

"Sanda" the little girl replied.

"That's a pretty name pretty"

"Thank you" the mother said.

Jake came into the parlor with a towel wrapped around his waist and with another drying his hair.

"Is the food here ?" He asked before noticing them. "Hey guys " he said and dashed into his room.

"Thats the man that looks like dada" Sandra said to Jules.

"Oh yeah he does" Jules said noting the resemblance.

Jake came out later dressed in jeans and a tshirt and Sandra rushed over to him.

"Hello" he said to her and she hugged him.

"How are you guys doing" Jake asked them.

"We're good" Rome replied and his wife nodded.

The doorbell rang again and Jules brought in the food. She placed the food on the dining table and snuck out of the house, this was a family visit and she didn't want to intrude.

"What's your name ?" Jake asked the girl


"That's a lovely name... I can see you're expecting " Jake said to Romes wife noticing her stomach pouch.

"Yeah I am"


"Have you guys eaten ? Even if join me cause Jules ordered too much than I can eat alone and now she's disappeared " Jake said.

"I'd love to" the wife said and moved to the dining area.

"Pregnancy cravings " Rome whispered to Jake .

They went to the dining and ate the sandwiches and pancakes. After the meal Jake and Rome moved back to the parlor while his wife and Sandra were still there.

"What's up" Jake asked

"I'm thankful that you received us so warmly Jake" Rome said.

"It's fine"

"I'm sorry Jake...I'm sure I was the worst brother to have growing up and all...I feel bad thinking about how I treated you. When you said how much you hated us and never wanted to see us again I felt so shitty...and I can never forgive dad"


"He lied to me about moms health. He said she was at the first stage of the disease and there was a very high survival rate and that made me not worry too much and stay back in London and prepare for the exams. I called mom and she managed to sound energetic and whenever I opted for video call she never picked "

"Are you sure you called cause I was always there with mom"

"No!...you weren't always there. I called her late at night"

"When she should have been resting ?" Jake questioned.

"I didn't know how serious it was back then. She joined dad in saying she was getting better and out of danger. She lied for a good cause but she shouldn't have I should have been there by her side too..."

"It's fine she wouldn't have wanted you losing that opportunity "

"Yeah...she also wanted us to mend our relationship that I ruined together with dad and I'm here to apologize for everything. For all those years...I hope am not too late now"

"You are, I cut off ties from you lot remember. Why did you wait till I reached my limit to reach out ?" Jake questioned.

"I'm sorry...I really am. Please forgive me. I should have been there for you"

"It's fine...seeing you here means a whole lot"

"Can I hug you"

"I think it's too early for that" Jake smiled.

"Come here bro" Rome said and hugged him while his wife smiled at the sight.

They hugged. Rome felt it was time to mend things as his wife got pregnant. He wanted his kids to have good relationship with each other but was scared that karma would hit him cause of how he treated his own brother. Their father had damaged his thinking at that young age and at some point he didn't see Jake as his brother due to the preferential treatment he got from his father. His mother's relationship with Jake never affected him cause she wasn't the one in control like the father. He wished he had listened when she had tucked him in those nights and told him stories relating to family and friendship.

" who won the election?" Jake asked.

"Templeton...dad lost again" Rome replied.

"Guess he's just not mayor material" Jake laughed.

"Yeah...he's willing to give up now maybe I don't know "

"You're all he has..don't leave him"

"No, he should be on his own for a while...guess who I saw ?"

"Who was that"

"Dean !"


"Yeah...we met at the hotel and he had changed so much. He's an hot shot now"

"That's good to hear" Jake said glad that things had turned out well for Dean.

"He gave me his card as he was in a haste for work...maybe you'll be interested in calling him" Rome handed Jake the card from his wallet.

"Oh I'd love to...thanks"

"You're welcome bro"