
Chapter 1 : (Part 3) - Selah!

A chilling sensation rippled through the warriors, freezing them in their tracks. An unspoken understanding passed between them as they exchanged fearful glances. In unison, they turned and bolted in the opposite direction.

From a distance, the newly emerged villain, Nimrod, watched them flee. A sinister smile crept across his face as he teleported closer, his eyes fixed on his prey. Without breaking his stride, he performed a series of demonic hand signals and slammed his hand to the ground. Instantly, his followers materialized around him, and they all began pursuing the fleeing warriors at an inhuman speed.

"Shit, we can't die now! We need to move! Run for your fucking lives!" Ayomide shouted, his voice laced with panic.

"Quick, Selah! Use your vibrational energy to split space and time!" another warrior urged.

Selah closed her eyes, focusing inwardly. She visualized her body's aura, feeling the energy build within her. With a sudden surge, she teleported the entire group away from danger.

Nimrod and his minions halted abruptly, their quarry vanished. With an annoyed click of his fingers, Nimrod teleported them back to their original position, resuming their ritual as if nothing had happened.