

GodOFGames12 · ファンタジー
19 Chs


137 Conflicted feelings

Clara walked into the bedroom with Wolfy in her new outfit.

Clara wore a long-sleeved black dress with her embroidered purple gems and now violet frills. The top of the dress as well as the sleeves were slightly see-through and had a floral pattern throughout them. She also had black thigh high socks with a purple stripe around their top.

Showing off her new outfit, Clara gave it a twirl. It was a perfect fit with her purple horns and highlighted hair, giving her a rather classy feel.

Shaman finding herself stuck between 2 beautiful women could not help but blush as she never really realised how good looking they both were.

'Maybe I should try being a bit more fashionable.' Shaman found her outfit rather lame and bland.

'If I'm gonna look beautiful I have to also have to dress the part. However, I'm gonna need to go do the dreaded clothes shopping.' Shaman was not fond of shopping and would rather be doing other things.

Elysia, seeing Shaman lost in thought, took the chance to pounce and hug her causing them to both fall on the couch. Elysia sat up and Shaman somehow ended up laying on Elysia's lap. For a single blissful moment, Shaman enjoyed the lap pillow before remembering that they had something important to discuss. Shaman quickly sat up while Clara made herself comfortable on the single-seat couch. Wolfy took refuge on the bed and quietly listened in on their conversation.

Shaman took a deep breath as although she wanted to enjoy herself she had to get this talk over with. Freja also took an interest in Elysia and Wolfy which only meant that conversations were far from over.

"So I have some new pieces of information to tell you about Himeko, which should shine some light on her intentions."


Clara turned her head as the mention of Himeko's name left a sour taste in her mouth.

"I understand Clara, what Himeko did to your parents is unforgivable but from your story, there is much more than meets the eye and what I'm going to tell you might be one piece of that puzzle." Shaman knew Clara would be distasteful towards Himeko and only hoped that Clara would see Himeko in a new light. They may never be able to be friends but at least stay on neutral terms.


Clara had a troubled expression as the news from Shaman did reveal some crucial information about Himeko's intentions.

"So possibly my parents gave Himeko a place to revive, in exchange for something, to the point they got on their knees and begged for it." Clara was considering this new theory as to why Himeko killed her parents, but it still didn't give many hints at why her parents wanted to die.

"This is only just one small piece, we are going to have to go to the demon lands and get answers from Himeko herself." Shaman wished she knew more, but the only way to get more information would be to find where Himeko was revived.

"Tch." Clara wasn't happy as she wanted to hate Himeko, but the more she found out about her the harder it was to stay angry.

"You don't have to like Himeko but when we do meet her again, please try to hold back." Shaman did not want to force Clara to change as the situation was very delicate.

"I need time, I will be in my room, so if something comes up you know where to find me." Clara's expression went cold, and she exited the room.

"Very emotional girl she is." Elysia leaned onto Shaman's shoulder.

"Says you, I walk past a girl, and you are shooting daggers with your eyes." Shaman looked at Elysia unimpressed as she was no better if not worse.

"I- uhhhh, you're not wrong." Elysia was unable to deny it and now felt a bit embarrassed.

"I'm surprised you haven't tried jumping on Clara because we breathe the same air." Shaman then flicked Elysia's forehead.

"Ow! I know I shouldn't be like this, but I can't help it, you brought me back up from the bottom of the pit I was in, and I don't want to lose you." Elysia pouted, giving some insight into why she is so possessive of Shaman.

"You should trust me more, if I didn't want to be with you, I would have said so already." Shaman was a little annoyed, but she couldn't be angry. Elysia did come from a rather dreadful situation so Shaman understood why Elysia would feel this way

"I will try." Elysia lowered her voice as she was unsure if it was possible. She has been having mental battles constantly, wanting to change her mindset, but was finding it extremely difficult.

"Good girl~." Shaman patted Elysia's head and hearing the words good girl caused her to blush.


Not having much to do, Shaman and Elysia cuddled on the couch waiting for Freja since she still had more things to talk about. It involved both Elysia and Wolfy which made her worry since Elysia is from a dangerous family. Wolfy was not too much of a concern as the Freya Forest would allow him to evolve. In fact, a new system message has already come up on his status screen.

[Visit the dark forest springs]

Knowing that this place was originally called the dark forest, they believed Freja would know where this spring would be. Himeko also suggested that Wolfy was a part of a race of wolves related to Freja.

'Hopefully, Wolfy can get a nice power boost and even a new element.' Shaman shared skills with Wolfy so if he were to learn a new element, she would also have access to any of the skills he obtained.

Elysia was falling asleep while in Shaman's arms but then a familiar voice echoed in the room.

"Awww, what a shame I was hoping to find you getting it on in bed, but instead you're cuddling on the couch." Freja had returned and Shaman was already itching to run away as the last thing she wanted was to have fun in bed with Freja.

"And I hope you never see us!" Elysia, hearing what Freja said, quickly looked over the couch with an annoyed look.

"Pffhahaha, I am only kidding, but still be careful I might not be able to help myself." Freja gave them a pat on the head and Shaman let out a sigh as Freja was truly unpredictable.

"Now that I have some free time let's talk about why you are with one of the most hated families in the fox realm. You are lucky I didn't kill Elysia on sight, but seeing as you're together there must be more to it." Freja sat down on the couch across from them and Shaman instantly got nervous alongside Elysia.

"Judging by how you're already sweating buckets I assume you already know who Elysia is and are aware of her situation." Freja could see by their face how panicked they were.

"Y-yes, but Elysia is a runaway who just barely escaped while her parents were killed by the other family members." Shaman spoke for Elysia as it was already hard enough for her to listen.

"hmmm I see, so they were never truly wiped out just like I thought and it seems like quite of few of them are in hiding." Freja thought out loud while Shaman was still stressing about what was going to happen with Elysia.

"I won't harm Elysia seeing as she wants nothing to do with her family and could be of great help instead, but you are going to need to dye your hair when in public. Same with you Shaman, people do not know of your existence and your hair is a dead giveaway, you're lucky that you were in the human territory till now, otherwise someone would have eventually realized your position." Thanks to the lack of knowledge the humans had of the fox realm they were able to walk around freely without any issues.

"We met many beastmen in the human cities but how come they never recognized us?" Shaman was rather curious as to why it was only the people within the fox realm that would recognize them.

"Well, the royal family don't really rule over the territory, they just manage it as they want the people to live freely. This doesn't mean they don't have a strong presence, but you could say not everyone knows them well as they don't appear in public often."

"Most people just know that the royal family protect them and try their best to improve the lives of their subjects. The common folk won't know you are royalty but anyone of high significance or who works for the royal family will instantly recognize you." Freja gave a quick explanation that made it sound like the royal family were rather isolated from its people.

"It is also the reason why people have not noticed their disappearance as the palace is isolated and surrounded by a forest like my little empire here. The higher ups kept it a secret, so no one is panicking just yet, but I have no idea how long the information can stay secret. I am doing my best to fill in the role, but people are going to start asking questions." Freja had seemingly taken on the responsibilities of the royal family for the time being.

"So pretty much I could walk around freely but it would only be a matter of time before some recognise that I'm royalty?" Shaman found it odd that people don't really know the royal family.

"Yes and I can already see the question you're about to ask. I'm going to be honest, I have no idea how your mother does it." Freja let out an awkward laugh as she did not know how Cecilia ruled without showing herself.

"Oh, well if everyone is happy it doesn't really matter?" Shaman knew it would be a headache trying to fully understand and was simply grateful that she isn't risking her identity.

"Yes, you are going to have to ask her yourself as you will most likely take over one day." Freja held her forehead as she'd rather not think about how easily Cecilia was able to run the place.

Shaman froze for a moment upon hearing those words as she hadn't realised that one day she will have to take the throne. She also had no siblings making her the only one to be able to inherit the throne.

"Can I just let someone else do it?"

138 Have you heard of Earth?

"Let someone else do it? Sweetie, you are the only one who can take over, but don't worry, if we can get your mother free, it will be quite some time before you inherit the throne." Freja saw the worry on Shaman's face as the responsibilities of a queen are daunting.

"Phew, at least that's for future Shaman to deal with." Shaman was relieved that she most likely would not take over the role anytime soon.

"Doesn't mean you can't start learning." Freja smirked and pulled out a random book from her inventory.

"No, no, no, it's fine, please put the book away." Shaman knew she could cheat but would rather not fry her brain about how to be a queen.

"Aww too bad, maybe another time." Freja threw the book back in her inventory.

"Anyway, you said there was something about Wolfy?" Shaman quickly changed the subject, wanting to find out what Freja had to say about Wolfy.

"Ahh yes, may I ask why do you have a pet wolf with my blood?" Freja casually asked the question, taking Shaman a moment to process what Freja just said.

"Wait, he has your blood in him?" Shaman knew Wolfy was from here but never thought he would be directly related to Freja.

"Yes, although I have no idea how you got your hands on him, it seems to be mixed with your blood, technically making it our child." Freja was rather intrigued by how Shaman was able to obtain Wolfy, this caused a question to pop into Freja's mind.


'Does Shaman also have a system?' A system window opened looking at Shaman's stats but found nothing out of the ordinary besides having much higher stats than a normal tier 5.

"Wait what?! Our child? You are kidding right? I know I have been a mother to him, but for you to be also his mother? Sorry but he is mine." Shaman was freaking out as she did not want Wolfy to be taken away because of his relation to Freja.

"Wait, Freja is also my mother?" Wolfy poked his head up confused by this sudden revelation.

"Pffft, don't worry it isn't specifically my blood, but the blood of my race." Freja laughed as she purposely worded it that way to see how Shaman would react to bearing her child.

"Grrrr. I have no idea how I got him, I was killing some forest wolves and they had an egg with them. After I took it back I put a bit of my blood on the egg and it hatched the next day." Shaman glared at Freja, hoping she would not dig deeper into the subject.

"Don't look at me like that. Anyway it seems like I have gotten an answer to a question." Freja knew that this wasn't natural and figured Shaman had a system.

"Now tell me Wolfy, where do you have to go to evolve?" As just one last confirmation Freja asked a question that only she knew the answer to.

"He has to go to the dark forest springs." Shaman answered without really thinking about it as she assumed it was known.

"Oh? How do you know about the sacred springs that not even my closet partners know?" Freja smiled as she just backed Shaman into a corner, as the place she mentioned was only known to her.

"I uhhh." Shaman failed to find the words as she had no explanation that would not reveal the system.

"Then let me ask you this, ever heard of the place called Earth?" Freja leaned in and Shaman's eyes widened.

"Wait, so you are also transported?" Shaman could not believe what she was hearing, She did have her suspicions of other people being transported, but to actually find someone was not something she expected.

"So you are like Shaman?" Elysia had also sat up as she knew that Shaman was not from this world and was just as shocked as Shaman was.

"Fufu~ what a surprise, I wouldn't have thought that there would be other people getting isekied." Freja was pleasantly surprised as this was her first time meeting someone from her own world that hasn't tried to kill her.

"I- I have no words, I can't believe there are other people who were transported. I also think the Pope is one since he has a system, but you can't really confirm with him." Shaman felt relieved and instantly more comfortable with Freja as they were both from the same world.

"There are others with the system who are likely transported but they usually end up getting greedy and think they are the main character of this world." Freja's face went cold as she seemingly remembered some people.

"Aha, the last thing I would want to do is fight you." Shaman figured Freja was the one that fought with them.

"It's in the past, but this is besides the point, you need to visit the springs. I can take you there, but I have to prepare some things first." Freja needed time as it was a sacred place. Without taking the proper steps, Wolfy's evolution process could be ruined.

"We can catch up later and talk more about home, but sadly this world's responsibilities take priority." Freja was excited to talk to Shaman about her home but it will have to wait for when they have some more free time.

"I have a mission for you and your friends." Freja leaned back, pulling out a piece of paper.

"Already a mission? I thought we would have some more free time." Shaman was enjoying the downtime but it seemed like Freja wanted to keep them busy.

"You need to earn your stay. Don't worry, I just have a few nobles that need to be killed." Freja wanted to put the new available hands to work as she also had to run the fox realm leaving less time to do her own work.

'Wait why nobles?" Shaman found it odd Freja would be killing off nobles as they generally had quite a bit of power.

"They are corrupt. Someone leaked information about the queen, so now they are trying to take advantage of the situation to line their pockets with more money." Freja had a rather annoyed look as she skimmed the list of nobles that needed to be killed.

"Assuming that you are alright with killing weak nobles I expect you to be out tonight killing as many as you can." Freja passed the paper to Shaman.

Shaman and Elysia looked through the list of names and pictures of the nobles.

"So we just go to the address listed on the paper and kill them without being seen?" Shaman was unsure if this was a stealth mission or they are to barge in through the front door.

"Try to stay silent, but if you can't, by all means, set their petty mansions on fire." Freja did not care for what method, as long as the job was done. Shaman and Elysia nodded with Elysia smiling as setting a mansion ablaze sounded fun.

"Alright my cuties~ stay safe, they are not that strong, but they could be a higher tier so make sure to do the job thoroughly." Freja, clicking her fingers, teleported out of the room to prepare the springs and left the girls to complete the mission.

*Sigh* "So much new information, I feel like my head is going to explode." Ever since they arrived in the Freya forest they had been given so much new information and it was hard to keep up.

"You can say that again, this isn't even the end since we still probably have more to talk about with Wolfy." Elysia was not having it as bad since she relied on Shaman for remembering the important details.

"I was still a little shocked to hear that I am related to Freja." Wolfy did not expect to hear news about his origins and was rather excited to learn more.

"Well you will most likely get personal training from Freja so good luck on surviving." Shaman could only imagine the mental torture Wofly will go through by being around Freja all the time.

"Maybe I should just hide." Wolfy went into his shadow as thinking about being alone with Freja sounded like hell.

"Pffft, I am sure it won't be that bad. At least you will be able to evolve soon." Shaman tried to salvage Wolfy's mood and it seemed to work as he poked his head out from his shadow.

"True, hurry up then." Wolfy wanted to evolve as soon as possible since there was a good chance he would get his human form.

"Okay, okay we will get ready now, Elysia I will go talk to Clara so no burning the place down while I'm gone." Shaman stared at Elysia, as last time she was left alone a dungeon room was set ablaze.

"I-i, okay." Elysia lowered her head embarrassed.

"Good, now I will be back in a moment." Shaman got up and left the room to go speak with Clara.

139 Preparations before the night

Shaman knocked on the door to Clara's room to inform her of the mission.

"Who is it?" Clara called out wondering if it was a maid.

"It's me Shaman, sorry to bother you so soon but Freja gave us a mission." Shaman slipped the piece of paper under the door that had the details of the mission and list of people to kill.

Clara got up and picked up the paper reading through the details.

"What time?" Clara slipped the piece of paper back under the door. It was also only noon, so she wanted to know how much time she had before they went out.

"Just as the sun is setting, come to my room." Shaman picked up the piece of paper and put it in her inventory.

"Take care, I will be going now" Knowing that Clara still needed space, Shaman quickly left.

"Yep." Clara quietly responded and went back to bed.



Shaman walked back into her room to find Kiruya had come to visit.

"Hey Shaman, I have got some things to give you for your mission. Freja realised you haven't stepped outside the mansion so you will need a map." Kiruya let out an awkward chuckle.

"If you hadn't realised we would have ended up running in circles so thank you Kiruya." Shaman only just realised that they would be lost and was grateful for Kiruya.

"No worries, although it wouldn't be too hard to find since they live in small mansions. Also, please try and avoid collateral damage, not all nobles are bad and not all servants are complicit." Kiruya laid out the map of the city on the coffee table.

"I also took the liberty to mark the map for you, so you know which places to go to." Kiruya pointed at different red markings on the map.

Elysia sat down to Kiruya's side while Shaman jumped over the couch, sitting down on her other side.

Shaman and Kiruya did not think much of it, but Elysia was trying her best to keep calm.

'Don't get angry, don't get angry Elysiaaaa, everything is fine, we are just looking at a map.' Elysia was now concentrating more on not exploding rather than the map itself.

"Is that everything you need to give us?" Shaman was wondering if there was more since personally coming over to give them a map sounded time consuming.

"Nope, I have these crystals which will allow you to instantly teleport back here." Kiruya pulled out a grey crystal and handed them to Elysia and Shaman.

"Oh, well that reduces the stakes of the mission quite a bit." Shaman felt now that they were given a free get out of jail card, the mission was going to be easy.

"Well this will be the only one you will ever get since they take a year to make and only in batches of 4. Also if you're wondering why only 4, we do not have enough mana to make any more than that." Kiruya gave a short explanation as these return stones were a one time use and scarce.

"I see, so we can use this anywhere in the world then?" Shaman was rather impressed with the hearthstone as she didn't expect they would exist. Although they were one time use, it was nice to know they had a way to instantly return if they ever needed to.

"You could be in a different universe and it will return you back here so use it wisely. I already gave one to Clara so don't worry about not having enough."

"I understand, is there anything else we should know?" Shaman was eager to plan their assassinations as she could only imagine how cool it would be to silently kill a target.

"Only that Freja has put a mark on you to allow you to bypass all the magic alarms. You do not worry about tripping magic alarms unless you are spotted. Although it's an invasion of privacy, Freja made this mark so she could pay a visit to some noble women undetected, but don't tell her I said that." Kiruya looked around for a moment just to make sure Freja wasn't listening in

Shaman had no words as it sounded like something Freja would do.

"Freja has tried to make this as safe as possible to see how capable you are so don't disappoint." Kiruya stood up and went to their door before turning around.

"Good luck on your first mission, I don't want to see my new friends die so quickly."

"Aha, we are not that hopeless, don't worry, we will be back in one piece." Shaman waved and Kiruya exited the room while waving back.

Once Kiruya had left Elysia fell back in her seat in relief.

"Finally!" Elysia was already mentally exhausted from trying to fight the urge to strangle Kiruya.

"You did great, sorry I didn't realise sitting next to her would cause you to stress out that much." Shaman realised she was rather physically close to Kiruya which probably meant Elysia was focusing on controlling herself instead of what was being said.

"It's so hard to control these emotions, it's basically become an instinct for me to feel this way." Elysia was frustrated at herself, since she wanted to improve herself but it was such a difficult task.

"Well since we have a mission tonight I won't be able to reward you, but whenever we have a free night you can cash in." Shaman felt bad for Elysia. They haven't been able to do anything and when they were about to, it got interrupted.

Elysia's mood got better as she was wondering what was going to happen tonight and was glad to hear it will still happen when they are free.

"Don't get your hopes up too much, never know we may be killing these nobles for a few nights." Shaman did not want Elysia to get her hopes up as it may be a week till they get to do something.

"T-true, there are about 20 people on that list and we have no idea how long each kill will take." Elysia was a little disappointed but nonetheless still looked forward to that night.

"Speaking of which, they are all tier 6 – 7 but their level is lower than ours." Shaman found it odd that the nobles were high tier but were at such a pitiful level.

"Well, high tier does not necessitate high level. Remember how Wolfy started as level 1 but tier 4. Perhaps tier represents innate talent and levels represent actual combat experience?" Elysia guessed since they were nobles they might have higher innate talents.

"I guess, but you would think they would have to be somewhat strong to hold up as a noble. Wait nevermind, the guys in the human cities were rather trash." Shaman thought back to their time in Cholden and Victoria city. It dawned on her that they were rather low levels and power wasn't the only merit to become a noble.

"But that would be weird, Because Freja seems rather strict and yet she lets them into her Empire?" Elysia saw Freja as someone who would be rather picky and wouldn't let anyone who didn't have a good character in.

"Well, as the acting queen of the Fox realm, she can't just ignore pressing issues and shut out all the nobles in the absence of the true queen. Also, assuming it's the nobles who leaked that the queen is missing, perhaps Freja wants them where she can keep tabs on them. That way it's easier to fill the list of who must be taken care of…"

"I wonder why no one is making a big deal that Freja has taken over for the Queen, perhaps she's been increasing her influence even before these events and people simply assumed this is just her consolidating her power." Elysia started getting annoyed at the political mess they've been dragged into.

"Let's try to go the stealth route. If we kill them before they see us we won't have to listen to their excuses." Shaman could already see the headache if they let them go on a monologue.

"Anyway let's see if we can get some dark clothes because I'm not sure about this bright red shirt and my other white shirt is not ideal for stealth either." Shaman knew she had her shadow skills but wanted to dress the part as she found it rather cool.

Elysia nodded and they both got up to get some clothes, leaving Wolfy behind.

'Wish I could evolve already.' Wolfy had dozed off thinking about his evolution while Shaman and Elysia talked about the nobles. He hadn't even realised they left the room before falling asleep peacefully on the bed.

140 Ninja cosplay

Shaman and Elysia had gotten into full black cloth bodysuits that they requested from a maid. Their body was completely covered up with black up to the neck. They let their hair loose, and fit their tails through the designated small hole in their attire.

They also learnt that tailoring has its own magic. One of the mansion's maids could even create whole clothes with it as long as she has the materials.

Shaman and Elysia even watched the clothes be made in front of their eyes in only a few minutes.

"I have to say they get the measurements perfect, and it's made with magic, I can't imagine how much skill it takes." Shaman who was looking at herself in the mirror could not help thinking how precise the maid must be to use magic like this.

"Well, aren't they a bit… skin-tight?" Elysia was a little embarrassed as her curves were on full display because of the ninja outfit Shaman had got them.

"Fufu~ but you look sexy, so I don't see the issue here." Shaman enjoyed looking at Elysia.Even if they weren't going to use stealth, Shaman would probably get Elysia to wear it.

"These 'ninja' outfits don't seem very effective plus your white tail sticks out even more now." Elysia blushed and tried to change the topic away from her body.

"That's alright Clara should have some black dye for us to use."

"These outfits are great for nighttime and it's not like we don't have skills we can use for stealth." Shaman quickly used her [Shadow cloak] and appeared behind Elysia.


Shaman then grabbed Elysia from behind, pulling her to the ground in a hold.

"Ah~" Elysia let out a moan from the sudden grab around her neck.

"I was trying to prove a point, but it seems like I just turned you on instead." Shaman wanted to show that there would be no problems with her shadow skills.

"S-sorry but I'm just a little pent up that's all." Elysia held her face as she had no control over it. Pretty much anything Shaman might do to Elysia will trigger her at this point.

"Doing it while killing people. I wonder how that will work." Shaman's thoughts wandered for a moment, accidentally speaking out loud.

"SHAMAN!" Elysia yelled out to stop her as if they continued Elysia felt like she would lose control.

"Oops sorry." Shaman let go of Elysia and stood back up. Elysia sat on the floor taking deep breaths trying to calm herself down.

*knock* *knock*

"Hey, it's Clara, am I interrupting something again." Clara was at the door and heard what was going on. She could not help feeling like she was stopping another one of their sessions again.

"Oh yes come in, don't worry I was just toying with Elysia." Shaman tried to come up with an excuse to explain the moan and Elysia calling out her name.

Clara walked in her usual dress and was a bit shocked to see what they were wearing. She was almost convinced that they were in the middle of something, and she just walked in on it.

"I see you have taken interest in the outfit, do not worry I got one made just for you." Shaman reached in her inventory pulling out a ninja costume for Clara.

Clara took a step back and was conflicted about what she should do.

'Am I putting it on for Shaman or is this actually for the mission.' Clara was still unsure if this was cosplay or if Shaman was being serious.

"With this, we will be able to hide better in the dark and thanks to my stealth skills we can get past any light undetected." Shaman had a proud smile as she thought it was a rather ingenious idea.

All Clara could do at this point was to take the clothes and put them on. Clara took the full suit and went to the bathroom to get changed.

"Also, can you give me the dye you bought?" Shaman almost forgot but remembered before Clara went into the bathroom.

Clara took out the dye and threw it to Shaman before shutting the bathroom door.

Shaman then took the opportunity to apply the dye to her hair while she waited for Clara.


Clara walked out of the bathroom with the ninja clothes on. Just like Elysia, her curves were on full display and Shaman had to look away otherwise Elysia might assume the worst.

"S-so how do I look?" Clara was completely red and felt rather exposed despite being fully clothed.

"You look amazing, now that we are dressed and it is getting dark, I think it's time we head out." Shaman wanted it to be dark as soon as possible so it would be hard to see their figure, keeping them from getting distracted in the middle of the mission.

Clara, getting a bit of confidence, walked to the door where Elysia was waiting. Shaman looked over and seeing the 2 together caused her to blush. Shaman turned away holding her nose, not regretting getting the outfits.

"Shaman? Are you okay? Elysia was concerned as every time Shaman would look over, she would turn away. This made Elysia feel a little self-conscious.

'Does she not like it?' Elysia looked down at herself feeling a little down, but when Shaman turned around with a bright red face, the reason became crystal clear.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." Shaman tried her best to keep calm and not freak out.

"Eh? Are you sure?" Elysia went up to Shaman with a smirk knowing full well Shaman was having a hard time. Clara sighed and walked out of the room as she did not want to watch them flirt. Wolfy, who was sitting on the bed trying to ignore the scene, had also given up and followed Clara out.

"AHHH, no stop!" Shaman quickly went into her [Spatial rift] and left the room to avoid Elysia's assault.


On a wall that bordered the mansion stood 3 girls and a wolf. The sky had already gone completely dark, making it very hard to see anyone on top of the wall. They gazed upon Freya Forest, which looked like a small suburban town that felt quite familiar to Shaman. The mansion was also elevated, making it only slightly lower than the top of the trees. The mainsion's hill ended with a small cliff, but it was something you could easily slide down.

'Seeing as there are so many similarities, there must have been hundreds of people who were transported here before me, integrating our world's culture with this one.' Shaman now saw every similarity as the product of another person who had been transported.

"Ahem, now that we are outside, can you see why it is effective." Shaman cleared her throat and pointed towards the dark streets, which were only barely lit by crystal light.

"You are right, and I guess when nobody can see you, it doesn't matter what you look like." Clara was not a fan of other people seeing her and was now relieved that she was basically invisible.

"Damn." Elysia wanted to tease Shaman more but seeing as they were on a mission and it was too dark to show off, she couldn't.

"Anyway, our first target is a level 20 tier 7 lion. He lives in a building with a lion's head at the front, who would have thought." Shaman read out the first target on the list while Elysia looked at the map and found a building that was marked with a lion.

"Kiruya's markings have made this much easier." Elysia was grateful as it had made finding the building a lot easier.

"Alright let's make our way over." Shaman and everyone else jumped off the outer walls of the mansion. They all slid down the cliff landing at the base, then started to run in the direction of the target's house, using the mansion as an anchor point.


Thanks to Rea, they were able to communicate with each other without speaking a word.

Clara had found the mansion and was standing on the roof of the opposing house, waiting for everyone else to arrive.

Wolfy came out of the Shadows, Shaman popped out of the rift and Elysia climbed up the side of the building.

"This looks like the place." Shaman cringed a little as the lion at the front of the mansion was clearly a statue of the person they were trying to kill.

"Why would they get a statue of themselves? I can understand maybe Freja, but he's just some run of the mill noble. He must have some ego." Elysia found the place rather ugly, as the more they looked through the garden, the more things they found that resembled the target's face.

"If I was Freja I definitely would want to kill this guy, I can't begin to imagine this person's personality." Clara already did not feel any sympathy for their target and wanted to burn the entire place down.

"Alright let's not waste any time. The quicker we kill the targets the quicker we can relax… hopefully." Shaman, wanting more time to relax, hoped that after clearing this mission they would get a little bit more free time.