
Jacob Brown

Hi! I'm Jacob and this is the story of how I lived my life as someone else.

Whitemoonwolf · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Love at first sight

I'm living the happy and good life, my parents made sure I never experience the life they lived so they spoilt me with love and money which had some really bad side effects. At age three I got abducted and the captor was my nanny, how funny. She requested for a ransom worth of five million dollars which my parents paid.

At age five I got abducted on my birthday by a clown my father hired to please me (hahaha😂) made me hate clowns 😑.

At age ten I got abducted on my way back from school, wasn't a good sight, my driver was killed. At age eleven my parents got me body guards who followed me everywhere, I couldn't even take a shit in private but yeah I got abducted again.

My parents then decided to take me to a military school, spent two years and at age fifteen I took yoga and martial arts training, said it'd help me stay safe and defend myself which it did to an extent.

At age eighteen, guess what? I got abducted again. My parents  decided I'd stay indoors, I stayed indoors for three years. It was basically house arrest and torture that almost made me go mad. 

At age twenty one I convinced my mother to convince my father to allow me go overseas and school at England.  They bought me a house with an underground garage with twenty four cars in it.

Heck, they even chose a college for me "Oxford" and paid some individuals to make sure I'm happy, comfortable and not failing. My guardian "Stanley" was  given the job of attending to my every need and was to credit my account daily.

Now, I found this lifestyle disgusting and I really don't want to be kidnapped again, so I made a plan which was already in motion and step one of the plan was get far away from my over caring parents. Step two was find a random desperate boy of my age and have him live my supposed life at "Oxford university." I paid an hacker to hack into the school's system and replace my face with his.  I had two minor problems, first one was my mother would call every Sunday so I had someone replicate my voice and pick the calls. Problem two was "Mr Stanley" has been my guardian since I was a child and I couldn't easily get rid of him so instead I told him what my plan was and he decided not to get in my way as long as I stay close enough for him to keep an eye on me.

I found a small house few blocks from mine, the family living in it were struggling with rent payment so I have Staley buy the house and allow them stay in it for free with the agreement that they'd pretend to be my family and allow me stay with them.  I move in with the Stilinski family and have Stanley get me a new passport, bank account and an ID card with the name "Woody Stilinski".

Name : Jacob Brown

(Fake Name : Woody Stilinski)

Age : 22

Height : 6"1

Nationality : British

Occupation : Student

DOB : May 24

I got into "Cambridge University" but made it seem like I was on scholarship. Mr Stanley took the janitor job so he can keep an eye on me, he was risking his career by  agreeing to my decision. A week later after I have gotten everything in check, I move in with the "Stilinskies"

It is a family of four. Mr and Mrs Stilinski with their two daughters, Harper and Luna.

Name : Bush Stilinski

Age : 44

Height : 5"5

Nationality : Scottish

Occupation : Driver

DOB : October 12

Name : Lane Stilinski

Age : 36

Height : 5"8

Nationality : American

Occupation : Teacher

DOB : February 7

Name : Harper Stilinski

Age : 17

Height : 5"9

Nationality : American

Occupation : Student

DOB : March 25

Name : Luna Stilinski

Age : 19

Height : 5"6

Nationality : American

Occupation : Student

DOB : August 11

  I find out they have just two rooms and a toilet which they all share.  I share a room with Harper and Luna. I spend a week and half getting acquainted with the family, Luna is into romance novels while Harper is into anime and cartoons which she introduces me to and I kinda fall in love with it . Mr Stilinski works as a driver, Mrs Stilinski works as a teacher. My weekly allowance is ten dollars, so I begin my life as "Woody Stilinski".

The next morning I decide to start college, I couldn't afford transportation money so Mr Stilinski takes it upon himself to drive me to school every morning with his two thousand and one Mazda MX-5 that makes a squeak sound as it moves and stops every ten minutes from over heating, if you're lucky enough that is. I get to school twenty minutes late and the students laughs as Mr Stilinski's car make the squeaking noise, what is even crazier is the fact that the door gets stuck and I have to get out through the window. The map I have is confusing so I ask for directions to my class, on my way i pass through an empty class. Well, it wasn't actually empty, there was a blonde hair girl in it. Brittney Shaw, a first class student who's also an athlete.

I couldn't help but notice her beauty as she looks in mirror, checking out herself, she was the prettiest thing I had ever seen but too bad it was only for a moment.  I get to class and as I enter, the whole class turns to me cause the door was on right side in front of the class with Mr Bradley in front, teaching.

"Mr stalansky." Mr Bradley said I as I walk to my seat.

"It's hmnnn Stilinski." I reply as I as sit.

"I suppose you know what a clock is, you should use it next time before you decide to interrupt my class."

"Sorry sir, i, i...umm didn't have bus money."

The students laugh at me cause they think it is a funny joke.

"Now, where was I? Virtual reality is..."

Mr Bradley gets interrupted as she comes in, she was in the spotlight, looking cute as ever. I couldn't hear or feel anything at the moment, it is almost like I was alone in the universe with her, her sparkling blue eyes and cute bright lips. I immediately fall in love, Brittney Shaw study the same course I do and I am glad.