
Izuku Midoriya in To Love-Ru

One for All and All for One, I finally realized why he was strongest opponent for me and why he was my destined enemy. We stood on the other end of spectrum but we started slowly as before, we both were useless and wanted to be a hero... All for One succumbed to hardship and developed as an anti hero, with series of events he changed and his smaller brother heard his cry for help, so he passed down his power to save his brother help and call... Huh... why, Hmm I think it's over, hmm where is this anyway.” At a void place Izuku Midoriya was looking around to found himself totally alone, but when he closed his eyes and concentrated to found he recalled memories, of a boy called Yuki Rito. When he felt he would be able to open his eyes again, with a slight effort he was able to where a brown cheat nut haired beauty was sleeping by his side, there was a cold compress on his head and by the look he was sweating a lot, maybe because of fever he had. follow the story of Izuku Midoriya as an Rito become the first hero in the world of To Love-Ru. Hello guys my name is Akash Tiwari from India, my Motive of writing down this FanFiction is to gather your attention and request few things if possible, in the coming competition which happen every week I will be participating with my original novel, for that twin that competition I will request for you guys too what some Power stone until I give that it novel in the competition I will be writing the highest amount of chapter I can to cover up for you and your loss. you guys must be aware about how people stop writing FanFiction in between is very simple because we are also humans and cannot fill our stomach beaches FanFiction while we will never get royalty out of it writing a FanFiction, if you guys supported me on the novel I will original create I will definitely will continue to write this FanFiction to the least possible chapter would be 600.

IwanttoKill · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Rito Fight.

Izuku Midoriya, Yuki Rito true essence of being

, is held within the point, which was to save anyone and everyone.

His body and soul, believe in the fact that there is no pure evil in this world, only worldly affairs had twisted one personality.

Rito looked at Matsuhara and walked toward the guy, for an occasion like this only a solid fist of justice, would do the work and Rito believed in it. Given the guy, in front of him, was guilt but he didn't wish to realize it, or he believed he will lose the chance to chase her.

Man is an easy creature to understand, and that is why, they are easy to misunderstand and jump to any conclusions, given how strongly they act on their feelings. We always lose the way, finding ourselves in the world filled with darkness, due to which they always believe, that they already had been rejected by everyone, so why not sink into this darkness even more.

So that's how, why human is always susceptible to any changes, and accept darkness and light easily.

Matsuhara, eyes were ablaze as he glare at Rito, all of his hatred was directed at Rito when a member of the group of Hooligans started walking toward Rito, given he was pissed up seeing a sucking guy acting almighty and arrogant.

"You little, just stand the f… out of my way." The chubby guy started with a slap toward Rito suddenly, causing almost every girl to scream in surprise, Rito looked as easy as ever but his knee smashed on the stomach of the guy, A hand defended his face, catching the hand in between, the leg which had smashed the knee on stomach straighten due to which it kicked the left leg of the opponent making it slip.

Then Rito used an empty right hand were used to blow an upward cut on the face, as Rito face turned back facing the girl's with a smile, and his shoulder smashing in an upward direction. Chubby man did not have any time to react while his body was flying upward, the left hand of Rito which was still holding the slapping hand, put pressure downward while the fat body was completely off the ground, and right hand of Rito was pushing up fat body jerked and smashed the guy on the floor.

The guy took a 180-degree parabolic path, and was smashed on the ground, Rito smiled as if it was nothing, not to say the guy, that was around 90 kg was smashed on the ground easily. " Well, who is next now." Rito smiled casually and asked as he looked at the group.

All hooligans were silent, the guy which was smashed was the 2nd strongest member among them.

Silence… Silent.. Silence.

"What, That's it then, Now brother Matsuhara I would like to have chat."

When the main leader of the ruffians laughed, Rito looked at the men and smiled, 'This guy is strong, guess I can't showcase anymore and has to use, all my techniques to the best, the guy muscles are telling me that he had trained expressively, it would be a good way to judge my physical powers.' Rito smiled and thought, he knew the guy was staring at him, for a fight and that is why he was not willing to attack at the first moment.

Saki, Rin especially Rin, who had trained in kendo knew, how hard it was to execute that movement so flawlessly, Mikan was astonished 'That's Onii_Chan.'

Mikan was looking dazed while, all the girls were also looking at Rito, with a dazed look too. Nanaka was shocked, 'this guy had such a fierce side, usually, he is acting so weak, what with this boy, why he always surprise me like this.'

"You guy's, back off and no one will touch those girls, and if that bastard tries to do it break his hands." Oga smiled, as he looked at Rito provokingly manner.

"In simple, as long as I fight you, they will not be touched by those guys, huh, but if I win, make sure that guy will not pester these girl's."

Rito knew the intention of the guy was as such, so he also added a new condition over it, just to make it up with him and well that guy was also a Nuisance, to begin with.

Oga nodded, while the member of the gang backed up, looking at Oga, Matsuhara eyes lost their colour, as he was dragged by them.

Matsuhara was well aware that, Oga will not help him out anymore, given the character of the person he might and a half-dead, if he works to pursue those girls even if the other guys lose since the guy in front of him was a battle Maniac. Rito smiled, given it seem to be a good deal for him, and he knew that he will be fine dealing with him, if push comes to pull he will use One for All and we need for all.

Rito closed his eyes when Oga right fist which was the left fist for Rito came smashing in, Rito right hand used simple palm Horizontal thrust, which made the punch trajectory change in between. While his left leg moved in, given after a punch the right side body of Oga was unguarded, Rito left punch, came smashing in carrying the momentum of the left body.

Oga senses were sharp, he easily, turned his face to tilt, dodging the punch, but the left side of his body which was hit by Rito left leg make him a little unbalanced. Oga smiled as he didn't care about his body centre of gravity and used, his right punch which carried some momentum, Rito right hand which was used as left horizontal cut, jerked and his elbow of right hand smashed on the punch [Muay Thai] Elbow block, came in the rescue while Rito shifted his back leg straight, gaining the centre of gravity and then moving the same leg forward to throw out best punch at Oga face.

Oga was unprepared but still, with his instinct he used his right and left hand to save his face.

Rito smiled, given when Oga save his face, he covered his eyes of a certain area turning it into a blind spot, Oga was not able to see below and that is why an uppercut was a lethal attack, Rito body bends down like a spring when his punch was stopped, while the force from the toes, to knee, to thigh, to the upper torso and then a lethal fist moved destructively delivering the package to the jaw.

Rito felt the punch hit, but the face moved weirdly diffusing half of the force, but still was enough to send it flying, Oga eyes were blank for a second but regain their senses, his both leg sent out one-two Whip attack.

Rito was prepared, using his body to move to and fro he barely dodged the attack, which gazed his face while Rito came inside, this time his leg to deliver a round kick, on the stomach where Rito aim for the centre of the gravity, at that point it is impossible to diffuse any force. The momentum sent Oga flying and smashing on the wall.

Rito who had 2 cuts on his both side of the face, where blood was dripping down, stood straight, his hand in a fighting posture and let out the breath. Rito breath was visible due to AC on and he looked more handsome at that seen.

Given wild a kind of vibe, his serious face looked calm and collected, with whatsoever no hint of immaturity, just like a mature person had destructive looks.