
izuku: the kenjutsu master

disclaimer: this story is a creation i am working over on wattpad and decided to move it here as i am putting a bit of work into it this story will be primarily a BNHA/HSDXD story however izuku's peerage will consist of mostly characters from all over the place why because i want to also his powers will come from all over the place again cause i want to and i said so anyway this is my new story that i will probably be working on the most also don't expect grammar i suck at it

jexishere · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs


the next day izuku was introduced to two people who would train him the first was shinigami captain yachiru kenpachi

"i'll be unlocking your zanpakuto and teaching you the ways of the shinigami" she said seriously after zaraki's death she became much less pleasant and happy go lucky she essentially became soifon especially after the entirety of the soul society and the souls had the choice of living in the human world or passing on

the second was nezuko kamado

"and i'll be teaching you total concentration breathing" nezuko said she was just old since she was immortal do to her demon side so she wasn't as energetic any more

"i am ready" i said satsuki in hand

"good then i will start" yachiru said and the beatdown began this lasted many months i would get beaten and would get back up the longer it took the more frustrated yachiru became until she knocked me clean unconscious

"what a joke" i heard a voice say i turned to see a person standing on top of a sword

"who are you" i asked

"i am the demon sword asuramaru i was sealed inside you so that you could be powerful i now understand why without us your weak" asuramaru said

"i know i am weak" i said

"then train kit" a male voice said and i saw a giant orange fox

"that is what i have been doing but i need your power" i said

"what are you willing to give up" a girl asked wearing a blue dress said

"almost anything i will do anything to protect those i hold dear" i said

"can you give up satsuki then" another girl asked she was wearing a white kimono with a red sash

"never i swore she would stay by my side and i never go back on my promises" i said

"can you sacrifice yourself for her" a giant red dragon said

"yes" i said

"then you pass" a new person appeared this one was male and he was so pale he was literally paper white wearing a black shitagi a white kimono and hakama he wore black tabi and waranji

we needed to be sure you are worthy" asuramaru said

"we will return" the dragon said as all five vanished

"hello young one" asuramaru said to satsuki

"who are you" she asked

"i am asuramaru and these are my colleagues ddraig the dragon, nora the one wearing white, lapis the one wearing blue, and kurama the fox" asuramaru said

"why are you here" satsuki asked

"because if he continues to use you you will become his zanpakuto and will be subjugated to his will" nora said

"i already serve him this is no problem" she said

"oh your okay with this even though you will be his slave for the rest of your life and when he dies you die with him" lapis asked

"yes if it means he gets stronger i will do whatever it takes" satsuki said

"very well then you will merge with us and the weapons and powers we guard to become the ultimate zanpakuto" kurama said satsuki nodded as the transformation began

"bring justice, sekai o kaeru ken" izuku roared as his zanpakuto was released

"so this is his power and the power of everything sealed within" yachiru whispered to herself impressed i pointed the white sword at her and a bunch of portals opened behind me

"babylon tower" i said shooting a bunch of blades at yachiru which she narrowly dodged

i charged her cutting down with my blades which she blocked with her own zanpakuto

"your a skilled swordsman i will give you that" yachiru said i didn't say anything i simply charged her again as i used the multi shadow clone technique and had my clones charge her with different weapons from babylon

"BOOST" my blades announced

"getsuga tensho" i said slashing down with my black blade she was shocked i had used that technique in particular but i gained all of the knowledge my zanpakuto had

"asura-kannon" i said waving my blade in a semi-circle as a dozen blades appeared around me

"You who desecrate the land of the rising sun, with my advent, I, izuku, lay waste with byakko, and expel thy defilement...rend" i chanted slashing horizontally at her

"bankai" i called she stared at me as if i were insane

"shinjitsu ni sakarau yoroi" i said as i charged her again with my blades then i noticed arcee she saw me glace at her and smirked before transforming i used my new found power to make her evolve she was now a fully fledged forest green dragon and already saddled and bridled

"i don't think my old name fits this form i think my real name suzume works better" suzume said i smirked as i grabbed the reins and mounted her

at this point yachiru knew she was screwed but held her ground i flicked the reins and suzume shot forward as she yachiru dodged i swung my blade down on her she tried to parry my attack but it just got her weapon sent flying she switched to kido but my blade simply absorbed it

"my zanpakuto makes me unaffected by magic that includes kido" i said as i flicked the reins again and suzume yet again shot towards yachiru i pulled on the reins just we got close and i held my blade to yachiru's throat

"i win" i said

"i yield" yachiru said

"finally now i can train you" nezuko said

nezuko's training was much less brutal as she taught me how to properly breath before putting my through battle saying i had to get used to using the total concentration breathing in combat this was fine as she was significantly less sadistic then yachiru who definitely earned her title kenpachi

"breath of water first form water surface slash" i whispered bringing my blade up diagonally at her sending a water arc at her

"well done your training is now complete" nezuko said

"going to DWMA now would serve no purpose how about you move to kuoh it's a peaceful town and the heroes and villains leave the place alone" yachiru said

"we'll come as well" nezuko said i sighed figures these two and momo had struck a deal so they could share me of course this meant she was getting similar training to me although much less brutal

"alright i am down" i said

"same" momo said

"after the wedding though that is only a few days out" i said

"yeah we need to get ready" momo agreed