
Jaden Yuki's Story

This story is about what happened to Jaden Yuki 5 years after his graduation from dueling academy I don't own Yugioh GX! This is my first YuGiOh GX story am I'm trying my best for it be interesting and exciting for all readers to read, review & enjoy. I put in some additional characters from Final Fantasy and made some new cards in this story which does not exist in any of the YuGiOh series, hope you guys don't mind.

My_Anime_World_2311 · ファンタジー
46 Chs

Chapter 1 The last day of school at dueling academy


      Dueling academy is one of the most popular dueling schools in the world. It's home to some of the best duelist in the world like Jaden Yuki, Zane Truesdale and others

       Right now it was their graduation party and the whole school is celebrating to see off their past mentor as they leave the school to pursue their dream.


        Just moments before the graduation party, Atticus peeked into Alexis's diary while she was away. He was fascinated by the name Jaden which appeared in all sorts of occasion but was most interested in the part where Alexis wanted to confess to Jaden but did not. After at least half an hour of Atticus reading Alexis's diary,

" Hey! Give me back my diary! " Alexis yelled as soon as she entered her room along with her two besties Jasmine and Mindy

" No way Lexi, this is interesting with all the Jaden's in it " replied Atticus playfully

Mindy and Jasmine giggled after hearing it while Alexis blushed a bit

" How much have you read?! " Alexis yelled furiously

" More than enough to know your feelings for Jaden " Atticus replied " you wrote his name on every page" he added still laughing

" I can't believe it! It's really true now i see why you keep on turning down everyone the approached you" Mindy almost shouted

" You really like Jaden, don't you Alexis? " Jasmine asked

" NO! That's not true! " Alexis replied while she blushed so RED!

" You can't fool us Lexi, take a look at your face! " Atticus replied "Its as red as his jacket! "

" Stop it guys! It's embarrassing! " Alexis whispered shyly trying to hid it

" She finally admitted it! " Mindy said

" Wait till the whole school finds out about it " Jasmine joked which made everyone in the room laughed except Alexis

" It's not funny! And don't even think of telling anyone else about it especially Jaden! " replied blushed Alexis angrily

" Could you two leave me and Lexi alone for a moment? " Atticus asked Jasmine and Mindy

" Sure " Jasmine and Mindy answered together

After they left the room and closed the door. But they didn't go far as they want to hear the whole conversation.

" Give me that! " Alexis shouted while snatching her diary back from her brother

" What do you plan to do Lexi? " Atticus asked

" Huh? Go to college, you forgotten about it? " Alexis tyring to play dumb and change the subject

" No Lexi, you know what i meant and don't try to change the subject " Atticus said

" You know I can't do that! We may not even be friends after telling him " replied Alexis " I don't want to ruin anything between me and Jaden".

" Don't be stupid Lexi, i'm sure it will work out fine.. Plus you may not even see him after today " said Atticus

" You better make this opportunity count!"

" I just can't " replied Alexis softly " it's not as easy as you think" she added

" Well then, I'll help you " replied Atticus confidently

" Somehow, I don't think that's a good idea " answered Alexis

" Maybe you should wear this at the graduation party for Jaden later " said Atticus while taking out a gown from her closet

" You've got to be kidding! I'm not wearing that anywhere! " said Alexis

" You have to if you want to impress Jaden " replied Atticus while forcing Alexis to wear it

" But... Everyone else will see me " Alexis mumbled

" Well then, why don't you go to his dorm and confess to him? " Atticus joked

" WHAT?! " Alexis shouted so loud that the whole Obelisk Girl Dorm could hear her

" Just do whatever I say Lexi, change into the gown " he said

" Fine Atti " replied Alexis while her brother left her room, Mindy and Jasmine returned as soon as Atticus left,

" We heard everything " Mindy said

" You never told us you liked Jaden so much " continued Jasmine

" Must I let you guys know everything? Besides, its not that you like him " replied Alexis

" Now i know why she wouldn't partner with Chazz or Syrus in that Duel Party " Jasmine said

" Yeah, and Jaden didn't even asked her but she didn't reject either ". They said while laughing trying to tease her

" Would you guys please stop teasing me? " said Alexis

" Look, someone's blushing! " joked Jasmine and Mindy

" Stop it girls please " insisted Alexis " I'm going to change now "

" Wow, you're wearing that later? Cool! " shouted Mindy

" Let's just leave her while she thinks of Jaden " joked Jasmine. 

         It was late in the evening during the party, everyone was starting to gather. Some of them wore some expensive outfit they've never worn before. Alexis even wore the gown that her brother gave her to wear to try and impress Jaden.

        But  Jaden never showed up at the party, which made everyone concluded that he has already left and Alexis couldn't express her feelings to Jaden. After that night, no one ever saw Jaden again and Alexis had to wait for him to return for who knows how long and when. 

           Alexis was never as happy and cheerful as before but she managed to hide her bitterness deep down. Some boys tried to confess to Alexis since their biggest love rival is gone including Chazz who was rejected so badly. However, she rejected every single one without any second thought.