
Jade & her prince charming

A one-million dollar deal can change a low-class girl's life, get back to beauty school and open up a pop up studio for all beauty items. Not everyone wants to work as an employee for the rest of their life not only is it boring to not able to use your phone or your manager is a dick who constantly reminds you how much you have failed in life and he's doing you a favor by letting you work every weekday of your life so you can't meet up the trends, have fun, have sex, your entire life sucks like a dick. Sometimes is not as much fun as people think being a billionaire is precious, a blessing, and lucky well! Well!! Well!!! Clinton is one of those billion-dollar babies that whenever he trends either he broke a supermodel's heart or one of the flings girls exposes the picture of his butt on the internet, photographers are always stalking him because both his parent is the famous people after the Kardashian clan, a famous filmmaker as a father and a famous new york times bestselling and UK award winner, best writer mother so you can't blame him all the time for trending wrongly on the internet. His life sucks as well like the girl who works every day of the week just so she can eat three square meals a day and pay her bills, his controlling mother wants him to take over his late dad filmmaking, the Nigerian hottest boy's intention wants to be a realtor, not a filmmaker. Open this book and read these two different worlds people's love triangle in the life of a Nigeria fuckboy and his real estate career leading him into deception against his mother only for him to strike a deal with a sale rep that fell in love with him the first day she set her eyes on him without even considering the danger that follows

Barine_Gift · ファンタジー
31 Chs


I want to thank everyone who read this book with me down to this point, you don't know how much it excites me, and how happy I am that you supported my dream with your spare time.

   I know life has its ups and down however sometimes a good book makes you feel better, it reminds you of your good times or worst times, fantasy your dream, motivates you, helps you in a certain way, whatever way this book inspires you or motivate you always keep up with your peace, happiness, life is too short to think you don't deserve a chance in life or you can't have the man you dream of having things happen so when your opportunity comes knocking do not hesitate to grab it.

   I write because is a Place I'm able to communicate freely, spit my shits, and create my world, I don't care who likes me or not what matters is where I'm heading so take time to elevate yourself,  get rid of the things that make you sad and have fun to the fullest, take that trip, have that sex let nothing stop you from reaching your goal.

    Search for your happiness how much is fun living your own life without trying to attach to someone, or trying to impress friends so they could like you, sacrificing for people who give zero fucks about you. There is so much fun in loving yourself and living your own life without any guilt. 

     Thanks for reading Jade & Prince Charming to the end any question is allowed I will take my time to respond.

Thank you so much and thank you Wattpad for this wonderful platform to share my stupid idea 😂😂 with people without it this would be stuck in my notes forever.

Love love love I love I don't care how much it hurts, don't forget to not let a boy embarrass you because you think you're in love, love wisely.

   I'm saying goodbye now don't be surprised if you see this on your screen I will be the most exciting person in the world what do I know goodbye fellows.
