
izuku: the kenjutsu master

disclaimer: this story is a creation i am working over on wattpad and decided to move it here as i am putting a bit of work into it this story will be primarily a BNHA/HSDXD story however izuku's peerage will consist of mostly characters from all over the place why because i want to also his powers will come from all over the place again cause i want to and i said so anyway this is my new story that i will probably be working on the most also don't expect grammar i suck at it

jexishere · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

getting to know each other

the next day was rather interesting in that i spent the entire day playing chess with sona over and over again each round lasted hours and each time she lost rather badly eventually she gave up and immediately accepted the contract when i asked why she told me that she made a bargain with her parents that she would only marry the person if they could beat her in chess and since i did so she would be happy with him that and she admired his patience at being forced to play round after round of chess he probably was very bored but i told her he could never get bored of any of my girls her included and thought it was a good idea

it has been several months since i moved to kuoh and began attending the academy currently me rias and sona as well as all of our respective peerages were sitting around the table

"i feel if our relationship is to go anywhere we shouldn't have secrets so i am gonna tell you my history" i said and i explained my history how my goal used to be becoming a hero how i was bullied because my power was sealed away and because of that i appeared quirkless how when finally gained a quirk in one for all my sacred gear slowly unlocked my power so it wouldn't alert anyone which was true ddraig did do this how i eventually got into UA despite everyone saying i couldn't i told them of my life in UA how i had a girlfriend and i was happy then everything collapsed i caught my girlfriend cheating on me i then had to explain my girlfriend at the time wasn't momo and how momo herself had been the definition of loyal before continuing with my story and telling them how everyone besides momo even my teachers turned their backs on me then i told them how i was homeless for a short time before meeting uncle ryujin and explaining how i got engaged to momo my ruff training regimen how i met ajuka and got my pieces how my peerage picked up my training regimen

"and leads us to now" i said rias and sona were shocked and disgusted by what they heard

"i'm sorry you had to go through that izuku" sona said rias nodded

"it's fine having my girls is worth it i would most definitely have gone through that ten times over to meet my girls each and every last one holds an equal place in my heart even the newest ones" i said nodding to sona

"what about me" rias pouted

"do want to take us to that step me and sona are in a full fledged relationship i have taken her first kiss we have made out now i haven't taken it all the way as i won't do that until the wedding but we are even making plans for that rias i only thought of us as friends who were slowly climbing the latter if you want to take it to relationship status i am all for it" i said it truly touched rias how he thought about her and made her forget about issei entirely she leaned in and kissed izuku who of course kissed back much to issei's rage but he was outnumbered it was proven that izuku had the complete loyalty of his peerage where as issei held no one but rias for protection and if he acted he would lose that protection

"thank you i think i am ready for that step" rias said i nodded

"then i will treat you as mine" i said she smiled

"i should mention you can ask any of the girls here but i am very possessive of my girls after what happened with uraraka it became a way of protecting myself from that pain however that being said i will give you some free rein but once you marry me i will not let you go" i said

"and if you hurt him we will kill you slowly and very painfully" momo said as my girls glared at rias

"i understand" rias said

"good" i said

"izuku" sona said

"yes sona" i asked

"you said your peerage went under a special training care to elaborate" sona asked

"most of my peerage has either monstrous base strength and/or an ability or technique that enhances physical strength what we do is force each other to master that strength which will also grant us an increase and greater control in our abilities or makes it so we can defend ourselves if our abilities were turned off also it teaches humility each and every last one is loyal to me and i am loyal to all of them" i said

"what about them being loyal to each other" rias asked

"well they are loyal enough as hurting each other would be like hurting me and they hate that" i said

"would you be willing to train our peerages as well" sona asked

"only if the kings are willing to go through the same training as the rest" i said

"what do you mean" rias asked

"i mean what i said the training is meant not only as training but also as a bonding process rias you said you treated your peerage as family well this is a way to prove it" i said

"what would we be doing" sona asked that was a fair question

"push-ups until we are satisfied then you will be sparing first we will up your physical strength then we will up your sparing at first we would train you ourselves then once your each strong enough we would allow you to train each other but this training requires trust as any pride you have will mean nothing to us simply by the push ups alone" i said

"now some of you wouldn't care about this like kiba here he would take the training happily if it meant getting stronger the rest of you however are too prideful and that is partly what this training is for you need to learn pride means nothing if you have to much of it

"riser has asked us to train him and his peerage after the pervert gave him his beating he turned over a completely new leaf" i said seeing the surprise on everyone's face i nodded

"do you have proof of that" rias asked i smirked and summoned ravel another of my harem

"tell them about your brother" i told her and she did explaining how much better he treats his peerage

"in fact he and yubellina are properly dating now" ravel said

"what about the rest of his peerage" sona asked

"although izuku doesn't notice it they are vying for his affections" ravel said

"it's not that i am necessarily oblivious i just feel that they only see me as the person to fix riser and i don't want to get attached for them to realize that they don't love me they just admire me if they are still vying for my affections in another few months then i will be happy to return said affections" i said

"that's fair" sona said

"wait can we join too" rias said not really wanting to fall behind and it was very well known that izuku had in terms of physical strength the strongest peerage

"i don't mind but we will be training the kings with the rest i will train you two personal in fact that is what will will do we will pair off i will take both the kings momo you take the queens erza you take sona's rooks pyrrha you take rias's rook nezuko you take sona's knights yachiru you train rias's knight as for your bishop rias she needs to start completely from scratch so we will train her last as she looks like a twig and is a huge liability because she can't defend herself, retsu, kuroka pick a bishop from sona's peerage sakura you get the pervert and if he does something let me know i will kill him sienna you train sona's pervert same thing i said to sakura" i ordered

"yes sir" my peerage announced

"come to my place tomorrow and we will take you to where we train you will also meet my familiar" i said a smile appearing on my face