
Nick and Jessica

One day in life Jessica, this morning Jessica goes to the office and hurry up for work. While coming to the office, Jessica ordered food and chose the food for breakfast but suddenly secretary Jessica talked if this morning client changed the meeting this time.

Jessica is confused because I'm hungry and feel I don't have energy to do work today. Jessica finally asks the secretary to wait until the minute because Jessica wants breakfast.

Secretary Jessica is trying to talk with the client and Jessica says if the client doesn't want to wait. Jessica will be responsible even though Jessica is difficult to understand with the client.

"Oh client why are you doing that, I know the client at my office on the top," muttered Jessica in the chair.

"Oh my goodness, by the way I'm thinking about the Wulan I want to help Wulan," says Jessica.

Instead Nick is busy with the study magister, stand by the library and eat at the campus. Nick does that because so excited for work for the first time in the office, because a long time ago will be a lecturer for the bachelor management business.

Nick focuses on studying too late for breakfast today, finally Nick comes back to home and breakfast in the home. After going home, there is Miko which is a busy road to promote the new book. Miko sees nick and talks for 10 minutes but Miko's busy schedule finally both of them fail to talk more.

"When do you come back home to Miko?" texting nick to Miko.

"Maybe tomorrow and I think I have a busy schedule too," replied Miko.

Instead Jessica after breakfast, finally meeting with the new client and Jessica shocked the new client is Miko. Jessica also remembers the plan for making it Wulan and Miko more close.

Miko sees Jessica imagine something, finally Miko touch shoulder and Jessica realizes also back to work both of them. Both of them discuss with program promotion for this year, and Miko wants to have guest stars coming to the promoted. Jessica suddenly remembers Wulan and has plans for this moment.

"Jessica why are you silent for a few minutes, are you ok?" ask Miko to text people.

"Sorry I just remember someone to help this project," answered Jessica by texting Wulan.

While Wulan in the cafe, Wulan confused why Jessica and Miko asked to meet together. At the same place , finally Wulan called Miko and asked to change the time because need meet with Jessica.

Miko confused Jessica and had a plan to meet with Wulan, Miko was curious and finally asked Jessica what the purpose of the meeting was with Wulan. Jessica is confused too and doesn't tell Miko just Jessica says confidential. Jessica finally calls Wulan and asks Wulan to meet with Jessica first and second time Miko.

"Let me decide Jessica and I will call you later," says Wulan.

Instead Wulan in the cafe after Jessica called, Wulan back to work but Wulan was curious why Jessica wanted to meet with Wulan. Finally Wulan decided to meet Jessica first and second Miko.

A few minutes later, Jessica came to the place to meet with Wulan. Wulan is coming early because it is near the cafe Wulan. Jessica directly explains the reason why suddenly I want to be with Wulan.

Wulan hears slowly and tries to understand the purpose Jessica wants to do. Jessica tries to make sure of Wulan this project just for this year and whatever she follows, even though Jessica hopes with Wulan more than whatever.

"Ok lan, do you agree? if you are a gree , I will give information to Miko."

"Jessica, I am busy with studying. Do you know Miko waiting for me to answer the declaration of love, I am not answering. Moreover about this situation."

"I know but maybe you have the answer, lan," says Jessica with texting secretary Jessica in the office.

"I am not sure you make a deal."

"I am done and I have to go," says goodbye Wulan and hurry up.

Walking to the cafe near the place before,Wulan thinks about asking Jessica. Wulan thinks it's a good idea but Miko makes Wulan realize if study new chapter in life Wulan.

Make Miko learn or be busy with new learning to make Wulan jealous, coming to the cafe finally meeting with Miko. Miko smiled and was excited to meet with Wulan.

Miko kisses cheeks right and left. Miko waits for Wulan busy with Laptop and there are text books. Wulan comes back jealous of Miko.

"Lan? What happened to you?" ask Miko like worry.

"I am ok, sorry. So why did you come here?" ask Wulan directly to take the laptop and see the schedule for study.

"I want to say I have promoted my book this year and maybe we can't find it difficult to meet but I am trying to give news to you and it's ok to you or?" ask Miko to be careful.

"You be careful or do you want to be with me?" Ask Wulan to Miko

"I really care about you and I want to take care of you."

Wulan just sees and feels Miko it's true trying to trust Miko, a few minutes Later schedule Wulan study it's time .

Wulan studying prepares for notes and pen for writing, Wulan so happy because can learn new things. Wulan focuses on study, Miko also focuses on preparing for speech or other things. Most importantly, Miko prepared for it.

Question Miko still will be confidential, Both of them little forget about it, so both of them come back to busy with their active self.

Instead Nick is busy with studying, and going to the cafe to continue studying. Moreover, This year should finish early and soon.

"Sir! what do you want to eat?" ask Staff cafe

"I want to eat pizza and coke," answered Nick.

A few minutes later, Nick focuses on studying. Suddenly Jessica comes to the same place and doesn't know if Nick is at the same time. Jessica also ordered food in the cafe, while Jessica wanted to go to the toilet Jessica to see nick.