
Its a world of blending with group chat

I do not know English, so I used the translator to translate the story, and now this is a vulgar embodiment story in the anime world with a group chat and travel between the worlds of anime and novels . For more chapters please visit my patreon p@treon.com/Akasaki_Ryujin

Akasaki_Ryujin · アニメ·コミックス
94 Chs

Chapter 5: Graduation

Knock !!

Knock !!

Knock !!

Akira heard someone knocking on his apartment door while talking to his new friends.

Hearing a knock on the door and seeing the clock, new memories popped up in Akira's mind, causing him to learn about the person outside.

Akira: "Sorry, guys, but I have to go now."

After sending this message to everyone, Akira hung up the phone and went to open the door.

"Good morning, Akira." - Akira heard a young man's voice, calm and soft.

"Good morning Akira," - followed by a raspy, strong voice.

"Good morning, Sona, Takeo," Akira said with a smile upon seeing the two of his childhood friends.

"Come in, I need some time to get ready," Akira said as he pulled away to make space for the two of them to enter.

"Sorry for intruding" - x 2

Sona and Takeo cheered upon entering Akira's apartment.

The two entered the apartment and sat casually on the sofa, waiting for Akira to finish.

Although the Japanese people are very reserved, Akira, Suna, and Takeo are childhood friends, and that is why they did not have this reservation with each other.

After Sona and Takeo entered, Akira entered his bedroom and took out his school uniform and quickly put it on.

Today was Akira's middle school graduation day, and in a week he was going to start high school.

It seems that Akira was very smart even if he didn't have his memories, which is why he was in Teiko Middle School, which is one of the most prestigious schools in Japan.

He was going to enter Seimei High School, which is considered the top art school in high school, and its entrance exams were very difficult, but Akira managed to pass it easily.

Seimei High School is divided into the academic branch, where Akira and Suna will enter due to their high grades, and the artistic branch, where Takeo will enter due to the scholarship he received for joining the dojo club.

"I'm really handsome, as expected of Gilgamesh, King of Heroes" - muttered Akira upon seeing his face in the mirror after putting on his Teiko High School uniform.

Today is graduation day, that's why Akira didn't need to carry his bag, that's why he put his phone in his pocket and went out to the living room.

"Sorry I'm late," said Akira as he exited the bedroom.

"Shall we go?" - Suna said, getting up from the sofa with Takeo.

Akira and Takeo nodded and went out with Sona to go to school.


Akira walked with Sona and Takeo as they discussed the anime because the three of them were big fans of the anime.

While they were talking, Akira would stop every few seconds to pick up the money off the floor.

Suna and Takeo didn't say anything because they were used to their friend's bad luck.

It wasn't surprising that Akira would come home with a million yen in his bag just from one exit.

Even Akira had a few billion in his bank account and was picking up the money and giving it to the homeless he found on his way.

Suna and Takeo even had a few million yen due to Akira sharing the money with them.

After collecting 1 million yen, Akira no longer collected the money, and put the million yen in a nursing home, and continued his way to school with Suna and Takeo.

Although Akira doesn't care much about it, this was his way of showing respect to his parents by continuing to do what they did when they were alive.

Both Takeo and Suna knew this so they would follow Akira without complaining or complaining because they were his friends and they should stand by him or they would feel ashamed to call themselves his friends.

It didn't take long for Akira and the others to leave the nursing home because Akira was ignoring money and other things he didn't care about, and they reached the gate of Teikou Middle School.

"Good morning Akira and you guys" - Akira, who arrived with Sona and Takeo at the school gate, heard a girl's voice greeting them from behind.

When the voice listener, some memories about his owner appeared in Akira's head, causing him to recognize him.

"Good morning, @#$%&*" - Akira said with a slight smile as he looked at the pretty girl behind him.


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