

GodOFGames12 · ファンタジー
19 Chs


66 Cecilia

The group followed Himeko, however they were confused as to why they were walking straight into a wall.

"Alright stay close to me, we are going up." Himeko stopped right before the wall allowing the girls and Wolfy to get close to her.

Shaman and Elysia held each other's hand as they were very cautious of what Himeko was going to do as they were at the mercy of her and the point of no return had long passed.

Himeko clicked her fingers and fire began to wrap around the group, Shaman instinctively used her water element but upon it being conjured up it was vaporized.

"Oh you can use 2 elements? Also don't worry, the flames won't hurt you." Himeko was now even more curious about the 2 girls as it was uncommon for a person to be able to use 2 elements.

Shaman, Elysia and Wolfy relaxed as a few seconds had already passed and they were not affected by the flames around them. Shortly after the flames vanished and they found what seemed to be a bedroom of some kind.

The room had one king sized bed and was decorated with the colour red. There were many depictions of the Phoenix on the wall with one massive one on the roof. In the middle there was a table that continuously had 3 seats and Himeko began to walk towards the side with one chair.

"Come, sit down and let us have a chat." Himeko gestured for them to come over and sit down while also conjuring up flames that seemed to teleport a tea set on the table.


'I hope I can learn that skill with my fire.' Elysia was rather jealous of Himeko's use of fire and would love to be taught by her if possible.

Shaman and Elysia both sat down at the table across from Himeko and waited patiently while she poured tea for the both of them. Himeko pushed the cups towards them and placed her elbow on the table and held her head and looked at the 2 girls.

"If you don't like the tea, just leave it there." Himeko smiled at the girls and they both nodded.

"Anyway, I have a few questions and the first one being why is the Fox princess of Cecilia Shiroi doing all the way in human territory." Himeko smiled as she could see the frozen struck face of Shaman.

'How does she know?' Shaman could not believe what she was hearing even though she hasn't heard her mothers name yet, she could not help but feel a sense of familiarity with it and could only assume it was the past *Shaman* acting up.

"It's okay, I don't bite and I used to know your mother Cecilia since we were kids." Himeko let out a gentle smile giving off a motherly vibe. Shaman took in a deep breath as it seemed like she was genuine and she had nothing to lose if she told Himeko a little bit of what she knows.

"If I'm going to be honest, I don't have all my memories but the last thing I remember was my mother telling me to leave and come back when I am stronger, It seemed like something terrible was happening back home and Mother seemed really stressed and in a hurry but thats all I can recall." Shaman intentionally left out the details of the black box as she does not know the value of what could be inside.

"I see, so you don't know if your parents are even alive or dead." Himeko began to hop into deep thought.

"If you know anything about them please tell me." Shaman felt like she finally had a avenue to find out more about herself through Himeko and the other *Shaman* inside her was nagging her to say something. Himeko raised an eyebrow as to her it seems like she has no idea what has been happening.

"Do you know what is happening with the Fox realm?" Himeko wondered if Shaman knew the current status of the place.

"Wait did something happen?" Shaman was confused as she hadn't heard anything and Elysia even had a confused look.

"tch, the church must be covering it up." Himeko clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"The church, what are they hiding?" Shaman began to panic a little as it seemed like things were a lot worse on the outside than she originally presumed.

Himeko clicked her fingers and a screen of fire appeared in front of them showing what seemed to be a palace but it was covered in this black dome.

"Currently we have not heard of the Royal family from the Fox realm but about a month ago a dome suddenly appeared and ever since no one has been able to leave or enter, no life has been seen moving inside and we are unsure what the dome is other than it uses the dark element which is a forbidden element to use." Himeko began to explain the situation to Shaman and Elysia.

Shaman on the other hand was having trouble surprising the soul of *Shaman* and began to get out of control.

'Fuck *Shaman* now is not the time to go into a fit, for all we know they are still alive okay so please calm down.' The unstable soul within Shaman began to riot hearing the news and Shaman knew it was not the time to let it have its way.

Shaman grabbed her head as she was trying to fight *Shaman* internally and not letting it take control like she did back in Cholden.

Himeko stood up and went next to Shaman to see if she was okay as it seemed like she was in pain.

"Sorry, I did not expect this news to affect you so badly." Himeko thought she was at fault for why Shaman was like this.

Elysia on the other hand had an idea on what was going on and began to console *Shaman*

"Shaman, it is okay, I'm sure your parents are fine, we just need to get strong enough like your mother said and go back and free them." These words worked wonders as the *Shaman* the inside of Shaman calmed down and seemingly went back to a dormant state.

"Oh its okay its just whenever a sensitive topic comes up I can't help but get a massive headache." Shaman tried to play it off but Himeko was a little suspicious of what just happened and Elysia was just glad that Shaman did not go into a fit of rage like she did last time.

Himeko decided to ignore it for now and went back to her seat.

"Well I won't talk about it anymore but it seems Cecilia sent you out on your own and knew whatever that dome is, was going to happen." Himeko became frustrated as she had tried many times to break through the dome but nothing seemingly worked.

"We will move on as I need to think about it for a bit longer but seeing as you are alive and out of the dome I can only assume you came here for the tier 5 dungeon." Seeing as Shaman was on a mission to get stronger, she could only assume they came to Ebonscale to attempt the tier 5 dungeon in her city.

"Yes, that is why we came to visit you." Shaman was now back to normal but knew she had done something about the soul within her.

"Good, now I will allow you access to the dungeon whenever you want but there is something I want from you." Himeko winked at Shaman sending shivers down her spine and causing Elysia's face to darken like she is ready to murder someone.

"Woah there, she is way too young for my taste. I just want to train you both while you are in my city." Himeko could not help but chuckle at Elysia's reaction as she could clearly feel the killing intent emanating from her but after saying what she wanted Elysia instantly returned back to normal.

"Wait, you will train us?" Shaman was a little shocked as she did not expect she would be getting trained by possibly one of the strongest people. Elysia on the other hand was screaming on the inside as it was exactly what she wanted.

"Of course since you are basically my niece and why would I not spoil you." Himeko poked out her tongue as she could see the confused and shocked faces of the girls.

"Are you sure you want to waste your time on us?" Shaman was a little hesitant and could not believe what she was hearing.

"Oh come one don't be like that, let me show you to your room and we will begin your training nice and early in the morning." Himeko reached out her hand towards Shaman.

"Woah, woah hold on things are going way too fast, are you 100% sure you are willing to take us in." Shaman was failing to understand why Himeko was so willing to take them in.

"Stop asking Questions, let's say I'm doing this because I owe a favor and I know it sounds typical but I'm doing this out of my free will." Himeko stood up and looked at Shaman with .

67 Moving in

"Alright let me show you to your room." Himeko was not taking no for an answer from Shaman.

"You really don't have to, we can always rent a place or stay at an inn." Shaman on the other hand did not want to burden Himeko with looking after them after she already agreed to training them.

"Oh come on, are you really going to reject your Auntie like that."

"But we hardly know you and this does not feel like a fight." Shaman had an uneasy feeling and was still not 100% trusting of Himeko.

'I bet she is going to die in order to save me in the future, I have to stay clear of her otherwise she will lose her life.' Once again Shaman was basing her assumptions on novels she has read and could tell Himeko is the type of character to die in order for the protagonist to live.

Himeko walked up to Shaman and grabbed her by the cheek, Shaman began to squirm and try to fight back.

"You are staying here, end of story." Himeko began to be fed up with Shaman's theatrics.

"Yes ma'am." Shaman had resigned quickly and Elysia began to laugh as the sight of Shaman being almost picked by the cheeked was amusing.

"Since you two are dating I assume you don't mind if you share a bed and so it is easier to do your nightly duties." Himeko poked out her tongue and winked at Elysia which caused her to go bright red.


"yes." Elysia stopped laughing as she did not believe it was that obvious that they were doing that kind of thing and spoke in a low voice.

Himeko looked over at Wolfy who had been silently laying there the whole time minding his own business.

"I'll make sure your familiar gets a soundproof space so he isn't disturbed." Himeko also noticed the breed of Wolfy was quite odd and could tell it was an intelligent beast but headed it no more attention.

Shaman on the other hand got a good hit on Himeko's forehead causing her to finally get free from Himeko's grasp.

"Ow!" Himeko was now annoyed and as she was about to try to grab Shaman to stop her from running, an Ice wall suddenly formed in front of her hand.

"Ohoh~ that's a third element now." Himeko was even more intrigued by Shaman's capabilities as this was now the third element she as shown.

[Ice Wall]

[Create a dense wall of ice to stop a physical attack.]

[Cost: Varies depending on the density of the ice]

Shaman created a basic ice skill and used her wind to boost herself away from Himeko. Shaman headed towards the wall and turned around to face Himeko.

However Himeko could not be seen but suddenly a hand grabbed Shaman's shoulder from behind.

"A 4th element, you sure are a bag of treats aren't you." Himeko was ecstatic as Shaman is one of the few people in the world who can even wield 4 elements and if Shaman managed to become a top rank adventurer she would be a monster on the battlefield.

"I already agreed to stay, no need to treat me like a child." Shaman pouted as she felt powerless and could not help but feel like she was being played with.

"How cute~." Himeko poked Shaman's cheek and Elysia was now on the floor laughing as for once Shaman does not have the upper hand.

"Oh shut up Elysia." Shaman had gone red as she was being embarrassed in front of Elysia.

"Alright enough fooling around there is a lot I want to teach you tomorrow and I want you well rested, so follow me." Himeko began to walk to one side of the room.

Shaman went to Elysia to help her up but not without smacking her on the head for laughing at her and then they followed Himeko to the side of the room.

Instead of using the ball of fire Himeko usually uses, she pushed on one of the support beams in the wall, shortly after mechanical sounds could be heard and the wall started to open.

"Seeing as you girls can't travel like I can, you can use the stairs instead." Himeko then began to walk down the staircase that wrapped around the building till they reached the floor below.

"This will be your room and just so you know you are in the middle of the tower so you still get a great view of the city." Himeko opened the room which was rather bare, only having a bed and a basic kitchen.

"I did not expect visitors so bear with me and I'm sure you brought along some belongings so make yourself at home at home." Shaman, Elysia and Wolfy walked into the room and got familiar with the surroundings.

"I will come back tomorrow with a soundproof kennel just for you buddy." Himeko squatted down and petted Wolfy. Wolfy gave a positive response and could not wait to have a peaceful night sleep without being disturbed.

"Well if you need anything I will be upstairs so make sure you get enough sleep because I will be coming down to drag out no matter how much sleep you get." With that said Himeko clicked her fingers and vanished from the spot.

"Well at least we got out accommodation sorted." Things still felt surreal to Shaman as they will be getting personal training from a tier 10 expert.

"Well I did not expect she would be related to your family." Elysia had already found her way to the kitchen and began to unpack all of her cooking equipment.

"It is nice to know that I have a place to come back to, though the news about my Fox parents being trapped does raise many questions." Shaman thought back to the black and can only assume it might be the key to getting inside the black dome.

"Well I guess that means we just have to get stronger before we go to the Fox realm." Elysia had already begun to cook dinner as the sun could be seen setting outside the window.

"It sucks knowing we can't do anything till we are stronger." Despite it not being her actual parents she still felt a sense of duty to go and protect them.

"Well lets hope this training can speedrun us to a higher tier." Elysia hoped that by training with Himeko they would get a significant boost in levels.

"I don't think we will gain levels but we definitely upgrade our combat ability, lets hope she can also teach Wolfy a few things." Shaman only expects her skills and tier with her current elements to get a significant boost.

"It would be nice If I could get trained with my shadows to be an assassin as that seems to really fit me." Wolfy was already a fan of Himeko and hoped he could improve his usefulness on the battlefield.

"Well unless you get a human body I don't really know how she would teach a Wolf." Elysia wanted Himeko to teach Wolfy as well but did not know how it worked.

"Well, let's hope we can get something for him anyway." Shaman believed even though he may not get physical training he could at least learn the theory behind it.

"I can't wait to get a human form." Wolfy was a little envious as it seemed very convenient to have one.

"We just have to wait and see and who knows it might be one of those secret missions that you have to do to get one." Shaman assumed that there had to be a prerequisite in order for Wolfy to obtain a human form.

"Why don't we ask Rea?" Elysia figured they could just ask since Rea is the system.

"Sorry but I can't answer that question and you are just going to have to find out yourselves hehe~" Rea responded and Elysia went back to cooking dinner.

"Just as I thought." Shaman assumed this outcome as usually Rea would answer without them even asking so it was expected.

"Oh don't be like that Shaman, I only hide information because it would just make your life too easy."

"But why?" Shaman figured that system was trying to help her not challenge her.

"Well that's because Aki-." Rea was suddenly cut off.

"huh?" Shaman was confused but then she realized that Rea almost told them the name of what might be a god/higher being that is in control.

"Elysia what did Rea say?" Shaman did not catch what Rea had said as the realization of what Rea was saying distracted her.

"What?" Elysia had actually not been paying attention as she was too busy cooking them dinner.

"Wolfy?" Shaman looked at Wolfy but Wolfy shook his head.

"How the hell did we miss that, it could have been crucial information." Shaman could not believe it but despite not knowing the name it was confirmation that there was a presence beyond this world watching them.

"Well do you want to be worrying about that right now." Elysia did not see the point of bothering with it as they had more pressing issues.

"I… I guess you are right." Shaman could not deny what Elysia said but it was still bugging her that there was now a possibility of finding out why she was transported to this world.

"Come on don't be all gloomy, here Dinner is just about ready so let's eat." Elysia was also rather curious but knew that they wouldn't be getting any information anytime soon and was better just to focus on what's in front of them.

'I should just leave it be, I will get my answers once I reach tier 10.' Shaman knew something was going to happen when she reached that tier so her determination to get there had grown as it may give her the answers she is looking for.

68 Shaman's life before it all began

After being frustrated and giving up on what Rea said Elysia, Shaman and Wolfy had some dinner and unpacked some of their stuff.

After getting comfortable Elysia and Shaman jumped into bed and snuggled into each other.

"I will say this is the most comfortable bed we have been in." Elysia was impressed with the bed as she has never had this kind of luxury before.

"It feels like I never transported worlds at times, since there are so many things that are just like where I came from." Shaman couldn't help but get a sense of familiarity as it seemed like her world just seemingly merged into the one she currently is.

"Now that I think about it you have not really told what your life was like in your old world." Elysia had heard the different technologies but not much about Shaman and what she was like.

"Well that's because it was not that interesting and the only reason why I'm so good fighting is just because I inherited the skills from the previous owner so other than that I'm not that special." Shaman was really grateful to be given such an edge in this new world as she never was anything special before coming to where she is now.

"I don't care about if you were good at combat, I did not even ask about that, I just want to know about you." Elysia flicked Shaman on the forehead as it was unnecessary for her to bring up combat.

"Ow!" Shaman put her hand on her forehead and looked at Elysia with an annoyed stare.

"Oh come on don't be like that, just hurry up and tell me about yourself." Elysia smiled, causing Shaman's heart to melt a little and forgive her for the flick.


"Okay fine." Shaman caved in as they had nothing better to do and would not hurt to tell Elysia.

"But you have to tell me about yourself as well." Shaman also realized that she hadn't heard much of Elysia's life before they met. Elysia sat there in silence for a moment as it seemed to be a heavy topic for her.

"I will but not tonight, how about after we reach tier 5 I will tell you my story." Elysia's voice was rather shaky.

"Deal." Shaman did not want to push Elysia into telling her story as it seemed rather difficult to even think about.

"Thank you." Elysia let out a deep breath as she was really glad that Shaman was willing to wait for her just a little bit longer despite her asking before.

"Well I guess I will start with when I got into high school as nothing really interesting happened when I was below the age of 13." Shaman had a pretty normal and mundane life and nothing noteworthy she could really think of.

"What's high school?" Elysia what normal school was but no idea what Shaman meant by high school

"Oh it just means normal school but for when you are between the ages of 13 to 18…" Shaman went on to explain to Elysia how her world's education system worked so she would understand some of the terminology she would use.

"Ah okay so you just finished high school before you got transported then?" Elysia knew Shaman was the same age and that they were around the end of the year.

"Yes I had actually just turned 18 when I got transported." Shaman had completely forgotten that her birthday was only 2 weeks ago.

"damn looks like I have to wait a year before I can get you a gift. " Elysia was a little disappointed in how long she had to wait but that gave her all the more time to think of what to get her.

"Well anyway, I was rather alone during my early years of school as I had only just moved into the town recently so I was rather an outlier when going to school."

"I was also rather tall as well so I was seen as the odd one and bullied by what you would call the popular girls and it never really bothered me." Shaman could see the annoyed look on Elysia's face and could tell she had added a few people to a kill list.

"Anyway I usually just read books and watch shows to escape from the real world and engage in a fantasy one."

"I even wished to be a part of that fantasy world and leave the one I was currently in as it just sounded so much better than reality but that wish never really came."

"However when I was a bit older I did manage to make some friends, however it was still very surface level and I never created a deep bond with them."

"I do miss them but I would always use novels to escape and pass time and get rid of the stress I would be feeling."

"I played a lot of video games but If I were to try to explain it to you, we may be here all night." Shaman was very hesitant to get into it as she was unsure how easy Elysia would grasp the concept of the internet. Elysia did not ask questions as it was already hard enough for Shaman to explain some of the things from her world.

"I have always been an underachiever and was just an average student so I can't say I was anything spectacular in the long run but here I am now with you having a much better life despite being almost killed already." Shaman began to feel a little depressed as she really did have a mundane life up until now.

"So how was it, my interesting life story where I was just alone for most of it and was bullied just because I was tall." Shaman let out an awkward.

"Well I know I have to pay a visit to some people in the future and to think someone so special was so alone, I wish I could have been there with you." Elysia felt a little sad for Shaman.

"Don't be sad, that's in the past plus I am here now and I don't even know if I would want to go back to my old world."

"I guess you're right but still I can't help but have a bit of heartache." Elysia pulled Shaman in closer, smothering Shaman in her chest.

"I really appreciate the concern but we need to get some sleep otherwise I feel like we might not get through Himeko's training." Shaman realized it was getting late and would rather not be sleep deprived.

"Yes but I'm not letting go tonight." Elysia pulled Shaman in even tighter now making it impossible for Shaman to speak.

Shaman did not bother and continued to enjoy Elysia's embrace and even almost began to cry as it had been so long since someone other than her family had shown affection towards her.

'I'm so glad I met you.' Shaman held back the tears and peacefully went to sleep in Elysia's arms.


The morning had arrived and a expected guest had arrived.

"Awww~ how cute." Himeko had come to wake the girls up and could see the two snuggling each other.

"I kind of don't want to wake them up, they look so cute together and peaceful." Himeko was conflicted as the site of the 2 fox girls was just too adorable.

"I'm glad Shaman has found happiness but training comes first sadly." Himeko shook her head and hovered over the bed.

"Now, what's the best way to wake them up?" Himeko was thinking of a good way to wake them up and then she spotted the tail of Shaman poke out from the cover.

"Fufufu~" Himeko slightly pulled down the cover so she could see the tail of Elysia and Shaman.

"Let's see how they feel after I pick them up by the tail." Himeko reached her hand out and quickly grabbed both tails and pulled them up into the sky.

"AHHHHHHH." Screams could be heard from Shaman and Elysia as they were lifted in the air by the tail. Wolfy had also woken up and got ready for battle as he thought it was an intruder.

After the screams Himeko dropped them from above the bed about 2 meters high.

"HAHAHAHA." Himeko screamed out laughing as the reaction was priceless.

"Grrrrr~, how dare you." Elysia was really grumpy as being woken up by tail pulling was not the nicest feeling.

"You should know to never touch a fox's tail, did my mother not teach you anything?" Shaman was not happy either as it was just like her hair was being pulled.

"Of course but I need you awake right away and it seems like it was a mission accomplished, so after you have breakfast, come to my room." Himeko then vanished in a ball of fire in the air and left the 2 grumpy fox girls to get ready for the training.

69 Shaman Vs Himeko

After being rudely awakened by Himeko they went ahead and had breakfast. They also washed up in the bathroom and got changed. They made their way up to Himeko's room.

They arrived at Himeko's room and knocked on the panel to get her attention. After a few moments the door began to open to reveal Himeko who was in the same clothes as yesterday.

"What's with the grumpy looking girls, it seems like someone grabbed your tail of something." Himeko had a smirk as she saw the unimpressed faces of Shaman and Elysia.

Shaman and Elysia both shot a death stare at Himeko causing her to let out an awkward smile.

"Anyway let's head to the training grounds and start getting you into shape." Himeko quickly pulled them in, teleporting them to an open arena. It was flat and the size of a soccer field where you could see the tower they were just in on one side while the other has a view of the back end of the city.

"Here is where I will train you and make sure you are in fighting condition as the dungeons tier 5 and above begin to get abnormal with the monsters it has within them."

"If you are not prepared for the worst, you may get yourself killed as these monsters begin to have a lot more intelligence and unique abilities." Shaman, Elysia and Wolfy were all listening carefully to Himeko as it seemed like going straight to the tier 5 dungeon may have been a bad idea.

'Although I have inherited the training of this body I still don't have that battle sense.' Shaman was a little worried as she had been relying on the previous owners training to survive in this world.

"We will begin with sparring so I can see how well you do so we can build up on a foundation you may already have." Himeko began to walk to one end of the arena and summoned a claymore which was almost the size of her. The claymore


'Himeko is around 5'10 so that sword is huge, I would not be surprised if it's taller than me.' Shaman used inspect on the sword to see the details on it. The claymore had a black handle and a rose red hilt, the blade was thick and made up the majority of the height, the blade had a white lining showing the edge of the blade with the remaining having a red colour like the hilt. It could also be seen on the base of the sword a gem of some kind that had a slight glow.

[Scarlet nexus]

[Grade: legendary]

[A legendary claymore that it said to be able to tear through the skies with a single swing with its affinity with fire]


[Stats hidden due to the sword being soul bound]

'Damn I want to find out what kind of gem it is but I'm going to assume it makes Himeko's flames stronger.' Shaman was a little disappointed in not being able to figure out the weapons stats and abilities.

"Shaman, I want you to come and attack me first and don't worry anything is allowed and I will only be on the defensive for now." Himeko shouted and Shaman went to the other side of the arena and summoned her sword for the first time. Shaman holstered the sheath and withdrew Kotetsu for the first time. The black and White sword shined as she got ready for battle and Himeko was quite surprised to see the sword.

'If I am not mistaken, that looks like a sword that belongs to the Hikaru clan but what is it doing in Shaman's hands?' Himeko was rather suspicious of the origins of the sword but could not confirm it.

"Alright, ready when you are." Himeko began to get excited as she could not wait to see how Shaman uses her 4 elements in battle.

Shaman took a deep breath and locked eyes with himeko and began to dash forward.

When she got to the midway point she activated her sword domain and the white flower field sprouted across the arena. Himeko was pleasantly surprised and her anticipation grew as Shaman approached her.

Shaman was now Infront of Himeko in one last dash using her wind to give her the extra speed and used [Sword gale] on Kotetsu. The sword slashed down at incredible speeds but not fast enough for Himeko to not see.

Himeko raised her claymore and flames engulfed the blade and taking the shape of the blade, she blocked Shamans overhead attack and the wind around the blade made the fire on the blade explode causing her to jump back.

"What happened to not attacking?"

"Well sweetie that's what happens when elements collide so be more careful next time." Himeko grinned and prepared for Shaman's next attack.

Shaman still used her wind for movement but opted to switch to the water element for her sword. Water enveloped the sword as it was one of its abilities to infuse itself with the element. A dark blue emanated from the hilt and the white lines around the sword had also turned into a dark blue.

'Damn good thing I did not do that for the wind otherwise that explosion may have been unnecessarily bigger.' Shaman felt relieved that she did not infuse Kotetsu with the wind element and it could have spelled trouble for her.

Shaman went to the side of Himeko but did not strike but instead conjured up an ice wall on the other side of Himeko. This allowed Shaman to shoot a [ice spear] from that wall as she was still in control of it. Himeko slashed down instantly, destroying the wall alongside the spear; however, as soon as she turned her back the presence of Shaman disappeared.

Himeko looked around in confusion however suddenly a wave of water shot up from below alongside Shaman came underneath Himeko.

Himeko quickly increased the intensity of the flames of the sword causing all the water to vaporize instantly but the water on Kotetsu was untouched. Shaman noticed this and continued with her strike towards Himeko's chest but Himeko managed to parry the blade before jumping back.

"I'm quite impressed, you managed to get me to move but may I ask how you were able to conceal your presence?" Himeko was rather confused as unless you were a trained assassin it was nearly impossible to do so.

"hehe~ not telling." Shaman did not want to say how she was able to use the shadow element as revenge for pulling her tail.

"I guess I will just have to fight it out of you." Himeko's eyes glowed and Shaman felt shivers down her spine as it seemed like she made a grave mistake.

Himeko vanished from where she was standing and appeared behind Shaman.

Shaman's instincts kick in as she barely manages to turn around and block Himeko's sword. The sound of sizzling could be heard as the water was slowly being evaporated by the sword. Shaman tried to use her ice and fly spears towards Himeko.

Himeko pushed off Shaman and dodge the ice spears, Himeko also slashed down while in the air launching a fire slash.

Shaman quickly used her wind to dodged out of the way barely escaping the explosion that came after it.

'I thought she was just going to defend, not attack me.' Shaman began to sweat and was curious why the sudden shift occurred.

Shaman quickly shifted her sword's element to ice causing it to go back to its normal white colour but now with the white glow and ice covering the sword. Himeko emerged from the smoke that was created from the Fire slash and gestured to Shaman to come at her.

Shaman dragged the sword along the ground making a trail of ice as she approached Himeko.

Shaman jumped into the air and conjured up [ice spears] and crashed down on to Himeko. Shaman also did not stop there; she used the trail of ice to shoot spears from and aimed them all at Himeko.

Himeko smirked and all of a sudden just before Shaman and her swords clashed, wings of fire sprouted from Himeko's back causing all the [ice spears] to melt in an instant. This however did not deter Shaman and the clashing of Kotetsu and Scarlet nexus caused a slight shake of the arena.

The ice on Kotetsu was starting to melt, indicating Shaman to back away but Shaman did not stop and used the remaining ice to send one last spike. The spike went straight to Himeko's face causing her to move her head away. After she dodged it, Shaman quickly leaped away from Himeko and conjured up some ice around her as the heat from the wings was intense and needed to cool down.

"You sure do keep impressing me Shaman, you even managed to hit me." Himeko dispelled her flames and walked towards Shaman.

"How could I, I don't see a single scratch on you." Shaman had almost ran out of mana as the constant use of her elements had made her run dry.

"Don't you see the cut on my face." Himeko pointed at her cheek.

Shaman looked up and could see blood start to run down the side of her face.

"Well now that you are done it's your girlfriend's turn." Himeko looked at Elysia who was currently in shock of what she just witnessed and swallowed her own saliva as it was now her turn.

70 Elysia Vs Himeko

Chapter 70 – Elysia Vs himeko

'Damn if only my sword did not drain so much mana just to keep the elemental switch up I could have kept going.' Shaman found during the fight if she used her swords elemental switch it constantly siphons out her mana and the more the element is replaced on it the more mana is used.

During the fight due to the water vaporizing and the ice melting from Himeko's fire Shaman found the sword would use her mana to replenish what was on it

"Looks like you need to train your mana a bit more since your sword has such a heavy load." Himeko found it odd how short Shaman was able to fight but could only assume her sword was the reason,

"Anyway, Elysia, it is your turn." Himeko looked over to Elysia and licked her lips.

Elysia felt shivers as Himeko called out it was her turn as being a long ranged fighter meant she would not fare well when it came to close combat.

Shaman who had exhausted her mana could see the worry on Elysia's face and also realized Elysia is not well versed for close combat.

"I'm not scary plus I won't be attacking first so hit me with all you got." Himeko could see the worry on Elysia's face and felt a little bad for her.

Wolfy on the other hand went off to Shaman and dragged her by the colar to get her out of the way.


'Thanks Wolfy.'

'No worries, don't want you being hit in the crossfire.'

Elysia swallowed her saliva and walked out to the other end of the arena and took one last look at Shaman.

Shaman smiled and gave her a thumbs up boosting Elysia's confidence a little.

'It's just training, just do your best.' Elysia took a deep breath and took out her bow, when she did this Himeko also realized why Elysia had been so worried.

"BEGIN!" Himeko shouted letting Elysia know that she was ready.

Like previous battles Elysia entered this hyper focused state and began her attacks on Himeko.

Elysia opened with a normal [fire arrow] using a moderate amount of mana to feel out the kind of power she would need to face Himeko. The shot was easily deflected and due to Himeko being a master of fire it would not be very effective.

'Wish I knew another element, having lightning would be rather helpful.' Elysia was now even more determined to learn another element as being confined to one restricted her versatility.

Elysia then began to run to the side and jumped in the air and shot a [Explosive arrow]. Himeko noticed the more dense mana within the arrow and hit it head on with her blade causing it to explode in front of Himeko. This was not the end as the explosion was cover for Elysia's [arrow storm]. A dozen of fire arrows then began to fall onto Himeko causing her to create a fire wall above her.

"Ara~, how very smart of you but unfortunately against a tier 10 senses it's going to be very hard to get the jump on them." Himeko was rather impressed with Elysia's thinking and use of fire.

The dust from the fire explosion was starting to settle but Elysia did not stop or attack. Elysia combined her [multi shot] and [power shot] to send 3 arrows at high speeds. Himeko blocked these shots with her sword with ease. Elysia did not stop the pressure and kept circling Himeko using [Quick shot] to send more arrows with the occasion [explosive shot] to keep a smoke screen up.

However Himeko was not going to stand still forever and finally decided to go on the offensive. Himeko Dashed forward as soon as she sensed mana coming from the smoke and appeared right in front of Elysia. Elysia was not surprised but actually smiled which creeped Himeko out a little.

Himeko then despite the smile went to attack but was surprised that Elysia had primed a [Explosive shot]. Elysia combined [quick shot] and fired the arrow point blank at their feet. Shaman looked on with surprise and wanted to jump in as what Elysia was doing was far too reckless but due to her still recovering she was unable to move properly.

'Shit.' Himeko cursed herself as she was unable to react in time to protect Elysia as the [explosive shot] was much more powerful than before.

The arrow went off and a big explosion came with it, Himeko tried to cover it with fire to contain it but was unable to due to how close the shot was fired and could only step back.The explosion started to settle and Shaman quickly checked Elysia's status to see if she was okay.

[Elysia Dahlia]

[HP 1250/1500]

Shaman let out a sigh of relief as not much damage had been done to her and somehow made it out without killing herself. The smoke cleared and a fire wall could be seen with a black haired Fox behind it.

Elysia's arm was heavily bleeding as she was holding onto it to stop it. Himeko quickly went to Elysia's side to make sure she was okay.

"What are you, crazy?" Himeko could not believe the stunt Elysia just pulled but was glad that she came out of it relatively okay. Elysia let out an awkward laugh as her plan seeming did not go as planned and instead backfired.

Himeko then began to wrap Elysia's arm in a weak flame and on the status screen Shaman had up could see Elysia's HP rising slowly.

"Well my plan half worked but I was unable to fully cover myself in my firewall so my arm managed to get clipped by the explosion." Elysia explained what the intended plan was and what happened.

"Oh you, I may be strong but I can only move so fast, don't do something that reckless while training, it is not a life or death match." Himeko bonked Elysia's head lightly as what she did was something that was unnecessary and not good for training.

"I'm sorry but it was a spur of the moment and I couldn't help myself." Elysia was feeling rather shameful as when she fights, she finds it hard not to do everything she can to beat the opponent.

Himeko let out a sigh and dispelled the flames on Elysia's arm.

"There should be healed but do not be surprised if you feel sore." Elysia nodded to Himeko and went back to where Shaman and Wolfy were.

"You idiot, you are lucky that I can't move right now or I would have done a lot more than just a light tap on the head." Shaman was rather annoyed at Elysia for putting herself in so much danger just for a sparring match.

"Sorry." Elysia apologized and hugged the sitting Shaman.

"Ahem" Hiemko cleared her throat and got the attention of the 2 girls. Elysia quickly let go and sat up straight facing Himeko.

"Where the hell did you pick her up, Shaman?" Shaman was a little surprised by the question and looked at Elysia if she could say how they met. Elysia returned with a nod as she did not mind.

"Well I found her in a cell in an underground base." Shaman used a very sarcastic tone as thinking back on it, it was rather quite the strange first meeting.

"What?" Himeko was now very confused as she could not imagine it seeing as Elysia was rather strong.

"Well she was kidnapped and when I went to investigate I found her in the cell and broke her out, then she saved my life and I kind of just asked her out and we began dating." Shaman did a quick story explaining how things came to be.

"Isn't that way too fast, how the hell were you able to get a girlfriend before I was able to find anyone." Himeko was actually a little jealous of their relationship as she has been alone her whole life.

"Well I get easily attached and maybe because you are too scary, that any guy or girl that comes near feels like they will just get crushed." Shaman had done a critical hit on Himeko as she froze at Shaman's words.

Himeko out of annoyance then began to pull on Shaman's ear.

"Listen here you little shit, It's not because I am scary I just haven't made the effort to go out and find myself one, you hear me." Himeko shouted in Shaman's ear causing her to beg for mercy.

"Ahh okay, I'm sorry, I'm sure that any guy will fall to your mercy if you tried, please let go of me." Himeko finally let go of Shaman's ear causing her to slightly fall back on the ground.

Elysia on the other hand was barely keeping in her laughter but when Himeko looked at her with a death stare all that laughter vanished.

"Hmph, enough about me we still have more training to do." Himeko crossed her arms and looked at the shocked faces of the girls as training had apparently only just begun.