
Jada and the lord

Jada is a young orphan naive girl that was sheltered away from the world ruled by pureblooded vampires and other mystical creatures that were unknown. Her fate changed when she became hostage to a pureblooded vampire Lord, who seek revenge against the kind that imprisoned him. ***EXCERPT*** Their attention was taken by the butler who was just passing by to ensure the mansion windows were closed. Jada felt her face heat up again as they were seen in an intimate position. Leo stood up straight, he sent a glare at the butler who felt sweat dripping from his forehead. Jada ran out of sight at the intervention. Both men looked at the direction the maid ran towards. Grey turned to look at Leo to see a pair of cold red eyes staring at him. “I am sorry for interrupting milord”, He gave a slight bow. Without a word, Leo turned to follow the came direction Jada ran to. “I’m kind of curious, has my master fallen in love with the young girl?”, Leo heard Grey say. He halt. Leo turned to look at his butler. “What do you think?”, He raised a brow. Without waiting for a reply he walked out of sight with his hands tucked into his pockets. Grey felt things were about to be different not only for the lord but also for him. Disclaimer! The cover is not mine. Credits to the original owner

OverlordHufflepuff · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Find your own nightmare

Derrick have always been kind to her, treating her like an equal and not as a maid. He also gift her things he acquired from his journey to other empires, he is a decent man.

Jada felt lucky that she became friends with someone like him, a man that would treasure her and not treat her like trash. She completed her tasks and retired to bed.

Jada found herself in the woods again. It was dark, so dark that the only source of light was from the full moon, an owl hooting on a nearby tree. She wondered how she got there when she never left the mansion.

The cold wind blew again her skin, she shivered as she was wearing her night dress and was barefooted. She looked around trying to find her way back, she walked in dried leaves and twigs that laid on the ground. The further she goes the colder the temperature became, she halt and gasped.

There was a pile of dead bodies on the ground, a body of a dead lady laid before her.

She looked forward and saw a figure standing, the sword he held dripped dark blood, He was staring blankly at the dark sky, as if sensing her stare he snapped his head in her direction.

Jada let out another gasp when she saw the very familiar face, The Lord. His blonde hair disheveled from running his fingers thorough them continuously.

"Figured you have been avoiding me", came his rasped voice.

Jada felt speechless, in a heartbeat he stood before her, his fingers wrapped around her fragile neck making Jada gasp for air. "Go find your own nightmare", his green eyes were already crimson red

His fangs elongate.

Jada struggled to break free from his tight grip, as seconds passed by she began to fade. Jada felt he looked more scarier as time passes, she felt herself take her last breath before completely fading.

Leo looked at the spot Jada stood a few seconds ago, He was just done letting out his anger on the creatures that roam his lands, they seek to claim his position.

Hell, the realm he originally belonged to. He felt a presence, a blissful but forbidden existence, he never knew Jada had such aura as he never felt it in the carriage.

His first thought was that a spirit was posing as her but the moment he came in contact with her he knew she wasn't fake. Who is she? to breech into this realm, not everyone can make it unless the dead. This made Leo more curious to know about her.

He glanced sideways at Grey, who was busy feeding on the creatures souls, it seem like she didn't notice him or she would have screamed herself awake when she sees Jin in his true form. He watched as Grey harvested and ate the souls, leaving none behind for the Grim reapers to pick for crossover. He really underestimated the young girl.

Jada gasped taking a lot of oxygen in her lungs, her eyes fluttered open, her blue eyes looked around the room for any visible threat.

She tried to recall what she dreamt of but her memories were faded, brushing the thoughts off she stood up to get ready for the day's work. She got another room a few days after her arrival, the case of the poison was closed under the Lord's command and since then she now stays alone in a room, Jada didn't mind at all as the case was off her neck.

Jada was filling in the water jars in the mansion when maya approached her in a hurry. "Jada!, I have been searching for you, Madam Mary wants you to serve the Lord some pastries", Jada handed the empty bucket to the little girl, She knew she couldn't avoid the him this time.

Jada decided to follow the stairs as it was the quickest way to the kitchen.

On her way, maids kept giving her dirty glares.

"I heard the Duke's son offered her a rare gift yesterday", "The Duke's son must be blind to have interest in her".

"She's just a whore, she sleeps with all the Lord's guests to gain their favor",

"It's a shame", The maids said amongst themselves completely aware that she could hear them.

Jada ignored their rude remarks, she was used to how they gossip about her. On getting to the stairs, she felt someone push her from behind, she would have mistook it as the wind but she knew better.

She slumped down to the next floor, she coughed out blood as she tired to stand up but failed, she held her shoulders that hurt from the fall. "Shit!", She curse under her breathe. She looked up the stairs and saw the group of maids she previously walked passed, they were giggling at her plight.

Hearing light footsteps approach her, she looked down at the brown pair of female shoes before her.

"What are you doing on the floor, decided to be the stairs rag", Madam Mary voice echoed in the hallway.

Jada forced herself to stand up. She flinched as she stood, she didn't only hurt her shoulders but also her ribs, she bit her lips to stop her from groaning in pain.

Madam Mary looked at her not satisfied. "Tsk! Ensure you wipe that before you serve the Lord, He wouldn't want to be kept waiting", She states before storming away.

Jada kept cursing at every fairytale god She knew, She must have woken up at the wrong side of the bed today, as if not serving the Lord wasn't enough now she tripped down the stairs.

She groaned in pain as she cleaned the stain of blood on the cold marble floor.

On getting to the kitchen she was given a food cart.

"What happened to you", Lisa asked as she placed plates of pastries with different sizes on the cart, the dishes looked appetizing, unfortunately only the noble had the privilege to enjoy such.

"Ohh it's nothing, slipped on a banana peel and fell hard", She tried to humor Lisa since they both knew she was a terrible liar.

"If they are bullying you, just tell me I'll talk to the maids", Lisa said not buying the explanation.

Jada sighed "People don't just stop acting the way they do just because you talk to them Lisa", She said pushing the cart.

"You don't have to deal with them alone, Jada".

"I hear you clear Madam", She waved at her without turning.

She made a few turns, a huge door stood before her, placing a light knock on the door, it opened revealing the beautifully decorated art room.

The butler opened the door widely after seeing the maid. She walked in after nodding at the butler in acknowledgment, Jada almost forgot how to breath when she saw Leo